Welcome !!

Welcome to worship on this Lord's Day! We are blessed by your presence and hope that you will experience the love of God reflected in the life of this community of faith. Nursery care is provided from 9:15-11:45 a.m. for ages three and under, though we love to have children of all ages remain with us in worship. Please complete the friendship pad in your row during the announcements and pass it back so that you are able to greet your neighbors by name.


(L = Leader / P = People / A = All)

Greeting & Announcements

L:The Peace of Christ be with you!

P:And also with you!

The Sign of our Belonging

In the waters of baptism, we participate in the death and resurrected life of Jesus Christ.


Call to Worship:

L: How beautiful the march of days as seasons come and go.

P:How beautiful the hand of God!

L:How powerful the rain to feed our thirst turns soon to lay a crystal robe of rest on earth.

P:How beautiful the hand of God!

L:How gracious the love of Jesus uniting us in faith, song and service.

A:How beautiful the hand of God!

* Opening Hymn #292 “All Beautiful”

* Prayer of Confession

L:Let us come now before God in honest self-examination and a deep desire to live as God intends.

P:Lord God, you are constantly at work around and within us. We know how far short we fall of your purpose for us. Move boldly in our life and transform us with your urgings of peace and wholeness. We need you to heal our collective heart, to guide our nation’s leaders to justice for all. Let your peace begin in with each one of us. And open our eyes to your constant work of mercy in the most unlikely places and people. Oh hear our prayers and answer our pleas....

(A time for silent confession....)

* Words of Assurance

L:May our merciful Lord Jesus, who forgives all sin, strengthen you in all goodness, and by the Spirit keep us in eternal life.


* We Praise Our God #322

Spirit of the Living God, Fall afresh on me (repeat)

Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me.

Spirit of the Living God, Fall afresh on me.


Psalm 36: 7-9 (unison)(p. 510 OT)

Special Music“Una Mattina”
arr. Ludovico EinaudiLéonie Dozance

Children’s Time

Gospel Reading Mark 10: 38-41 (p. 45 NT)

L:Hear what the Spirit is saying to the church.

P:Thanks be to God.

Sermon “How God Works Wonders”Pastor Teresa

* Hymn #350 “Fill My Cup, let it overflow”


We Share Our Joys and Concerns

L:God, in your mercy,

P:Hear our prayer.

Congregational Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer (Spoken together)

A:Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

Presentation of our Tithes and Offerings

Offertory“Minuet in G”
arr. Ludwig BeethovenPeggy Pillers

* Doxology“Give Thanks” (sing together)

Give thanks with a grateful heart, Give thanks to the Holy One

Give thanks, because He’s given Jesus Christ, His Son.

And now let the weak say I am strong, let the poor say I am rich

Because of what the Lord has done for us. Give thanks.

* Prayer of Dedication (spoken together)

As we bring our gifts to you, Gracious God, teach us to live simply, generously, and peaceably with our neighbors. Amen.


* Closing Hymn #553

“For The Fruit of All Creation”

* Benediction

* Congregational Response # 587 “Amen”


Worship Notes:
All those who are able, please stand where you see an asterisk*
Bolded words are spoken or sung together by the people.
Rev. Dr. Teresa Roberts
Liturgist: Doug Marker / Pianist: Judy Kereakos
Community Presbyterian Church
3705 55th Street NW
Rochester, MN 55901
(507) 280-9291

Office hours: M-Th 9am-2pm
Lincoln Shirk/Heath Office Administrator

Music Notes: Our guest musicians today are Peggy Pillers and Léonie Dozance. CPC member Peggy Pillers attended a Youth Ballet Summer Intensive 5-week program this summer in Carlyle, PA. She also hiked across Isle Royale and attended church camo in Clearwater. The Pillers family is hosting foreign exchange student Léonie Dozance, a native of France. She is attending MayoHigh School and is active in gymnastics and volleyball, and will be participating in the fall musical, “The Music Man.”

A Weekly Prayer Tool : Each day focus your thoughts and prayer on one line of this Psalm:

(Monday) “How precious is your steadfast love, O God!

(Tuesday) All people may take refuge in the shadow of your wings.

(Wed) They feast upon the abundance of your house,

(Thurs) And you give them drink from the river of your delights.

