MINUTES of Meeting 2015-02

of the Directors of the Townsite

of Redwood Meadows Administration Society

HELD AT: Wild Rose Room

DATE: January 20, 2015

ATTENDED BY: Elizabeth Erasmus - Mayor

Mariska Span-Smeelen - Councillor

Dave Acton - Councillor

Paul Sawler - Deputy Mayor/Chair

Dara-Lee Snow - Councillor/Secretary

Nick Chodyka - Councillor

Regrets: Ed Taaffe - Councillor/Treasurer

STAFF: Pat Evans - Administration Manager

Rocky Bond - Public Works Co-Ordinator

VISITORS: Shana Barbour Welsh - Sustainable Redwood

Shauna Hay - Resident

Keith Hay - Resident

Carol Scarratt - Resident

Elizabeth Leggat - Interested Party/Montessori House Proposal

Lisa Megley - Interested Party/Montessori House Proposal


-January 20, 2015 cheque run

- Action Item List

- Redwood Meadows 2014 Leak Repairs report

- Sustainable le Redwood 2015 Budget Proposal/2015 Budget

- Montessori House Proposal


NO: 2015-02

02.01 Deputy Mayor Sawler called the meeting to order at 7:10pm


Shana Barbour Welsh-Sustainable Redwood

Shana Barbour Welsh presented Council with Sustainable Redwood’s 2015 Budget (attached) and a Framework of confirmed and potential projects for 2015. She explained that because they had come in significantly below budget for 2014 the Committee is only asking for $4800.00 for 20151. Shana also told Council that other sources of funding for the BCTA are being explored. Council asked if the budget should be increased for the trail restoration. Councillor Sawler asked if they had any idea the cost of the restoration. Shana will find out a cost and let Council know.

Shauna Hay-Montessori House Proposal

Resident Shauna Hay attended Council with a proposal (attached) to start a Montessori School out of her residence. She explained that the current Montessori School operated out of Redwood House goes up to Kindergarten and the school that she is proposing will be for children aged 5-12 years, and is looking at an enrollment of 15 students. She also sees the operation as being a multi demographic facility where individuals suffering from early stages of Dementia can come for support and recourses. As well it would serve as a resource centre for ECS.

Council asked if it would impact the existing Montessori School. Shauna said that it would not. She was also asked if neighbours had been consulted. Shauna said that she would contact neighbors if she gets approval from Council.

Shauna asked that Council look at the proposal and give her a decision by April 30, 2015.


The Agenda was accepted as amended to add Finance Committee


Motion: Councillor Acton moved and Councillor Chodyka seconded that the minutes dated December 2, 2014, #2014-22 be approved as presented.

Carried Unanimously

Motion: Councillor Acton moved and Councillor Snow seconded that the minutes dated January 6, 2015, #2015-01 be approved as amended to change 01.8 to Don’t Damn Springbank to read Deputy Mayor Sawler will attend.

Carried Unanimously


08.2 Change date to Feb3/15

14.1 Change date to Feb3/15

17.3 Change Date to Feb 17/15

20.4 Change date to Feb3/15

20.9 Rocky provided a 2014 Leak Repairs report (attached) for Council. Date changed to Apr30/2015

21.3 Complete

21.4 Councillor provided a graft for Council to review with different options. Date changed to Feb3/15

01.1 Completed

01.2 Change date to Feb3/15

01.3 Change date to Feb3/15

01.4 Update information with hours worked and dates



Rocky Bond advised Council that he was pumping ground water at the north end of the Berm. He said that he is managing for now but there has to be a long term solution to the problem. Councillor Acton said that he is still waiting on the Drainage Report from Clifton and a final cost on the South End to know if there are funds available for a pumping station. Rocky said that a generator would cost between $12,000.-$15,000. and a pump would be approx. $3,000. Rocky will look for a used pump. Councillor Acton also said that Councillor Taaffe will investigate to see if permanent power could be setup.

Rocky also advised Council the Sean Runner from the Tsuu T’ina Nation will be dealing with Compton Petroleum regarding the issue of the abandoned oil well on Curtis Park.


Councillor Acton advised Council that a cheque for $671,000. has been sent to Volker Stevin for the work on the South Ridge project. Also, the 10% holdback on Clifton invoices has been paid. Pat asked if she should pay the North Berm expense less a holdback to Volker Stevin. Councillor Acton said that he was still waiting on a signed letter regarding the weed issue and to wait until the letter was received.


Councillor Chodyka said that he was in contact with Fire Chief Evans and was told that under the Emergency Management Act an Emergency Management Bylaw must be in place before moving forward. Pat will let Councillor Chodyka know if there is a current Emergency Management Bylaw.

PERSONELL COMMITTEE (moved to In Camera)


Mayor Erasmus advised Council that she and Deputy Mayor Sawler are meeting with Municipal Minister Diana McQueen.


Mayor Erasmus recommended that the Lease Committee meet with Ryan Rob in the near future. She also reminded Council of a meeting with Peter Manywounds January 27, 2015.


Mayor Erasmus will be writing an article on the late Tsuu T’ina Gordon Crowchild and his importance to Redwood Meadows for the next Chatter.


Deputy Mayor Sawler has provided Council with the 3rd draft of the 2015 Operating Budget. He asked that they review it before the next Council meeting.


DRAFT BUDGET (see Finance update)



2015 AGM Date

Council agreed that the Date for the 2015 AGM will be May 5, 2015


Motion: Councillor Chodyka moved and Councillor Snow seconded that the cheque run dated January 12, 2014 in the amount of $741,466.52 be approved.

Carried Unanimously

Motion: Councillor Snow moved and Councillor Span-Smeelen seconded that the cheque run dated January 20, 2014 in the amount of $16,011.63 be approved.

Carried Unanimously

02.10 Deputy Mayor Sawler adjourned the meeting at 9:15 pm


Deputy Mayor/Chair Sawler


Mayor Elizabeth Erasmus