CAC for Safe Schools


March 12, 2011



In attendance: Connie Schulz, Ed Poprik, Madeline Johnson, Susan Kennedy, Laraine Bortner, Nikki Warcholak, Alice Ball, Pat Stevenson, Denise DeGeorge


1. Welcome and Introduction: Committee Co-Chairs and members

  1. Denise McCann Division Director, Community Based Services for YSB
  2. Jeanne Knouse Director of Learning Enrichment, Gifted Support and Student Services for SCASD


  1. Public Comment-There was no public comment.


  1. Approval of Minutes from November 2011 meeting –Minutes were approved


  1. CAC Updates
  2. Wellness Committee Nurturing Committee Merger (Share Power Point)—These two committees are merging to form the School Health and Wellness Council.
  3. CAC for facilities (Ed Poprik) Building updates and how they relate to student safety. Facility planning is up in the air right now due to the Governor placing a 1 year moratorium on funding for school construction projects. This moratorium has put the brakes on things until June when there will be a better sense of the budget and if the moratorium will hold.


  1. Student Services Updates
  2. MOU with Police and Fire Stations—MOU’s are being updated with possible new legislation in mind (School Code of 1949, Chapter 10)
  3. Saturday Simulation-May do a full simulation on a Saturday
  4. Emergency Preparedness Document Meeting –The current plan is being reviewed against FEMA recommended items.
  5. Darkness to Light—Child abuse prevention curriculum that is being introduced through the Child Safety and Protection Collaborative. Goal is to train community members to recognize warning signs of abuse and then know what to do when those signs are present.
  6. Safety Care Vs. CPI –Two trainings which contradict each other. Making a plan to account for those contradictions.
  7. Dating Violence Policy and training plan-PDE requires a Dating Violence policy . This policy was read at the May Board Meeting and policy implementation and training will begin in the fall.
  8. Mandated Reporter Training –Two people in each building will be responsible for keeping staff apprised of changes in the laws around mandated reporting
  9. SBMH – Nikki Warholack –Grant has been expanded through funds being available to roll into a new year. Looking at expanding capacity for outside counseling and assessments being done in the school.


  1. Closing

Please note that CAC For Safe Schools meeting dates, agenda items and meeting minutes can be located on the district website

Contact information:

Jeanne Knouse, Co-Chair

Denise McCann Co-Chair

Next Meeting Fall 2012

CAC for Safe Schools

SC Borough Building Room 220

November 7, 2011




1. Welcome and Introduction: Committee Co-Chairs and members

  1. Denise McCann Division Director, Community Based Services for YSB
  2. Jeanne Knouse Director of Learning Enrichment, Gifted Support and Student Services for SCASD
  3. In attendance: Connie Schulz, Ed Poprik, Madeline Johnson, Susan Kennedy, Jill Cox, Laraine Bortner, Nikki Warcholak, Alice Ball


  1. Public Comment: There was no public comment.


  1. Approval of Minutes from May 2011 meeting : Minutes were approved.


  1. CAC Updates
  2. Wellness Committee (Megan Schaper): Megan sent notes from the meeting since she couldn’t be here today. See attached. Discussion occurred about whether mental health should be part of wellness committee or its own separate entity. Looking into combining Nurturing Committee and Wellness Committee. Seem to be duplicating services.
  3. CAC for facilities (Ed Poprik) Building updates and how they relate to student safety. Just opened two new buildings…Ferguson and Mt. Nittany Elementary…want to pursue LEED certification. Ed will speak to Board about facilities updates in one week.


  1. Student Services Update
  2. Traumatic Events Updates: Meetings usually happen once at the beginning of the year. Believe we need more of those meetings throughout the year as well as expanded topics. Team of administrators met to discuss a formal district procedure for Traumatic Events.

b. Bullying movement: National anti-bullying week in Nov. 14 through 22. Elementary schools are doing a reading of the book “One”. Middle schools are doing a poster contest and/or a t-shirt contest.

c. 8th grade tours: Addressing risk factor of transitions and mobility. Did these tours in the summer. Looking at ramping these up. Will do ctc tours this year.

d. PATS update: Surveys were completed. Brochures were developed.

e. SOP for allergies: Looking at standard operating procedures for allergies. Already happening but need more publicity about them so people know we are doing these things. PDE is developing an SOP for all districts.

f. Counseling Program and Training: Data driven decision making training coming up.

g. SAP Updates: Training on suicide in the beginning of the year. Shared video that students/teacher did for SAP.

6.Mental Health Grant: Nikki gave and update on status of grant. First year lots of data was collected. Now looking at linkages and relationships between providers, parents, and schools in the district.


  1. Closing

Please note that CAC For Safe Schools meeting dates, agenda items and meeting minutes can be located on the district website

Contact information:

Jeanne Knouse, Co-Chair

Denise McCann Co-Chair

Next Meeting March 12, 2012 at YSB