The Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Hackensack was held at City Hall, 65 Central Avenue, Hackensack, New Jersey, on Tuesday, February 10, 2015 at 8:09pm.

Mayor John Labrosse Jr. called the meeting to order and the City Clerk Deborah Karlsson announced that the meeting was being held in accordance with the Sunshine Law, notice having been published according to law, with a copy on file in the City Clerk’s office, and a copy posted on the bulletin board in City Hall.


Ms. Karlsson called the roll: Mayor John P. Labrosse Jr., Deputy Mayor Kathy Canestrino, Councilman Battaglia, Councilman Sims and Councilwoman Greenman are present. City Manager David Troast, and City Attorney Thomas Scrivo are in attendance.

Flag Salute


Proclamation for Cathy Puglisi was read aloud for her service to Hackensack through the City’s Elks Club.

Approval of Minutes

A motion to approve the Regular and C.O.W. Meeting Minutes from December 22, 2014, was offered by Deputy Mayor Canestrino and seconded by Councilman Sims. The minutes were approved by all five Councilmembers.

City Manager’s Report – David R. Troast

In regards to the snow and ice from the past couple of weeks, until today there was a salt shortage. The County has opened up to other buying groups so Hackensack and other municipalities in the County can receive salt in a timely manner. I will look into the possibilities of purchasing salt from another County. Depending on the supplier and buying group, dollar per tonnage will vary. Prices are dependent on a bidding process.

Street cleaning signs are enforced whether or not there is snow on the ground. Cars need to be removed from the streets during and after storms. The Police Department and DPW have been working diligently to clear the streets and I think we have caught up.

The deadline for Hackensack Baseball Registration at the Recreation Center is February 28th.

Approval of Resolutions

Council Member / Intro / Second / Yes / No / Abstain / Absent / Excused
Battaglia / X
Deputy Mayor Canestrino / X / X
Sims / X / X
Greenman / X
Mayor Labrosse / X




BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Hackensack that the proper officers be and are hereby authorized to make the following refund for the reason stated:

$75.00 is a refund for Basketball Registration

Refund to: Mrs. Fatima Brown

84 Elm Avenue

Hackensack, New Jersey, 07601

Council Member / Intro / Second / Yes / No / Abstain / Absent / Excused
Battaglia / X / X
Deputy Mayor Canestrino / X / X
Sims / X
Greenman / X
Mayor Labrosse / X




WHEREAS, in 2011 Ms. Ann Marie Saccaro was appointed to a five-year term to expire on December 31, 2016; and

WHEREAS, Ms. Saccaro did not complete her term on the Housing Authority; and

WHEREAS, on December 17, 2013, Resolution 512-13 was adopted appointing Ms. Marie Dukes to the City of Hackensack Housing Authority to fill the unexpired term of Ann Marie Saccaro; and

WHEREAS, Section 24-2 of the Hackensack Municipal Code states that a vacancy on the Housing Authority “shall be filled for the unexpired term”; and

WHEREAS, Resolution 512-13 incorrectly identified Ms. Dukes’ term as a full term to expire on December 31, 2018; and

WHEREAS, Ms. Dukes should have been an appointed to fill the unexpired term ending on December 31, 2016.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and Council of the City of Hackensack that Ms. Dukes’ term on the Housing Authority be amended to expire on December 31, 2016.

Council Member / Intro / Second / Yes / No / Abstain / Absent / Excused
Battaglia / X / X
Deputy Mayor Canestrino / X
Sims / X / X
Greenman / X
Mayor Labrosse / X




Prior to the Adoption of the budget

Per N.J.S.A. 40A:4-20

WHEREAS, an emergency condition has arisen with respect to the need to make payments for operating expenses prior to the adoption of the budget, and no adequate provision has been made in the 2015 temporary budget for the aforesaid purpose; and

WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 40A:4-20 provides for the creation of an emergency temporary appropriations for the purpose above mentioned; and

WHEREAS, the total emergency temporary appropriations adopted in the year pursuant to the provision of N.J.S.A. 40A:4-20 (Chapter 96, P.L. 1951 amended) including this resolution total $8,707,188.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, (not less than two-thirds of all members therefore affirmatively concurring) that in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:4-20:

