Department Meeting Minutes, April 27, 2012

Political Science Department Meeting Minutes

Friday, April 27, 2012

Meeting begins 1:04 pm. Chaired by Johnson, Dept. Chair.

Present: Anderson, Chapp, Emrey, Gottlick, Hamilton, Heatwole, Johnson, Lollar, Wagner. Absent: Adogamhe, Ghavamshahidi (sabbatical), Chavez, Moore

1. Approval of Minutes of Friday, February 24, 2012 meeting: Lollar motion, Anderson second; approved without amendments at 1:05 pm.

2. Announcements:

Johnson reminded that the Awards reception would take place on May 1 in UC 262. Emrey informed about HLC effort, she would be part of reaccreditation process.

Johnson noted that the move to Laurentide would be on schedule: Saturday, October 6 for Department; the Department would have to be packed up by that date. Boxes would be available soon, crates only somewhat prior to move.

Johnson informed that the whole campus was moving to “voice over IP” over the summer, in the process, faculty’s email boxes would also be increased; Laurentide would be wireless; café would be in building.

3. New Business:

A. Curricular Item

1. Legal Studies emphasis within major

Emrey reported on development and state of the issue. Emrey presented that there were good reasons for having such an emphasis within major: strong attraction to students, would fit well with already existing strengths of Department in this regard. Emrey stressed in presentation that the emphasis would retain basic political science introductory structure of courses, plus further specialization that she envisioned as also multi- and interdisciplinary (business, history, psychology, etc.). Hamilton inquired about electives and general structure. Emrey and Johnson responded that the emphasis would be a “supermajor” without minor requirement. A lively discussion ensued about potential and trajectory of this emphasis, including comparative offerings (comparative legal systems), potential course release time for the coordinator for additional advising and added student numbers, development of a travel studies course to various parliaments in Europe (Hamilton). Johnson specifically noted the potential for growth. There was consensus among faculty to move forward with the development of a Legal Studies emphasis within major.

B. Assessment

1. Audit and Review recommendations

A sheet was passed around with A&R conclusions. Johnson discussed sheet: a) need to revive political science advisory board; b) online degree program: College provides resources to maintain integrity of program and quality assessment; need to be “quality matters certified; first step: talk to Steve Boldt. Discussion ensued about certification, funding, and commitment. Johnson stressed that central issue for College would be the variety of course offerings online.

2. Summer assessment project

Chapp reported on issue and proposal process: need for a so-called “culture of assessment” within Department, incorporation of more direct assessment instruments, already in fall; should lead to revisions and progress. Hamilton noted her assessment task in International Studies. Discussion of pre- and post-test idea ensued, which consensus found to be in principle a good way. Communication between IS and Polisci on assessment was suggested. Emrey noted that “Writing Matters” continued as a central concern within College.

C. Goals for 2012-2013

Johnson reported on the recommendation from the Audit and Review committee that the department needed a more systematic approach to setting and reviewing goals. Discussion ensued. Faculty embraced the following goals for 2012-2013:

1. Develop a Legal Studies emphasis in the Political Science program. (Programs and Learning)

2. Pursue Quality Matters certification for online courses. (Programs and Learning)

3. Begin the implementation process of the audit and review recommendations related to assessment. (Programs and Learning)

4. Continue to serve as a resource for the campus and community on public affairs and engage in other activities (such as grow the Center for Political Science and Public Policy Research) that raise our profile in the region (Regional Engagement)

5. Work with the other departments that offer Global Perspectives to review the course goals and better integrate the courses across the three departments (Programs and Learning & Diversity and Global Perspectives)

6. Develop a travel study course that focuses on European legislatures.(Programs and Learning & Diversity and Global Perspectives)

Motion to adopt goals by Gottlick, seconded by Hamilton; all in favor (2:23 pm)

4. Adjournment:

Johnson noted that there were no other issues to discuss; motion to adjourn by Anderson, seconded by Emrey; meeting adjourned 2:25 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Peter Wagner