English 377

19th-Century U.S. Novels and Narratives

Terry Oggel

Spring 2017

Course Outline

(subject to revisions, as necessary)

Jan18Explanation of course; Novels and Narratives in the American Experience; student presentation sign-up

20conclude explanation of course; student presentation sign-up (finalized); optional paper signup; begin Melville, Billy Budd

23continue Billy Budd

25continue Billy Budd; student presentation

27continueBilly Budd

30continueBilly Budd

Feb01conclude Billy Budd; begin James, “The Art of Fiction,” part 1; part 2 at end of semester with student

presentation;sign-up for student conferences about papers

03complete James, “The Art of Fiction,” part 1; begin Davis, Life in the Iron Mills; student presentation

06continue Life in the Iron Mills

08continue Life in the Iron Mills;student conferences*

10continue Life in the Iron Mills;student conferences*

13conclude Life in the Iron Mills; begin Jacobs, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl; student presentation;student


15continue Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl;student conferences*

17continue Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl; student conferences*

20continue Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl; student conferences*

22conclude Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl; begin Hawthorne, The Custom House; student presentation

24conclude The Custom House

27beginHarper, Iola Leroy; student presentation; review

Mar01Midterm Exam

03no class

05 – 12 Spring Break

13continue Iola Leroy

15continue Iola Leroy

17continue Iola Leroy

20conclude Iola Leroy

22begin Howells, Criticism and Fiction, Introduction, Chs. I, II, IV, VI, XI, XXI XXIV; student presentation

24conclude Howells; begin Chesnutt, The House Behind the Cedars; student presentation

Friday, March 24—Last Day to Withdraw from Spring Semester Classes

27continue The House Behind the Cedars

29continue The House Behind the Cedars

31continue The House Behind the Cedars

Apr03conclude The House Behind the Cedarsbegin Country of the Pointed Firs; student presentation

05continue Country of the Pointed Firs

07continue Country of the Pointed Firs

10continue Country of the Pointed Firs

12conclude Country of the Pointed Firs

14begin Chopin, The Awakening; student presentation; optional papers due

17continue The Awakening

19continue The Awakening

21continue The Awakening

24continue The Awakening

26conclude The Awakening

28conclude “The Art of Fiction”; student presentation; review

May01cushion day--catch up, review

03Reading Day—no classes

Monday, May 8 Final Exam 8-10:50

*student conferences: meet with groups of 3-4 students to discuss paper topics
