Public Health and Community Outreach Committee

Underserved Areas Externship Stipend

PHCOC Mission Statement

“The committee shall assist in the provision of veterinary medical care for underserved populations, the provision of practical experience for SAVMA members, and in increasing youth interest in careers related to veterinary medicine or allied health careers.”

Applicant Requirements:

¨ SAVMA member in good standing.

¨ Complete and send the application to .

-  Awards will cover externships that are carried out between September 1, 2013 and August 31, 2014.

o  Awards can be distributed in a retroactive manner

o  A total of eight (8) $500 awards are available for each academic year

§  4 Awards will be given for externships completed between September 1, 2013 and January 31, 2014

§  4 Awards will be given for externships completed between January 31, 2014 and August 31, 2014.

¨ During the externship, give a presentation to local students about opportunities in veterinary medicine. The PHCOC has links to presentations on its webpage that can be reached through the SAVMA website.

¨ Write and submit a brief but detailed summary article (minimum of 750 words) for publication in the SAVMA Vet Gazette within 30 days after completion of the externship. Pictures and/or video are also encouraged to be submitted. Please send submissions to .

¨ Inform the committee of any changes to externship plans/required application information.

¨ Verification of the externship and presentation, as approved by the committee, must be emailed directly by the supervising vet to within 30 days of completion of the externship. The e-mail must include details on the dates of the externship, approximate time commitment, and underserved populations that are served. Other comments on value of the externship and/or your performance on the externship should also be included.

Applications are awarded for merit and stipend award decisions are made periodically on a rolling basis at the discretion of the SAVMA Public Health and Community Outreach Committee. Please remember that the stipends are paid in a reimbursement fashion, and that stipends are not guaranteed. However, if your application is approved and you meet the above requirements, the student will be awarded the stipend within 30 days of receipt of all materials after the externship. Stipends may be used to reimburse the student for expenses directly associated with service to an underserved population, including but not necessarily limited to travel, housing, and supplies associated with the service.

Please be as specific as possible when completing the application, being sure to include all relevant information. We encourage thoughtful responses when describing how the experience fulfills the mission of the PHCOC. Application not limited to one page.


Student name:

Veterinary school:


Student e-mail and phone number:

SCAVMA contact e-mail:

Externship summary (approximate hours, responsibilities, etc):


Externship contact information:

Supervising veterinarian name, e-mail, and phone number:

Dates of externship:

Please outline expenses associated with the service (transport, lodging, food, supplies, other):

Have you applied for or received funds from any other sources? If so, please explain:

Student presentation (title, date, location, approximate age and number of students):

Please describe how the externship fulfills the mission of the PHCOC:

Externship Tips:

Before Your Externship:

·  Vaccinations: Make sure your vaccinations are up to date - necessary immunizations include rabies and tetanus (check with individual clinic veterinarian to determine if other vaccines are required)

·  Health Insurance: You should have health insurance - the supervising veterinarian and SAVMA are NOT responsible for any injuries or medical treatment that you may require while participating in your externship.

·  Malpractice Insurance: Check with the clinic veterinarian to determine whether or not you will need malpractice insurance. AVMA/PLIT has some options for students.

·  Transportation: Transportation is not provided by PHCOC or SAVMA. Transportation should be provided by the student if it is needed.

·  What to bring: Suggested items include: Stethoscope, thermometer, bandage scissors, needle holders, dress code and personal supplies. Please contact the individual clinic concerning dress code and supplies you may need.

SAVMA members are eligible for AVMA Group Health and Life Insurance through GHLIT, Student Liability Insurance from PLIT, and discounted car rental from Alamo and National. Please see the AVMA membership website for more details,

Please note that many of the clinics operate on small budgets. Any supply donations you can bring will be greatly appreciated.