Membership Protection Sample Policy and Procedures

Sample Member Protection Policy/Procedures

/ Approval Date:
Review Date:
Version No:
President: / Sign: / Name
CEO/Sec: / Sign: / Name


The purpose of a Member Protection Policy is to maintain responsible behaviour and the making of informed decisions by participants in your organization. It outlines your commitment to a person’s right to be treated with respect and dignity, and to be safe and protected from abuse. The policy informs everyone involved in the organization of his or her legal and ethical rights and responsibilities and the standards of behaviour that are required. It also covers the care and protection of children participating in your activities.


A league or association can use a template to develop its own Member Protection Policy or adopt one from a state or national sporting association. In turn, individual clubs can then adopt the Member Protection Policy as part of their own constitution.

For this and other policies to be binding, they must:

  • Be formally incorporated into your Memorandum and Articles of Association or into your By-Laws as prescribed in your Constitution
  • Referenced in membership forms (e.g. the member or participant agrees to be bound by the Constitution, Rules, Regulations and Policies of the NSO, SSO, League or Association, Club, including its Member Protection Policy).

Members need to be advised of the policy’s existence and to sign a membership form agreeing to be bound by the policy.


This policy applies to everyone involved in a league or association including committee members, administrators, coaches, officials (umpires/referees/judges), players, parents and spectators.


Leagues or Association seek to provide a safe environment for those participating in their activities, particularly children under the age of 18 years. A Member Protection policy ensures screening measures are implemented to ensure only appropriate persons work with children, and alleged offending behaviour of harassment, abuse and discrimination is identified and dealt with.


The League or Association will need to:

  • develop or adopt a Member Protection policy
  • consider appointing a Member Protection Information Officer (MPIO)
  • implement and comply with the policy
  • promote the policy to everyone involved
  • develop and implement a risk management strategy
  • develop codes of conduct for adults and children
  • choose suitable employees and volunteers, and ensure that appropriate screening is undertaken
  • promote and model appropriate standards of behaviour at all times
  • respond to breaches or complaints made under the policy promptly, fairly, and confidentially
  • review the policy every 12-18 months.


Member Protection Policy Summary

ASC Member Protection Policy Template

This document has been provided as a sample only and does not substitute legal advice