Dear Campaigners,

The weather forecast is improving and we now have our 7 miles of brilliantly knitted and crocheted scarf. This is the final practical briefing for the Wool Against Weapons link up on Nagasaki Day. It would be good for Milestone coordinators to make copies of the programme and relevant contact information for distributing on coaches and at your milestones.

The weather forecast is looking more and more positive, so fingers crossed! All is looking good for having our 7 miles of peace scarf, but Stop the War’s sudden decision to hold their 3rd Gaza demo on 9th August has caused some dificult decisions. Many of us have also been protesting against the appalling shelling and misery being inflicted on the people of Gaza, and we will continue to do so. What's happening in Israel and Palestine, nuclear weapons, militarism, and the role of UK arms industries are all linked. Though it would have been more politically effective to hold these two demos on consecutive days or weekends rather than clashing, we must endeavour to make them both strong enough to put pressure on the government so that these crimes against humanity are stopped before they harm anyone else.

A couple of changes to previous info: The coach parking space CND had agreed with Mac’s café on the A4 suddenly fell through. It’s too late to sort out an alternative, but we suggest the drivers can either drive to the industrial estates around Theale and find a quiet place to park or pay £18 to park at the Services – make your own judgement call on this.

Unfortunately, he toilets at most milestones will only be standard portaloos, not the accessible toilets that CND had ordered, as the loo company messed up. There will be disabled friendly accessible toilets at ORANGE and PURPLE.

Milestone organisers are responsible for setting up and clearing up, and we hope this family-friendly demo will be nonviolent and environmentally responsible – and fun!

Please make sure that you all come self-sufficient with food, drink, appropriate clothing and sun-cream etc. as only a couple of milestones have organised food sellers/providers.

CND is responsible for the portaloos and water pallets. All rubbish must be bagged up and removed from the demo site and route by the participants and/or milestone coordinators.

Please make sure in advance that you have made arrangements for your sections of peace scarf, either with Jaine Rose or others – otherwise please take your knitting back with you and sort out what to do with it later.

Please make enough copies of the contact list and programme (below) to distribute at your milestone. AND HAVE A GREAT, STRONG, FUN, POLITICALLY EFFECTIVE DAY !


Rebecca and all the coordinating group from Wool Against Weapons, Action AWE and CND.

1) CONTACT LIST FOR AUGUST 9TH (all milestones)

Overall milestone coordinator: Rebecca Johnson 07733 360955 and walkie talkie (will mainly be based at Green)

Rainbow Aldermaston (South-West)

Rainbow Aldermaston at corner of the Aldermaston perimeter fence at Red Lane - Stroud/Bristol/South-West – needs between 12-16 pinwheels to reach towards Purple Milestone.

Milestone Coordinator/Police Liaison Jaine Rose 07857 187976 and walkie talkie

First Aid Mike Gosling 07817 464381

Coach coordinator/Steward Mark Scott 07749 483790

Steward/Runner with bike Katherine Hallewell 07816 041078

Runner with bike/film-maker Philip Booth 07817 456646

Runner with car and trailer for pinwheel drop-off Martin Jakes 07968 051087


Stroud & Bristol (3 coaches). Departure 4pm.

Purple (Berkshire, Hampshire and South England)

Purple Milestone at Padworth Common Carpark (0.7 miles from Rainbow Aldermaston) - Berkshire, Hampshire and South England – needs between 18 to 26 pinwheels

Milestone Coordinator Helen Ledger 07835 214779 and walkie talkie

Blue (Scotland and North-East)

Blue at Englefield Estate Corner adjoining Wokefield Common (0.6 miles from Purple) - Scotland and North-east England, needs between 18-24 pinwheels

Milestone Coordinator + and walkie talkie : Andrew Gray 07579 965254 / Kath McDonald 07806 229207 / Veronika Tudhope 07790 520766

First Aid Veronika Tudhope 07790 520766

Scarf Linker Blue/Green Frances Hinton 07950 030727

Scarf Linker Blue/Purple Kath McDonald 07806 229207

Cyclist Dave Shepherdson 07957 618575


Scottish group being dropped off by Yorkshire coach

Green (Greens and Women’s peace groups)

Green at Mortimer Road (0.5 miles from Blue) – Greens and women’s peace groups – needs between 21 to 26 pinwheels

