Productivity Enhancement Program

The Productivity Enhancement Program (PEP) is a personal development program designed to be used with any non-productive associate. A non-productive associate is defined as one who has not had business in the past six months.

Follow the steps below to implement the PEP in your office.

  1. Identify the associate(s) who qualify for the PEP
  2. Schedule and prepare for a one-on-one
  3. Conduct the initial one-on-one
  4. Set a follow-up meeting

To prepare the plan prior to your meeting with the associate:

  • Download the Productivity Enhancement Program Plan and save it to your computer.
  • Read through the plan (pages 2 through 4) and type in data, as appropriate. There may be fields you choose to leave blank and discuss with the associate.
  • Print the form.

Productivity Enhancement Program Plan
To:[Fill in Sales Associate’s name] / Date:[Fill in date]
From:[Fill in Manager’s name]
In order to assure your speedy return to full eligibility status for [Opportunity Time and/or Lead Network], please immediately begin implementing the following action plan:
Business Development Activities:
Pure Gold Contacts
During the month of [month] please contact 50 Pure Golds, either by telephone or face to face. Be certain that part of your dialogue is a specific request for referrals in [year]. Report the results of your contacts on the Pure Gold forms provided to you at today’s One on One. Place a copy of each form in my mail slot as your complete your contact.
Open Houses
During the month of [month] please schedule and conduct three Sunday afternoon Public Open Houses. Put a copy of the neighborhood call sheet showing the neighbors who were invited by telephone or face to face visit, and a legible copy of the Open House guest registry in my mail slot no later than noon of the Monday after the Open is completed. Please plan to be in the office at [time] on the Monday evening after the Open House is completed to make follow-up calls to the prospects who visited your Open House. Put another copy of the guest registry with notes on your follow-up calls in my mail slot by the Tuesday morning following the Sunday of the Open House.
Call Sessions
During the month of [month] you will be assigned four (once a week) 2-hour shifts in our office. Our processing manager or myself will assist you in identifying streets to call and will provide you with dialogue booklets for reference guides. The call session leader will be there to provide you with coaching techniques and role-play with you if needed. Put a copy of the neighborhood call sheet in my mail slot at the end of the session each week.
Direct Mail
During the month of [month] please send out a minimum 200 piece mailing to your Farm area. Put a list of the names and addresses mailed to (available from PMC), with a copy of the contents of the mailing in my mail slot by noon on Monday.

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Servicing Current Listings:
As soon as possible please schedule a meeting in the office with the owners of the following properties to review the marketing done todate and to obtain a price improvement and listing extension. Please let me know in advance when the appointment is scheduled for, as I would like to sit in and observe your presentation. Since you will be conducting the meeting, please plan to get together with me prior to the meeting so that I can review your PTA, sellers folder and presentation plan, and offer any feedback and coaching before you meet the clients.
  • [Fill in property #1 address]

  • [Fill in property #2 address]

Team Activities:
Work Hours And Commitment
You are expected to work full time and come into the office. You must work a minimum of five days per week.
Team Meetings and Caravans
Your attendance is expected at all team meetings and caravans during the month of [month].
Broker Open Houses
You are expected to visit all Broker Open Houses that are held on [day of week] during the month of [month]. Please make a copy of the MLS Open House list, and highlight the listings you visited. Put that in my mail slot by 5PM on that day.
Other Scheduled Activities
You are expected to attend any and all other activities that may be scheduled in [month] including field training, our [day of week] office training at [time], any Call Nights, any Ongoing Professional Development Programs, and any programs that may be scheduled by the company, such as Regional Sales Rallies.
If you are unable to attend the activities outlined above, contact me in advance to explain why you won’t be able to attend.

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Online Courses And Resources:
Please take the following online courses at WeichertUniversity:
  1. [Fill in course name such as The Art of Negotiation]

  1. [Fill in course name such as Pricing It Right]

  1. [Fill in other course names]

Please read the following resources on WeichertOne, Sales Associate Resources:
  1. [Fill in resource name such as Know Your Market Inventory]

  1. [Fill in resource name such as Price Trend Analysis]

  1. [Fill in resource name such as Asking for the Price Improvement]

Other Activities:
Shadow: / To Cover:
Meet With: / To Cover:
During our next One on One (see date below)we will review the results of your efforts and make any necessary modifications to this plan.
Please let me know what I can be doing to support you.
Sales AssociateDate
Date of Next Meeting

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