The Trial of Macbeth, King of Scotland

A WebQuest for Grade English 12

Designed by Lynne Schalman, Ashley Massie, Tim Carey and Tom Resor


Charged with regicide and murder, Macbeth is going to be put on trial. The jury must decide if he is to be held accountable for his crimes.

The essential question to be answered is the extent of Macbeth's guilt: is he an evil man or a good one? A villain or a tragic hero? The master of his own fate or a victim of fate?


In this webquest, the you will choose two roles- one from the defense witness team, and one from the prosecuting team. Each one is charged with determining the extent of Macbeth's guilt. Prior to the trial, you will do background research on relevant topics such as Shakespeare's world view, the history of Macbeth, the role of the three sisters, or supporting quotations from the play.

Your final project will be an essay assessing Macbeth's guilt from your particular viewpoint.

The Process

1.  First you will one role from the defense and one from the prosecution:
a) defense team (says Macbeth is innocent of murder)
Witnesses: Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, the three witches, Duncan, psychiatrist
b) prosecuting team (says Macbeth is guilty of murder)
Witnesses: Macduff, Lady Macduff, Banquo, Malcolm/Donalbaine, police detective

2.  Once you've picked a role to play, you will do the background and textual research appropriate to your role. You will write a statement using quotes/material from the play that reinforce your answer. Each answer must be at least 10 sentences.

The Witnesses

You must be prepared to either proclaim Macbeth's innocence or prove his guilt. You will be called upon to examine your own role in the crimes committed. Research your part in the murders and work to formulate the answers to questions that you would be asked if you were called to testify at trial. Again, your answer must be ten sentences long.

Background Resources for all roles: Use the No Fear Shakespeare- Macbeth website to help you write your statements. You should also use your textbook.


Your grade will be determined by your ability to follow directions and the quality of your research. You will receive a second grade for your essay.

50%- grade including the extent and quality of your research

50%- trial grade including essay answer