1.  An emergency temporary appropriation be and the same is hereby made for:


Tax Collection – O/E 5-01-20-145-145-200 5,000 5,000

Workers Comp – O/E 5-01-23-215-215-200 50,000 50,000

Gen Insurance – O/E 5-01-23-220-220-200 50,000 50,000

Police – O/E 5-01-25-240-240-200 75,000 75,000

Snow Removal – O/E 5-01-26-290-291-200 25,000 25,000

City Garage – O/E 5-01-26-300-301-200 7,000 7,000

Recycling – O/E 5-01-26-305-306-200 14,000 14,000

PEOSHA – O/E 5-01-27-330-332-200 6,000 6,000

Recreation – O/E 5-01-28-370-370-200 10,000 10,000

Parks/Playgrnds – O/E 5-01-28-375-375-200 10,000 10,000

Interlocal 9-1-1 - O/E 5-01-42-250-251-200 3,000 3,000

Interlocal–Health – O/E 5-01-42-250-256-200 10,000 10,000

Debt Serv – Bond Princ 5-01-45-920-920-28F 900,000 900,000

Debt Serv – Bond Int 5-01-45-920-930-28G 206,000 206,000

Wastewater Loan – Prin 5-01-45-920-942-28J 21,000 21,000

Wastewater Loan – Int 5-01-45-920-942-28K 25,000 25,000

Capital Leases – P&I 5-01-45920-945-28L 26,000 26,000

Pension – PERS 5-01-36-471-471-200 1,324,188 1,324,188

Pension – PFRS 5-01-36-475-475-200 5,940,000 5,940,000

Total $8,707,188

2.  That said emergency appropriation will be provided for in the 2015 operating budget in full.

3.  That three certified copies of this resolution be filed with the Director of the Division of Local Government Services

Council Member / Intro / Second / Yes / No / Abstain / Absent / Excused
Battaglia / X / X
Deputy Mayor Canestrino / X
Sims / X
Greenman / X / X
Mayor Labrosse / X




WHEREAS, the New Jersey Department of Transportation (“NJDOT“) has created a Smart Growth community revitalization and redevelopment program known as the Transit Village Initiative; and

WHEREAS, the Transit Village Initiative supports Smart Growth, revitalization and redevelopment within walking distance of transit for the purpose of increasing transit ridership, reducing automobile congestion and improving air quality in the State of New Jersey; and

WHEREAS, the NJDOT along with NJ Transit, the Department of Community Affairs, the Department of Environmental Protection, the Redevelopment Authority, the Council on the Arts, Main Street New Jersey, the Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency are partners in the Transit Village Initiative and make up the Transit Village Task Force; and

WHEREAS, the NJDOT may designate the Transit Village after the municipality has achieved the Transit Village Criteria established by the Transit Village Task Force; and

WHEREAS, once a municipality The vision for this Redevelopment Plan for the Main Street Rehabilitation Area (hereinafter “Rehabilitation Plan” is to promote the creation of a livable and real downtown district with clear boundaries and gateways, which strengthen existing businesses and provides opportunities for new mixed use development which will become the social, cultural and economic heart of the City of Hackensack and Bergen County through the design and development of an immersive, authentic, place-based urban environment, and

WHEREAS, the “Vision” for the City of Hackensack is to promote a diversity of land uses, businesses and housing types with high quality architecture designed from the street up which includes improved infrastructure, streetscape and a hierarchy of parks and open spaces to support a vibrant mixed use transit oriented development pattern surrounding the NJ Transit Regional Bus Station with a diverse population of varied ages, races and socio-economic backgrounds, and

WHEREAS, The “Goals” for the City of Hackensack has adopted goals for the downtown and within the Transit Village Area to:

a.  Promote and strengthen existing businesses with the creation of a livable, real and clearly defined downtown district, made up of a series of interconnected, newly formed, mixed-use neighborhoods which are connected to their immediate context;

b.  Promote and encourage existing property owners to undertake the rehabilitation of their property within the Rehabilitation Area.

