1.  Click on File à Import Data

2.  File to Be Imported:

·  Click on Browse – find your .csv file

·  Import Data Into – click on Bidders

·  Import Profile – Start with default settings

·  Click Next

3.  Custom Data Import 2/5

Map your Field Mappings with the Source Field Names

·  Groups – to Group

·  Bidder Tables to Table

4.  For the Name Mapping:

·  Highlight the Name in the Field Mapping

·  Select “Choose an alternate mapping – select Name from drop down menue

·  Click Edit

·  Enter First Name, Spouse (2nd) First Name, Last Name, Spouse (2nd) Last Name

·  Click OK

·  Click Next

5.  Custom Data Import Step 4/5

If the import works perfectly then you will see the “Next” button bold, if it is grayed out then you have to correct the Red “X” so that you get blue check marks.

To correct the red X – just highlight the imported record, then on the field in Selected record highlight the error – in this case it doesn’t like the table, highlight that row then press the “clear field button” – you will see the Red X covert to a Blue Check. Continue on until all Red X are changed to a Blue X

So when you click on Next you will see that all data has been imported correctly. Click Finish

Now you will have to check and see if all the Bidders have been assigned a table as well as assign bidder numbers:

·  Click on the Bidders tab on the Search bar

·  Click the Search Button

·  Double click on the Group column so that it will sort by the group.

·  Select the group that you want to Assign to the table by highlighting (click on the first line, hold the shift key and then click on the last line you want to assign) Entire group will highlight.

·  Click on ‘Grid’ from the toolbar – click on Assign Table, assign correct table number

·  Continue on until all tables are assigned

6.  Once all tables are assigned you will want to assign the bidder numbers. You can assign by Alphasort, Table #, Group Name.

·  Highlight entire grid (CTL +A keys)

·  Click on Grid àAssign Bidder Number, click Ok