Una demostración de cocinar para:
Como agua para chocolate
Project Task
- You are a guest on a Spanish television cooking show and will be demonstrating how to prepare a traditional Spanish dish.
- You must explain why your dish is connected to a family story. You must tell the story while preparing the dish and explaining the preparation.
Your presentation must be performance based and will include the ingredients and equipment needed as well as an explanation of the cooking steps, and your family story.
Step 1 Escribe la receta
- Research and find the recipe for your Hispanic dish
- Write your recipe in Spanish using commands in either familiar or formal forms
- Also include examples of the impersonal SE (se prepara, se hace, se sirve con …)
- Your recipe must include:Los ingredientes, utencilios y pasos de preparación
- Include a photo of the prepared dish in your document
- Print your recipe to turn in as the written component of your project in MLA format
Step 2 Haz un video de como preparar el plato (oral presentation; 5 minute limit)
- Create a video demonstrating how to prepare your dish (Youtube, or electronic format)
- You may use your written recipe as a guide but MAY NOT READ from it for the presentation. Your presentation must be MEMORIZED and REHEARSED!
- Your presentation must incorporate how this dish is connected to a fond family memory which is anecdotal. You must tell a story about it.
BONUS POINTS (10): Bring in your prepared dish to share with the class
Rough draft of your recipe to edit in class ______May 22______
Final recipe document including photo ______May 23______
Final presentation and ______May 24 and 25______
CONVIVENCIA ______May 25______
You must submit this rubric to me on the day of your presentation.
Scoring Rubric:______
Written recipe / Possible PointsAppearance: title, typed and photo included; MLA format / ______/10
Ingredients, equipment, preparation steps included / ______/ 10
Correct usage of commands (formal or familiar), use of impersonal SE,
Spelling and sentence structure / ______/ 20
______/ 30 total
Video/Power Point Presentation /
Possible Points
Visual: Equipment, ingredients, appropriate visuals/PP or poster with photos and legible font / ______/10
Speaking: Pronunciation, voice clarity, inflection, 5 minute limit / ______/20
Acting quality: memorized script, fluency, actions, animated / ______/20
Family story connection:
Able to follow and understand the relationship between the dish and a family memory or tradition / ______/20
______/70 total
Good pronunciation Bad pronunciation Grammar problems Good grammar
Self-Correct Flows well Halting Quiet
Unprepared Varied/Rich vocab. Many errors English use
Bonus points: Brought dish to share ______/10
Total ______/100