APPLICATION DUE DATE: 11:59 p.m. October 10, 2018.

When you have completed this application, please save it in .doc or .docx format with your full name as the file name and email it to . You will receive a confirmation email.

Thank you for taking the time to fill out this application. If you are selected for an interview, you will hear from us within one month after the application due date. If you have any questions regarding the application process, please email

It is important to note that joining the Helpline requires a major time commitment. This includes 12 weeks of training for 4 hours per week. Training will begin spring semester; you are required to schedule your classes around training sessions. After joining the line, volunteers will spend an average of 5 hours every week on individual and group activities for the benefit of the Helpline. Please take this into consideration when applying.

Due to the timing of the training process, current seniors are not eligible to apply.

IMPORTANT:The students who staff the Emory Helpline are anonymous and highly value their confidentiality. To protect this anonymity, please do not tell ANYONE that you are applying to the Helpline. We cannot stress this enough. Thank you.

We appreciate your interest in the Helpline and look forward to reading your application!


  • Age:
  • Name:
  • Preferred Pronouns (you may leave this blank if you prefer):
  • Ethnicity (you may leave this blank if you prefer):
  • Email address:
  • Current year at Emory:
  • Are you an international student?


1. Why are you interested in becoming a Helpline volunteer?

2. Describe any previous experience(s) which may prepare you for work on the Helpline.

3. Which of your strengths do you think will aid you most if you are selected to be a Helpline volunteer

4. Some Helpline calls involve issues like depression, sexual assault, drug use, suicide, abortion, and sexuality. Not everyone is comfortable talking about these issues. What issue(s) would you feel unsure about or need to work on before you would be able to objectively help someone on the line?

5. The Helpline thrives on the open-mindedness and respectfulness of our staff. Furthermore, Helpline acts to guide people through issues without pushing any personal opinions on them. What experiences have you had interacting with people from backgrounds and opinions different from your own that would be beneficial to the work that Helpliners do?

6. What other organizations/activities are you currently involved in, and how much time do you devote to these activities per week/month? How would the Helpline fit in with your other activities, keeping in mind the anonymity and time commitment involved?

7. Tell us your thoughts/feelings about the following topics. Please do not simply define the term. One to two sentences is sufficient. One or two sentences are sufficient.



c.Use of recreational substances (e.g. alcohol, heroin, etc.)


e.Sexual orientation

f.Gender identity

g.Sexual assault

h.Eating disorders

i.Intimate partner violence




8. The Helpline is committed to discussing issues of diversity and improving the self-awareness of our members. By selecting "yes" below, you are acknowledging that you are willing to commit to engaging in such efforts.

Yes No

9. Helpline Mission Statement

The mission of the Emory Helpline is to be an avenue for authentic expression of emotions and concerns. By providing non-judgmental listening and peer counseling services over the phone in an anonymous manner, we help callers understand themselves, know when they need help, and learn how to improve themselves. The Helpline serves anyone who seeks our services and refers individuals to appropriate resources when helpful. We exist for the benefit of the Emory and greater Atlanta community, and not for ourselves or for the benefit for our members. It is our honor and privilege to destigmatize mental health concerns and cultivate a more accepting community through the work we do.

I agree I disagree

10. Is there anything you would like to tell us about yourself that we haven’t asked?


**By submitting this application you are agreeing to the following:

I understand that I must keep my application to Emory Helpline confidential. I understand the time commitment required. I understand I must complete a training course next semester to be eligible to work on the line. I am applying to the Helpline because I agree with its mission and want to help the community, even without recognition.

I agree I disagree

REMEMBER: Please email completed application to .