A. You are on holiday in New York. Since you like Puerto Rican food, you decide to go to lunch at La Carreta. The examiner will play the role of the waiter / waitress .

  1. Ask for bread and salad.
  2. Ask if they have chicken and rice.
  3. Say yes, it's your favourite dish.
  4. Order pineapple juice.
  5. Ask for mango ice cream.

B.You are working at the information desk of the airport. A Spanish-speaking tourist approaches you. The examiner will play the role of the tourist.

  1. Say it (the flight) will leave at 8:15.
  2. Say it takes half an hour.
  3. Say there are many taxis at the airport.
  4. Answer appropriately.
  5. Tell him/her he will love the native dishes.




A. You are shopping at a big department store in Santo Domingo. The examiner will play the role of the sales assistant.

  1. Say you are looking for a shirt/blouse.
  2. Say you want a large size.
  3. Ask how much it costs.
  4. Say it is too expensive.
  5. Say yes but you prefer another colour.

B.While in Barcelona you telephone a cinema. The examiner will play the role of the person who takes your call

  1. Say that you want to reserve four seats.
  2. Answer appropriately.
  3. Say that two of the seats are for children.
  4. Say that you prefer to sit near the aisle.
  5. Ask how much the tickets cost.




A. You are working as a front desk clerk at a local hotel. A Spanish-speaking tourist conies to you to check in. The examiner will play the role of the tourist.

  1. Greet the guest and ask how you may help him/her.
  2. Ask him/her his/her name.
  3. Ask him/her how many nights he/she is staying.
  4. Ask how he/she is paying.
  5. Thank the guest and ask him/her to wait a minute.

B. In a street in Nassau a Spanish-speaking tourist asks you for directions to the Post Office. The examiner will play the role of the tourist.

  1. Say you are learning it at school.
  2. Answer appropriately.
  3. Say it is a three-storey building.
  4. Say that he/she has to go to a bank.
  5. Say that there are several banks on Bay Street.




A. While going home from school, you meet a Cuban student on the bus. The examiner will play the role of the Cuban student.

  1. Ask him/her what part of Cuba he/she is from.
  2. Ask if his/her family is here too.
  3. Say you live with your grandmother.
  4. Say she is a teacher.
  5. Say you would like to be a doctor.

B. You have gone into a post office in Caracas to post some letters and postcards.
The examiner will play the role of the clerk who attends to you.

  1. Greet the clerk and say that you would like to buy stamps.
  2. Answer appropriately.
  3. Say that they are all very light.
  4. Say that you also want to send a postcard to The Bahamas.
  5. Ask how much everything costs.




A. You are working at the information desk of the airport. A Spanish-speaking tourist approaches you. The examiner will play the role of the tourist.

  1. Say it (the flight) will leave at 8:15.
  2. Say it takes half an hour.
  3. Say there are many taxis at the airport.
  4. Answer appropriately.
  5. Tell him/her he will love the native dishes.

B. Your Dominican neighbour invites you to have supper at his/her house. The examiner will play the role of the neighbour.

  1. Apologise, giving a reason why you cannot come.
  2. Answer appropriately.
  3. Say you are free and can come to his/her house.
  4. Answer appropriately.
  5. Offer to bring a bottle of red wine.




A. While in Barcelona you telephone a cinema. The examiner will play the role of the person who takes your call.

  1. Say that you want to reserve four seats.
  2. Answer appropriately.
  3. Say that two of the seats are for children.
  4. Say that you prefer to sit near the aisle.
  5. Ask how much the tickets cost.

B. Your Colombian friend is spending a week at your house. He/she wants to find out about your school. The examiner will play the role of the friend.

  1. Say that your school is far from your house.
  2. Say that in The Bahamas every student must wear a uniform.
  3. Answer appropriately.
  4. Say some walk and others travel by car or bus.
  5. Answer appropriately.



A. In a street in Nassau a Spanish-speaking tourist asks you for directions to the Post Office. The examiner will play the role of the tourist.

  1. Say you are learning it at school.
  2. Answer appropriately.
  3. It is a three-storey building.
  4. Say that (s)he has to go to a bank.
  5. Say that there are several banks on Bay Street.

B. You are on holiday in Caracas when your wallet/handbag is stolen. You go to the police station to report the theft. The examiner will play the role of the police officer who attends to you.

  1. Greet the officer and say you were robbed in the park.
  2. Answer appropriately.
  3. Say he was tall and dark-haired.
  4. Answer appropriately.
  5. Ask the officer what they intend to do.





A. You have gone into a post office in Caracas to post some letters and postcards. The examiner will play the role of the clerk who attends to you.

  1. Greet the clerk and say that you would like to buy stamps.
  2. Answer appropriately.
  3. Say that they are all very light.
  4. Say that you also want to send a postcard to The Bahamas.
  5. Ask how much everything costs.

B. You are staying at a hotel in Buenos Aires. One night you go to see the hotel doctor. The examiner will play the role of the doctor.

  1. Greet the doctor and say you do not feel well tonight.
  2. Say that you have a terrible stomach ache.
  3. Answer appropriately.
  4. Answer appropriately.
  5. Ask how late the pharmacy stays open.