Jamie T. Student

907 Floyd Avenue ▪ Richmond, VA 23284 ▪ 804.123.4567 ▪


To obtain the summer internship at Afton Chemical utilizing my laboratory skills.


Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), Richmond, VA

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, Minor: Biology

Anticipated Graduation Date: May 2008, GPA: 3.0


microscope, micropipette, centrifuge, vapor hoods, and microtone, oblique light microscope, spectrophotometer, buret, temperature probe, UV-VIS spectrophotometer, capillary electrophoresis (Hewlett Packard, Beckmann, MDQ), Bioanalyzer 2000, gas chromatography, Schopper and MIT folds, Bendsten Porosity, infrared spectroscopy, separatory funnel, filtration thru Buchner funnel, PH meter, light compound microscope, centrifuge, refluxing, thin-layer chromatography, Pasteur pipet, condenser, microchromatory column, qualitative analysis for aggregate, vet test machine, autoclaving, and reflux condenser


Error analysis and statistics, uncertainty and error analysis in linear regression, dilution technique,

signficant figures, tissue processing (paraffin wax/ alcohol dehydration) and staining; DNA/RNA

amplification, isolation and analysis; molecular genotyping and DNA sequence analysis; DNA cloning

(PCR); electrophoresis; immunoassays; spectroscopy; cell and tissue culture, gram staining, pure

culture techniques (three phase streaking pattern, plate to tube transfer, etc.), dilution plating,

biochemical differential tests (carbohydrate fermentation test, indole test, gelatin liquefaction test,

catalase test, oxidase test), gel electrophoresis, percent yield, percent error, crystallization

techniques, thin-layer chromatography, distillation techniques GC/MS, Reflux techniques: simple,

anhydrous, steam Chelex, FTA, and Qiagen DNA Extractions, DNA Quantitation with

spectrophotometer and slot blot, PCR Amplification


Organization, Your title, City, State, Dates

▪ What you did (start with an action verb)


Chemistry and Society Lab, VCU, Richmond, VA, Fall 2005

▪ Prepared samples of oxygen and carbon dioxide gas and examined the chemical properties of

oxygen, carbon dioxide, exhaled air and room air

▪ Used a conductivity detector to measure the conductivity of several liquids, solutions and foods to

observe the effect of ion concentration on conductivity and to measure conductivity changes during a

chemical reaction

▪ Determined pH of rain on a wellplate using litmus paper and red cabbage juice


▪ Information Desk, VCU, Student Assistant, Richmond, VA, 08/05-Present

▪ Chili’s, Server, Richmond, VA, 05/03-08/05


▪ Microsoft Word ▪ Microsoft Excel ▪ Microsoft PowerPoint


▪ Dean’s List, Spring 2004, Spring 2005-Spring 2006

▪ American Chemical Society Student Affiliates, Spring 2004-Present