c.  To promote the development of a place-based environment where people live and work connected by great streets and activated by appropriate street retail, food and entertainment uses;

d.  To promote an environment that fosters the development of cultural, educational and civic facilities and uses which enrich the lives and experiences of city and county residents;

e.  To promote the preservation, adaptive reuse and integration of historic and architecturally significant buildings within the Rehabilitation Area in order to maintain and promote the rich history of the city and the downtown;

f.  To promote a balance between pedestrian and vehicular importance through the design of a hierarchy of streets, roads, gateways and boundaries which promotes activity and vitality;

g.  To promote a series of memorable public places and spaces connected by great sidewalks and streetscape elements, enhanced by public art, safe lighting and on-street parallel parking, that promote outdoor dining, walking, people watching and gathering, activated by a clearly organized program of street retail and restaurants;

h.  To promote improved pedestrian and vehicular connectivity into and through the downtown and to adjacent existing residential and commercial neighborhoods as well as to transportation and transit options;

i.  To promote an overall approach to downtown parking based on a shared vertical parking strategy reflective of a mixed use environment which emphasizes quality, accessibility, location, size, scale, configuration, management and aesthetic character over quantity;

j.  To promote and take advantage of the physical relationship of the downtown to the County Complex, Bergen Community College, Fairleigh Dickinson University and Hackensack University Medical Center;

k.  To promote the development of a compact urban environment with improved connectivity to the existing rail and bus transit in order to encourage walking and minimize vehicular dependency;

l.  To promote and improve the efficiency and capacity of the existing street network to better accommodate vehicles, pedestrians and bicycles in the context of a complete street;

m.  To promote a high density, mixed use development with a diverse residential population of varied ages, races and socio-economic backgrounds;

n.  To promote a clear, understandable and streamlined business friendly process for the review and approval of new development while promoting and strengthening existing businesses;

o.  To promote flexibility within the plan to adapt to changing economic and political environments;

p.  To promote the revitalization of the downtown area with opportunities for residential, office, cultural and civic uses that are activated by a two-sided retail street experience; and

q.  To promote the principles of sustainable design for individual buildings and for the district as a whole.

WHEREAS, the Governing Body of the City of Hackensack desires to apply to the NJDOT for Transit Village Designation.

NOW, THEREFORE, LET IT BE RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Hackensack, in the County of Bergen, State of New Jersey, that the City of Hackensack (“City”) requests to be considered by NJDOT for formal Transit Village designation;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council is committed to Smart Growth and is willing to accept meaningful growth in terms of jobs, housing, and population within the Transit Village District; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council hereby commits to the implementation of the “Vision” and “Goals” as outlined in this resolution meets the criteria as represented in the Transit Village Statement of Qualifications; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council has identified the City Manager to be the primary contact person to the Transit Village Task Force; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that if designated as a Transit Village, the City of Hackensack will commit to submitting annual updates as required by the Transit Village Task Force; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that if designated the City of Hackensack will strive to improve the quality of the Transit Village District; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in the event the Transit Village Task Force determines that a designated Transit Village is no longer acting consistently with the Transit Village program goals, the Transit Village Task Force may suspend designation and/or withhold program benefits.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and is hereby directed to retain a copy of all documents relating to the City’s application for Transit Village Designation for public inspection.

Council Member / Intro / Second / Yes / No / Abstain / Absent / Excused
Battaglia / X
Deputy Mayor Canestrino / X / X
Sims / X / X
Greenman / X
Mayor Labrosse / X





WHEREAS, several requests have been received for the return of any Professional Review Escrow funds for the following various projects; and

WHEREAS, the Chief Financial Officer has determined that the balance of escrow funds remaining for these projects are listed as follows; and:

255 Railroad Ave. $ 250.00

210 Moore St $ 250.00

43 Maple Ave. $ 623.75

370 Simons Ave. $ 736.50

240 Jackson Ave. $ 355.00

190 Main St. $2,600.00

330 Main St. $2,952.50

WHEREAS, the City is in receipt of a certification as to the completeness of these projects from the Building / Land Use Department.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and Council of the City of Hackensack, County of Bergen that the Chief Financial Officer is hereby directed to return the balance of Professional Review Escrow Funds for these various projects to the applicants of record.

Council Member / Intro / Second / Yes / No / Abstain / Absent / Excused
Battaglia / X / X
Deputy Mayor Canestrino / X / X
Sims / X
Greenman / X
Mayor Labrosse / X