Bay Cities Chapter, SWS, 99s

Annual Report, Spring 2011

Over the last year Bay Cities has been very busy hard at work. Our biggest contribution was hosting the Southwest Section meeting in January at Waterfront Hotel in Oakland California. We’re very proud how that event turned out and have received many compliments. Thank you to those who attended. Our Governor led a fun day full of really great work. We’ve continued to have members attend Section Meetings and International Conferences, though they tend to be the same, more mobile members.

Compared to last year we are up in membership, currently at 54 (52 this time last year), though at one point we were as high as 56. During this very slow economic recovery our members are working harder than ever before at their jobs, whether it’s self-employment or for a company, thus volunteerism and attendance is a bit lower than last year. Our last winging party was successful, thankfully since the three previous were weathered out. Bay Cities Calendar of events continues to have at least one Winging Party and one Educational Pot Luck each month and during the summer additional events. Natalie Anaston, our current Foghorn editor has been experimenting with difference formats and continues to publish a wonderful newsletter monthly.

Last winter was a hard winter for us as a chapter. The Disciplinary Bylaw Amendments that were passed in July at the Kona Convention had a huge impact on Bay Cities. The end result is that our Secretary was expelled from the Ninety-Nines. We are still recovering. Many Bay Cities members, in meetings and out side meetings, put in a lot of energy into submitting bylaw/standing rule amendments asking for voting rights to be extended to Academic Members and Associate members, as well as an amendment (with a sunset clause) asking that ballots be mailed at each election, thus enfranchising members who do not attend International Conventions (the majority of Ninety-Nines). Our proposals were rejected before being put up for discussion at the Conference. After that our Secretary took on a more antagonistic approach (not one sided I might add), which the chapter did not support. When we discovered that the Disciplinary procedures were beginning many were insulted that a volunteer that worked tirelessly for her chapter was being persecuted for her political opinions and grass roots efforts. I, as current Chairman, was never contacted with inquiries as an officer with first hand experience with this member.

Official notice came as a phone call from the Governor, telling me that our Secretary’s rights were suspended until further notice and that all other information was confidential. I needed to find a substitute Secretary. Trying my best to avoid rumors and give the facts as I had them, we discussed the issue at a few meetings. Some members were appalled at the idea of kicking some one out of a volunteer organization. One member seriously questioned the integrity of the organization; as a young member she was now worried what would happen to her in the future if she spoke up about something. We had 2 members not renew as a statement of protest. Being fair some members did not support the Proposals as we submitted them, but they were in the voting minority. One of those members agreed that expelling a member was still inappropriate. So for now, while we repair emotional damage, we will step back from International business. Which is sad because we have some really talented women, who are now gun shy about participating in any way shape or form, including International Conventions. As a chapter we believe in transparency, hence my effort at communicating the situation.

We also believe in enfranchisement, and in an continuing effort to lead the way and get our chapter governing documents in order, we passed a Standing Rule outlining our voting procedure for Chapter Elections. Our elections for the new term beginning June are currently in progress and we have a candidate for each position, resulting in a full board. It’s always exciting to have new people take the leadership and bring fresh enthusiasm to the chapter.

Over the last year we have been honored with many scholarships being awarded to our members. The awards are a testament to the caliber of pilot in our ranks. Amber Whitmill won the Sacramento Valley Chapter Scholarship. Tracy Zedeck won a few scholarships from AWAM as well as attendance at the HeliExpo from the Whirly Girls. Sophia Malerick won the Mt. Diablo Chapter scholarship. I’m very proud to say that our two 2011 AEMSF applicants and our alternate have all been forwarded to the final judges. We are so excited! Also, Bay Cities is in the process of putting together our own perpetual scholarship to be announced at the 2012 Winter Workshop. We are on the move.

As we move into summer, with new leadership and new opportunities, I believe our chapter will continue to thrive and grow.

Respectfully submitted,

Wendy O’Malley

Bay Cities Chapter Chairman

Bay Cities Chapter had monthly general meetings, the 2nd Monday, at Kaiser Air, OAK.

7 pm to 9pm.


Alameda County121299

Bay Cities38435354

Mount Diablo161410 8

Golden West 7 77 5

Marin County20171617

Santa Clara Valley84838078

San Joaquin Valley29242224