Minutes PPG Meeting 18th May 2017.


Phil Wood, Bernard Woodhead, Bernadette Crossley, Richard Darlington, Howard Lowe, Harpal Hunjan,Elizabeth Hill and Eleanor Reddyoff.


Alan Wilson, JackieShaw, John Ruane, Wendy and Paul Scholes.

Harpal welcomed everyone and thanked all for attending, harpal mentioned it had been a challenging 18months but now things getting better. Harpal read through the Terms of Reference and a copy given to the group and discussed the importance of confidentiality with in the meetings.

Everyone introduced themselves- Harpal, Elizabeth and Eleanor said a little about their role within the practice. Harpal informed the group about all the staff with in the practice including 2 new Gp’s ,ANP ,new nurse and Mick the focus care worker and a little about their roles. It was discussed how the PPg and Hopwood House could possibly support each other working together to build a strong practice and community.

It was suggested we may introduce various activities e.g.,a gardeningclub, coffeemornings, more open days like the one for the over 75’s in July 2015 and for anyone to put forward any other ideas.

Elizabeth talked about putting on an Awareness day in the waiting room.

Harpal suggested maybe keeping in touch between meetings by email or maybe setting up a blog.

A proposal was put forward for a Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary, anyone wishing to offer their service would be gratefully appreciated.

Members of the group asked about the text messaging service and how it worked. The feedback sheets were also discussed.

Bernard offered his services by bringing patients to the practice for appointments if they had difficulty. Bernard to check with his Insurance Company.

Harpal said we would also ask JB (practice Manager) to look into this as well.

Richard agreed to do the News Letter and that we would liaise re its contents.

Patient Survey discussed and areas for improvement highlighted. Various members of the group commented on the length of the phone message when calling the Surgery, harpal said that could be changed if it was needed.

Phil commented on the receipt he had received ,could this be improved as did not state name or the practice on the receipt. It was agreed this did not look professional and needed to be changed.

Finally it was agreed that the PPG would meet every three months and a provisional date of 21.09.2017 was agreed but no time agreed as this could be flexible for all members and staff to agree a time.