Mrs. Wilkins

Room 226 - Kearns High School


Class website: kwilkins.wikispaces.com

Sophomore English Honors Disclosure

Welcome To class!

  • Class Goals:

o  Improve student writing, reading, listening, language, and speaking skills

o  Enhance critical thinking skills

o  Develop a background in classical and modern literature

o  Prepare for Junior Honors English, Advanced Placement English, college, and careers

  • Class Rules:

o  Attitude:

§  Be positive

§  Do not whine about assignments or class policies

o  Respect:

§  Show respect to me, your fellow students, and to yourself

§  Refrain from inappropriate behavior and comments

o  Responsibility:

§  Be prepared and on time

§  Complete the assignments and have them ready on the due date

o  Focus:

·  Listen carefully and follow directions the first time

§  Stay on task

  • Class Expectations:

Perfect attendance: Not all assignments may be made up. Participation and attendance will be measured daily with a participation log. If you are excused, you may staple an excusal from the office to receive credit. Unexcused absences will receive no credit.

o  Tardiness: If you are 20 minutes late, you will be marked absent. Tardiness will also result in a grade drop as you will not be allowed to do the starter.

Be ready with materials: pen, paper, assignments, and charged IPod.

Show a dedication to high quality work- sloppy and incomplete work shows you don’t care.

Assignments are due at the beginning of class. I do not accept late work!

If you are failing at midterm, you will be put on probation and required to sign a contract between you, your parents, and myself. This contract states that you will improve your grade, or you will leave class.

o  If you fail at the end of the quarter, you will be moved to a regular class.

o  Hall Passes:

§  Each student will receive three hall pass tickets at the beginning of each quarter. In order to go anywhere outside of class, you must present this ticket to me at that time.

o  Missed work:

§  If your absence is excused, you have the day you get back from your absence to get the missed work all class activities and assignments are posted on a daily log at the front of the class. From that time, you have one day to make up the work. If you fail to turn in the work at that time, I will not accept it regardless of the excuse.

§  Not all missed work can be made up.

o  Extra credit:

§  Extra credit may be earned once a quarter, and is worth a maximum of 50 points. I will give you a list of assignments you may choose from.

o  Cell Phones:

§  Absolutely no cell phones are allowed in this class! That means that if I see them, I will take them. It then goes to the office and stays there until your parent or guardian comes to pick it up. If you don’t want to lose it, do not bring it to class.

o  Citizenship:

§  I expect all honors students to perform like honors students. Therefore, respect must be given to all students, their opinions, and differences. In our class, diversity is valued, not tolerated.

  • Curriculum: We study poetry, short stories, novels, plays, essays, research papers, vocabulary, grammar, and world literature. The following is a list of literature that is approved by the Granite School District and will be taught in this class.

Anthem by Ayn Rand Inherit the wind by Lawrence and Lee

The pearl by John Steinbeck Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck

Greek Mythology The Odyssey by homer

Oedipus Rex A Separate Peace by John Knowles

The tragedy of Julius Caesar Selected poetry for each quarter

Other selections may be made in addition to the previous!

Please sign this paper acknowledging our class rules and expectations. Hand this paper in for credit.

Parent/guardian signature

Printed name

Email/ phone number


Student signature


Printed name
