St. Andrew’s Catholic Church, Tenterden

Newsletter for week commencing 17th September, Twenty-Fourth Sunday of Year A

Parish Priest: The Rt. Rev. John Hine, Emeritus Bishop. The Presbytery, 47 Ashford Road, Tenterden, Kent TN30 6LL. Tel: 01580 762785

Deacon: Rev. Jolyon Vickers. Email –

Parish E-mail:

Parish Website:

Hire of Parish Hall: Lesley McCarthy 07791 949652. E-mail: Newsletter:Brian Lawrence 01233 732657. E-mail.

Today's Readings:

First Reading - (Ecclesiasticus 27:30-28:7) As the Lord in his mercy forgives and forgets our offences, we too must be ready to offer forgiveness to those who offend us without keeping any record of the hurts received.

Psalm - (102) The psalmist, stirs up himself and his own soul to praise God for his favour to him in particular, to the church in general, and to all good men, to whom He is, and will be, just, and kind, and constant.

Psalm Response - 18.00 & 08.30 - The Lord is compassion and love

10.30 - The Lord is kind and merciful, the Lord is kind and merciful.

Second Reading - (Romans 14:7-9) Whether living or dead, as Christians, we belong to Christ and depend on him totally

Gospel -God’s forgiveness can be received only by those who are able to forgive their brothers and sisters wholeheartedly


At the 10.30 Mass during the offertory the choir will sing the motet “Holy, holy, holy” (from German Mass) – Schubert

There is a second collection this weekend for the work of the Church on the Home Mission Front

Fr. John Writes –

I am away for ten days on the final bit of my annual vacation (staying with my close friends Clive and Kathy Jones in Co. Cork, returning on the 28th September). Please see the newsletter for details of Services during the weekdays in my absence.

Fr Jim Fleming, a Columban Missionary Priest will celebrate our Masses on the 23rd/24th Sept. He is coming for the annual Mission Appeal, and kindly offered to celebrate the Weekend Masses so that I could get a break. He ministered in Pakistan for 20 years and in the Philippines for 5 years, and is currently involved in this country in interfaith dialogue and Migrant/Asylum support. I am sure you will welcome him (and get a break from me!).

Please continue to pray for Angela Drummond Brady (very weak), for Kevin Thornton (in hospital –broken collarbone), and for Elena’s daughter.

Your prayers are also asked for:

  • Those ill or infirm in our parish – Elizabeth Morrison and Colin Morrison, Joseph Adams, Patricia Hook, Michelle McKinnon, Jo Venables, Marjorie and John Dumbleton, Joseph Delaney, Linda Wharfe, Jane McKinnon, Michael McDermott(Mara's husband), Angela Drummond-Brady, Wendy Butler, Stephen Beasley, Mgr. Hill, Lester Kinkel, Ellie Lawrence.
  • Those who have recently died – Dorothy Richardson, whose funeral will be at Charing on October 10th
  • Those sick or infirm relatives and friends, whose list is on the porch noticeboard
  • Those whose anniversaries occur about this time –James O'Leary, Joan Carey, Josie Parsons, Sheila Allen, John Cregan, Hugh Blake, Dorothy Whiting and Juliet O'Hea.

Men's Breakfast

The next breakfast meeting will be on Saturday,23rd September at8.30am in Zion Baptist Church. We will be meeting in the upper room and there is easy access by the side door and a lift for those who do not wish to use the stairs.

We are delighted that our speaker will be CHRIS HODGKINS. Chris is part time Vicar at Rolvenden and also Rural Business Chaplain and has titled his talk "Harvest Home

This week’s services

Day / Date / Feast / Time / Detail
Saturday / 16th Sept / Home Mission Sunday
24th Sunday Ord Time (A) / 18:00 Mass / Vigil Mass
People of the Parish
Sunday / 17th Sept / 24th Sunday Ord Time (A)
Home Mission Sunday / 08:30 Mass
10:30 Mass
12:30 Mass / Varghese Thomas RIP
Tridentine Latin
Monday / 18th Sept / St Edith of Kemsing / 10:00 Service / Word/Communion
Tuesday / 19th Sept / St Theodore of Canterbury / NO SERVICE
Wednesday / 20th Sept / St Andrew Kim et al / 10:00 Service / Word/Communion
Thursday / 21st Sept / St Matthew / NO SERVICE
Friday / 22nd Sept / Feria / 10:00 Service / Word/Communion
Followed by Adoration
Saturday / 23rd Sept / 25th Sunday Ord (A)
Day Prayer for Harvest / 18:00 Mass / NO Confessions this
Sunday / 24th Sept / 25th Sunday Ord (A) / 08:30 Mass
10:30 Mass

Next week’s jobs

Job/Time / 18:00 Saturday / 08:30 Sunday / 10:30 Sunday
Reader / Maggie Urquhart / Tony Mallett / Chris Leahy
Extraordinary Ministers / Neil Murray / Maria Milton
Allan Shipton / Frances Lawrence
Rani Thomas
Flowers / Francien / Cleaners / Brian Lawrence

Tuesday 19th Tenterden Walks, starting from our car park. Meet at 10.15am, leave at 10.30am.

Wednesday 20th Choir Practice at 7.00pm

Unity Commission Visit to Canterbury Cathedral

Everyone is invited to join us on our visit to the Anglican Cathedral of Canterbury, the Mother Church of the Anglican Communion and the seat of the Archbishop of Canterbury on Wednesday 11th October 2017.

We shall meet at the Cathedral Welcome Centre at 2.00 pm. This can be found through the Christ Church Gate entrance to the Cathedral. Badges will be supplied for all attending for identification purposes.

There will be a guided tour, followed by an opportunity for us to pray together for Christian unity in a chapel in the Cathedral. There will then be time for refreshments and souvenir purchase, after which we will join the Cathedral community for evensong at 17:30. We hope to be able to meet the Dean, if he is available.

A collection for the work of Cathedral will be made and the suggested donation is a minimum of £6 per person. If you would like to come, please contact Deacon Jolyon Vickers () by the 30th of September or put your name(s) on the list in the porch.

Ministering to the Bereaved

A one-day course. 23rd September 2017. St Thomas of Canterbury, Rainham, Kent ME8 7RH, Presenter Elizabeth Partridge (Phone: 01303 670880Email:).

For more Information and to book - Contact:Mrs. Josie Boxall 51, Hickory Dell, Hempstead, Nr. Gillingham, Kent ME7 3SL.

A meeting for the laity to explore and discuss the Pope’s views on ‘Love and Joy’ in the family will be held on Saturday 30th September 2017 at West Malling from 10am until 1pm. This event is suitable for all adult parishioners, and will include suggestions about how to put the Pope’s message into practice. Booking is essential and for further information please contact the MFL coordinator in your area. (Tea and coffee will be provided). Contact: or phone: 07983-524727.

Very many thanks to all those who volunteered to welcome riders and striders to St. Andrew's last Saturday (9th Sept). We had 22 visitors and they were pleased to be met by friendly greeters! If any parishioners were themselves riders or striders, please could you give your forms and any sponsorship money raised to Rachel Heinrichsmeier by

Sunday 15th October.