Fraction, Decimal and Percent Quiz

Mental Math Portion: No calculators

1. Complete the chart.

Picture / Reduced Fraction
(lowest terms) / Decimal / Percent
☺ ☺ ☺ ☻ ☻
☻ ☻ ☻ ☻ ☻

2. Calculate mentally.

10% of $64.00 =______

20% of $64.00 =______

5% of $64.00 =______

65% of $64.00 =______

90% of $64.00 =______

3. Put these numbers in order from smallest to largest.

a) 5.2, 5.02, 5.202, 5.002

b) 0.15, 0.115, 0.1151, 0.1115

c) 1.1, 1.11, 1.01, 1.101

Calculators are permitted at this point.

4. Circle the number that is larger and explain why it is larger. (No

marks will be awarded if a number is circled without an explanation.)

a) 6 or 8

12 12

b) 3 or 3

7 8

c) 9 or 10

5 6

d) 7 or 0.625


e) 0.4551 or 0.455

f) 0.0123 or 0.01200

5. Use > (greater than), = (equal to), or < (less than) to complete

each question.

a) 0.54 ______0.540

b) 0.067 ______0.061

c) 10.154 ______101.54

6. Place each of the following numbers in order from least to

greatest. Show all the work that allowed you to order these

numbers correctly.

30% , 2 , 7 , 0.5 , 0.6 , 75% , 6

5 16 9

7. Calculate the percent.

a) 3 = b) 21 = c) 78 =

8 30 125

8. Calculate the percent of each number.

a) 45% of $56.00 = b) 29% of $125.00 =

c) 64% of 3456 = d) 87% of 784 =

9. Calculate the final cost of each item with tax. Show your work!

Remember that the combined tax is 13%.

a) iPOD $249.99 b) jeans $29.99

10. A Nintendo wii is on sale for 30% off the regular price. The

regular price is $459.99. Show your work.

a) Calculate the discount and sale price of the Nintendo wii.

b) Calculate the final cost of the Nintendo wii with the 30%

discount and 13% sales tax.

11. Mrs. Gerardy loves to read. She reads 54 pages of a novel on

Saturday and 68 pages on Sunday. The book has 560 pages.

What percent of the novel does Mrs. Gerardy still need to read?