Finest Physio Ltd.

1 Briardene

Durham, DH1 4QU

Tel: 07930604637

Company Regn. No. 6593229

Course name / Practical Taping Course
Date / 2 March 2014
Course cost / £120


First Name(s)
Job Title
Postal code
Day-time tel.
Evening tel.
Booking conditions:
Course places are limited; all bookings will be taken on a first come first serve basis.
Course bookings will only be accepted on receipt of the application form and full payment of course fee. Upon receipt of application form and course fee you will be sent a letter confirming your place on the course.
Cancellation of places:
Course places may be cancelled in writing up to 7 days in advance of the start date. For cancellation of less than 7 days the full fee will be required unless the place can be resold, in which case a refund will be paid. Alternatively, substitute delegates are accepted at any time.
Cancellation by Finest Physio Ltd.:
Courses run subject to demand. Finest Physio Ltd. reserves the right to cancel courses at anytime. In the event of cancellation by Finest Physio Ltd., refunds will be made in full. Finest Physio Ltd. will not be held responsible for any costs/damages incurred as a result of course cancellation.
Data Protection:
If you do not wish to be contacted about future courses or other information that Finest Physio Ltd believe may be of interest to you, please tick the box □
Please attach your cheque, payable to ‘Finest Physio Ltd.’ to the back of this application form. Please write your name and address on the back of the cheque, along with the course name and date. Please post to: Finest Physio Ltd., 1 Briardene, Durham, DH1 4QU.
Alternatively pay ‘Finest Physio’ at RBS, Sort Code: 16-26-22, Account No: 10005441with your name as reference, and send or e-mail me your signed application form with note: Paid direct.

I confirm that I have read and agree to the terms outlined above

Signature / Date