Cincinnati Christian University

MATH 010Developmental Mathematics

Fall 20133 semester credit hoursMon – Wed – Fri.9:00–9:50am

Instructor: James McIntyre, Adjunct Professor / Cell Phone: (513) 324-1807
Office Hours: After each class or by appt. / Email:

Foster School of Biblical Studies, Arts & Sciences

The mission of Cincinnati Christian University is to teach men and women to live by biblical principles and to equip and empower them with character, skills, insight, and vision to lead the church and to impact society for Christ.

Course Description

MATH 010 is a content course in mathematics which is required of those assigned based on test scores. This course is designed to strengthen a student's computational skills. Topics include operations with whole numbers, fractions, decimals, percentages, ratios and proportions, and their practical applications. The use of these principles in application is stressed.

Course Rationale

Since some understanding of mathematics will enhance the study of every discipline,as well as develop skill in mathematical reasoning and competence in real world situations, this class will be particularly relevant to an informed and aware Christian citizenry.

Learning Objectives:

After completing this course, the student should be able to :

1. Perform the four basic operations on whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and percentages.

2. Select and apply appropriate operations in order to solve word problems.

3. Set up and solve a proportion and/or a percentage.

4. Calculate area, perimeter, or circumference of basic geometric shapes.

Required Text

Basic Mathematics, Robert H. Prior, Pearson, 2010. ISBN: 978-0-321-21379-2

Grading Policy

Letter grades will be assigned based on the published grade point system in the CCU Academic Catalog. Grades will be comprised of the following:


Mastery Tests50%


Academic Honesty

This class will follow CCU’s regulations pertaining to academic integrity. A copy may be found in CCU’s Student Handbook.

Students with Disabilities

Students who require academic accommodations due to any documented physical, psychological, or learning disability should request assistance from the Academic Support Director within the first two weeks of class. The Academic Support Office is located in the lower level of the Worship and Ministry Building (room 153). You may also contact the office by phone (244-8420).



You are expected to attend all class sessions and actively participate in discussions and activities. If you must be absent due to illness or an emergency, you will be responsible to obtain any lecture notes you missed from other students. Each absence will result in a lowered class preparation grade unless an exception isgranted by the instructor.

In you exceed the absenteepolicy set forth by CCU, it will result in a grade of FA (failure due to absences). Being late three times will equal an absence. If a student is present for less than half of a class, it is considered an absence.


Various assignments will be given out in class based upon determined need. They will consist of assigned sections of the textbook, worksheets, Khan Academy videos, and other items.

Late Assignments

An assignment will be considered late if it is not submitted during the class session on which it is due. Late assignments are not professional and, therefore, not acceptable.

Class activities cannot be made up if a student is absent unless the absence was due to an illness or emergency. In addition, a student must have a note from a doctor or the Dean.

Assignments that are late due to severe illness or an emergency situation may be accepted within one week of the due date with a 10% penalty per class day, depending on the circumstances. If you find yourself in a situation that prohibits you from turning in your assignment on time, it is in your best interest to address that issue with your instructor prior to the due date. Students who are absent because of CCU sports should turn in the assignment the first time back to class.


Exams assess whether the objectives are being met. To assess mastery of the learning objectives, seven tests will be given during the semester. Each test will assess mastery of a unit of study related to the learning objectives.

If a student misses a scheduled test without making previous arrangements with the

instructor, a penalty will be given. It is the responsibility of the student to schedule a

makeup test/exam date.

Course Outline

Details of chapter assignments and due dates will be announced during class time.

Week / Topic
August 26 – 30 / Whole numbers and number sense (part 1)
1.1. Whole Numbers
1.2. Definitions and Properties
1.3. Adding and Subtracting Whole Numbers
1.4. Multiplying Whole Numbers
September 2 – NO CLASS / Labor Day – Enjoy the fireworks
September 4 - 6 / Whole numbers and number sense (part 2)
1.5. Dividing Whole Numbers
1.6. Equations
1.7. Solving Applications using Equations
September 9 - 13 / Mastery Test #1 due(Learning objective 1)
Factors and the order of operations (part 1)
2.1. Exponents and Square Roots
2.2. The Order of Operations
2.3. Formulas
September 16 - 20 / Factors and the order of operations (part 2)
2.4. Factors
2.5. Prime Factorization
2.6. Common Factors
September 23 - 27 / Mastery Test #2 due(Learning objectives 1 and 2)
Fractions: Multiplication and division (part 1)
3.1. Introduction to Fractions
3.2. Simplifying Fractions
3.3. Multiplying Fractions
September 30 – October 2 / Fractions: Multiplication and division (part 2)
3.4. Dividing Fractions
3.5. Equations and Applications with Fractions
October 4 – NO CLASS / Fall Recess– Enjoy some time off
October 7 – 11 / Mastery Test #3 due(Learning objectives 1 and 2)
Fractions: Addition and Subtraction (part 1)
4.1. Common Multiples
4.2. Building up Fractions
4.3. Adding and Subtracting Like Fractions
October 14 – 18 / Fractions: Addition and Subtraction (part 2)
4.4. Adding and Subtracting Unlike Fractions
4.5. Adding Mixed Numbers
4.6. Subtracting Mixed Numbers
October 21 – 25 / Mastery Test #4 due(Learning objective 1, 2, and 3)
Decimals (part 1)
5.1. An Introduction to Decimals
5.2. Rounding Decimals
5.3. Adding and Subtracting Decimals
October 28 – November 1 / Decimals (part 2)
5.4. Multiplying Decimals
5.5. Dividing with Decimals
5.6. Applications Involving Decimals
November 4 - 8 / *Advising Week*
Mastery Test #5 due(Learning objectives 1 and 2)
Ratios, Proportions, and Percents (part 1)
6.1. Ratios
6.2. Rates
6.3. Proportions
6.4. Percents
November 11 - 15 / *Don’t forget to register for your Spring classes*
Ratios, Proportions, and Percents (part 2)
6.5. Solving the Percent Equation
6.6. Solving Percent Problems Using Proportions
6.7. Applications Involving Percents
November 18 – 22 / Mastery Test #6 due(Learning objectives 1, 2, and 3)
Measurement and Geometry (part 1)
7.1. U.S. Measures
7.2. Metric Measures
7.3. Converting U.S. and Metric Measures
November 25 – 29 – NO CLASS / Thanksgiving Recess – Spend some time with loved ones . . . or at least family and friends.
December 2 – 6 / Measurement and Geometry (part 2)
7.4. Lines and Angles
7.5. Geometric Shapes
December 9 – 13 / Measurement and Geometry (part 3)
7.6. Perimeter
7.7. Area
7.8. Volume
Week of December 16 / Mastery Test #7 due(Learning objectives 1, 2, 3, and 4)

The instructor reserves the right to change or amend any part of this course plan as deemed necessary.