INFR617: E-Portfolio LM: Deliverable 1 and 2

Lori Laird

Muskingum University

Individual Goal / Related MISST Learning Objectives / Importance / Measuring Progress
Show leadership through asking questions, doing research and analysis / GROUPPS
CRIT / My role is both an individual contributor and informal leader. I must be able to consistently show that I can lead any type of project. / When I am asked to assist with direction, design, and implementation on all types of projects, even if the product is not something that I have previous knowledge of.
Monitor new and emerging technology / EMERGT
/ I am often asked to research software that will solve various problems. It is critical that I be aware of and able to recommend new and emerging technology so that I can help my company make informed business decisions / When I am able to provide technical recommendations that are accepted to my Leadership team through researching new/emerging technology
Be an engaged team member and facilitate team cohesiveness / TEAMW
/ Teamwork thru a healthy, engaged team is the optimal way to get things done. I want to be a highly engaged team member who also facilitates engagement for other team members. / Annual Gallup Engagement survey results are equal to or above the Mean score of the previous year.
To constantly monitor and work on my strengths and weaknesses / LEARN
CHANGE / To be successful I must always be aware of and ready to do something about my strengths/weaknesses / Annual or bi-anual 360 feedback
To continually learn and add to my professional skill set / LEARN
CHANGE / Without continual growth & learning I will become obsolete and no longer useful to my company. / By completing courses or learning 2 or more new tools per year. By demonstrating & sharing new knowledge with my team.
To communicate clearly & concisely in written communications; to keep my audience in mind when choosing the format and style of communication. / COMMUNICATION
/ One of my main roles is communicating new or changing technology to my peers and customers. / Complete courses on communicating via email, Instant Messaging, Social Media

Deliverable 2 – Script the Critical Moves

I.  Be an engaged team member and facilitate team cohesiveness

I believe that this will be one of the more challenging goals to achieve because it is in part based on other people’s behavior, thoughts, actions and opinions. It can often be difficult to affect others. According to Chip and Dan Heath, to script the critical moves I will need to shape, motivate and direct. To do that, I will make sure that we are all working toward the same goal. I will try to determine what engagement means to each individual. I can also get to know, or directly ask, each person what they need to be engaged. Knowing what motivates each person will help me determine the best way to get them involved in team activity. And finally, once I know the path and the motivation, I can make sure that we all know two things; 1) what motivates each other and 2) what are common business goals that we, as a team, are expected to accomplish. This is so that every team member has clarity on team expectations.

II.  To constantly monitor and work on my strengths and weaknesses

Constantly monitoring and working on my strengths and weaknesses is something that will be challenging because it is never-ending. It can wear on a person to constantly face feedback and subsequently strategize on the best way to address weaknesses. And while strengths are definite assets to be effective they must be nurtured, maintained and used. So, my plan for this learning goal is to make sure that I keep a close eye on my strengths and weaknesses by getting a mentor who is very honest, asking for 360 Feedback on a bi-annual or annual basis, and then formulating an action plan to address the feedback.