Milestone Coordinator Rosemary Warrington 07759 278445

First Aid and peace scarf linker Green/Blue Charlie Kiss 07808 932618

Yellow (Wales and borders)

Yellow at Goring Lane mini roundabout (0.7 miles from Green) – Wales and the Borders - needs between 21 to 28 pinwheels

Milestone Coordinator/Police Liaison – Angie Zelter 07456 588943 and walkie talkie

First Aid Karen Plant 07531 395342

Cafe Roo 07771 900645 Helen 07787 577637 Frances 07816 842947

Yellow Walkie Talkie Anchor Chris Plant 07751 221487

Peace Scarf Linkers West to Green Milepost (Aldermaston direction) Luby/Shanti

Peace Scarf Linkers East to Red Milepost (Burghfield direction) Bev 078133 61687


Chester CND Minibus – Allison 07873 125051. Arrival 11:30-12:00. Departure 15:10.

Aberystwyth Coach – Liza. Arrival 11:15. Departure 14:15.

Carmarthenshire minibus – Susan Davis

Knighton coach – Karin 07751 221487. Arrival 10:00-10:30. Departure 15:00-16:00.

Orange (Oxford, Yorkshire, Lancashire and Merseyside)

Orange at Lockram Lane green field (0.6 miles from Yellow) – North of Oxford, Midlands, Yorkshire/Lancashire - needs between 16 to 20 pinwheels

Milestone Coordinator Matt 07912 569521 and walkie talkie

First aid Sally Reynolds 07786 055195


West Midlands Coach – Nasima 07804 874115. Arrival 11:00.

Yorkshire coach – Sylvia

Manchester - Pat Sanchez 07946 569401. Arrival 12pm. Departure 3:30.

Leicester CND – Brenda Worrall 07989 979862. Arrival 11:00. Departure 3pm.

Oxford CND –Nuala 07806 600862

Red (Faith groups)

Red at Dairy Cottage corner (0.5 miles from Orange) – Quakers/Faith Groups – needs between 20-30 pinwheels

Milestone Coordinator Sarah Lasenby 07443 540229 and walkie talkie

Rainbow Burghfield (London, East Anglia and South East)

Rainbow Burghfield at layby adjacent to AWE Burghfield (1 mile from Red) – CND London, East Anglia and South-East, needs between 16 to 20 pinwheels.

Milestone Coordinator Ben Folley 07968 420858

CND Contact Point/Police Liaison Sara 07786 656065 with walkie talkie

Press Luke 07968 420859

First aid Becky 07920 112008


East Anglia – Peter Lanyon (07707 036279). Arrival 11:00. Departure 15:00.

Wimbledon – Joanna Bazley – 07840 295193 / Gill Hurle 07944 841999. Arrival 10:00. Departure 16:00.

Orpington – Sheila Triggs

London CND – David Polden 07990 806 112. Arrival 10am. Departure 3pm.


8.00 am to 10.00 am: Pre-demo set up.

Route will be marked with pink sticks and/or ribbons. Minibus shuttles will run from Mortimer station from 9.45 am to at least 4 pm.

10.00 am to 12.00 noon: Arrivals and Have Fun at your milestone, connect up the scarf sections – with music (if you have singers, musicians or speakers along your part of the route.

12.00 - 1.00 pm: Aim to be fully joined along the whole route by 1.00 pm.


1.00 – 1.30/2.00 pm

* When you’ve linked your knitted sections with those reaching out from adjacent milestones, ring bells for 5 minutes.

* 2 minute silence to commemorate the victims of nuclear weapons and all wars

* ring bells to conclude

Depending on how the timings have gone this could be at 1.30 pm or any time before 2.00 pm. The link-up needs to finish by 2.00 pm so everyone has time to disconnect, return to milestones, clear up etc.

2.00 – 3.00 pm: Disconnect the scarf and return to milestones, clear up and prepare to leave.

Please clear up the area, sort out if you or others are taking your scarf, and please do take and dispose of your own rubbish.

From 3.00 pm onwards – departure.

Buses will start to pick up from the milestones from 3.00 pm.


love and strength,

Rebecca and the coordinating group from Wool Against Weapons, Action AWE and CND