(Friday) For with you is the fountain of life;

(Sat) In your light, we see light.” (Psalm 36: 7-9)

ANNOUNCEMENTSSeptember 30, 2012

Today at CPC:

9:30: Worship Service

Worship Assistants / Greeter / Nursery Attendant(s) / Library Attendant
Margaret Petersen, Jean Abels, Linda Overton / Louis Bouchard / Elizabeth Deeds, Tabitha Harland / Judy Kereakos

ANNOUNCEMENTSSeptember 30, 2012


Monday...... 8:30 a.m...... Garden Group

Tuesday...... 6:30 p.m...... Deacons

...... 7:00 p.m...... Mission Special Meeting

Wednesday....6:30 a.m...... PrayerGroup@MadonnaTowers

...... 7:00 p.m...... Choir

Thursday.....7:30 p.m...... Aikido

Saturday...... 9:00 a.m...... Library Committee Guest Speaker

...... 10:00 a.m...... Aikido

...... 4:00 p.m...... Great Room Occupied


October 6Library Committee Guest Speaker

October 7Peacemaking Sunday, CROP Walk

October 13Dinner Out Event

October 28All Saints’ Sunday


Announcing the Big Dig

The parking lot flower beds will be redone by Sargents within a few weeks. The plantings will consist of low maintenance bushes and trees with mulch applied to the soil beneath. CPC members are invited on Sundays, Sept. 30 and Oct. 7 to participate in the “Big Dig” at which time you can choose perennials from these beds that you would like to dig and transplant at your home. The Garden Group will provide plastic bags, shovels and a helping hand if needed.

Library Committee Guest Speaker

On Saturday, October 6, at 10 a.m., author Douglas McGill will be speaking at CPC. He is a frequent contributor to the Post-Bulletin, and his most recent book is Here, a Global Citizen’s Journey. The CPC Library Committee is hosting the fall meeting of the SE MN church librarians group, and invites everyone to come hear Mr. McGill speak.

Peacemaking Sunday

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” (Matthew 5:9)

October 7 is Peacemaking Sunday and World Communion Sunday. A special offering will be collected, with 25% of the offering to go to The Rochester Area Diversity Council to support their work in our local schools with Anti-bullying curriculum, and forums on Problems with Bias and Diversity issues in our area. The balance will go to the Presbyterian Church (USA) for peacemaking. Please contribute as generously as you can for you are the peacemakers, the children of God.


On October 7, you are invited to participate in the annual interfaith CROP Walk. Channel One Food Bank will receive 25% of the funds raise, and the rest will be used by Church World Service to alleviate hunger and poverty and promote peace and justice among the world’s most vulnerable people. Registration begins at 1:30 p.m. at First Presbyterian Church, and the Walk will take place at 2 p.m.

Adult Christian Education

Our October 7 class will be a Respectful Conversation about the Boy Scouts of America’s policy of excluding openly gay leaders in scouting activities. This is pertinent to CPC, as we have recently agreed to sponsor a local Cub Scout Pack. October 14 will be a discussion on the proposed MN gay marriage amendment. October 21 will include a discussion on the proposed MN voter ID amendment. The “Who Wrote the Bible?” series will continue in November. New ideas for topics are always welcome! Please contact Shannon Bennett with any suggestions .

Join Us For A Dinner Out!

On October 13, join us for an outing to Four Daughters Vineyard and Winery. They are located at 78757 State Highway 16 in Spring Valley, MN. Meet us at CPC at 4:00 p.m. if you would like to carpool with us. If you need a ride from your residence, please contact one of the Membership Committee Members.

Kitchen Improvements

Check out the cart of items that are offered for your donations, since our kitchen needed some “sorting out.” All receipts will go for our kitchenimprovements.

All Saints’ Sunday

On October 28 at our 9:30 service, we will honor and pray for those members of our church family who have died since January 1, 2011. The service will be followed with a special coffee time with the families of those who have left us in body, but remain with us in spirit. Family members can contact Pastor Teresa or Mary Jensen, chair of Worship & Music, for further information.

“It’s A Wrap!” We will hold an all-church packing party for Operation Christmas Child after coffee fellowship on October 28th. If you wish to support this mission with a donation for shipping, please make checks to “Samaritan’s Purse” and give them to Denise.

Nominating Committee Looking For Church Leaders

Our Nominating committee is currently working on selecting church officers for 2013. If you or someone you knowis interested in serving a 3-year term as an Elder or Deacon please let a member of the nominating committee know.

Winter OuterWear

It’s time to start thinking about the Community Winter OuterWear initiative. With winter on its way, CPC will be serving as a drop site for coats, snow suits, snow pants, boots, gloves, hats, mittens and scarves. Thank you for helping low income families stay warm this winter.

Church World Service Donations

Women of the Church would like to thank you for helping with the school kits for Church World Service, whichdistributes them all over the world. However, we still need $2 each for shipping purposes.

2012 Directories

The 2012 Directories are available to be picked up in the Narthex. Please take one copy per family, as indicated.

New Bulletin Design

Giving Report
August ’12 Weekly Average $ 2,152.78
Year to Date Avg. ‘12$ 3,846.75
Budgeted Weekly for ‘12$ 3,136.19
Per Capita Received ’12 $ 2150.49
Total Per Capita Paid ’12 $ 4,586.35
Special Offerings
One Great Hour of Sharing $ 1,186.00
Christmas Joy Offering $ 1,254.00
Thank Offering $ 635.00
Peace Offering $ 837.00

We are experimenting with a new design for the Bulletin that saves paper and is easier to hold. We appreciate your input and ask that suggestions be directed to the Worship and Music Committee.