PHR/Mobile Gap Analysis Sub Group

HL7 Mobile Work Group

Monday, October 8, 6:00 to 7:30 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada).

Next Meeting: Monday, October 15, 4:00 to 5:00 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada)

(WebEx connection information is at the bottom of this message)


  • Savithri Devaraj
  • Tim McKay
  • John Ritter


  • Introductions
  • Review/refine Sub-group Scope
  • Summarize work and create next steps
  • Set standing meeting time

Meeting Minutes

Participants introduced themselves to the group.

Scope Discussion:

The PHR/Mobile Gap Analysis Sub-group was established to determine the extent of changes needed in the PHR-S Functional Model to accommodate the use of mobile devices as actors within the model.

Five areas of work were delineated to determine gaps within the current model.

  1. Review PHR-S functional model, with focus on functional descriptions and conformance criteria, to ensure mobile needs are addressed.
  2. Review a resource paper written by the PHR subgroup outlining mobile concerns and make sure model has addressed all raised concerns.
  3. Collect key use cases from participants and stakeholders and evaluate PHR model to ensure all can be addressed.
  4. Invite subject matter experts to this sub group to discuss key concerns. Jeffrey Brandt and Ed Hammond were identified as two key people to involve.
  5. Determine issues/concepts the PHR-S functional model should not address within the consumer/citizen mobile health realm. Explicitly state excluded areas within the PHR-S Overview Chapter and make recommendations concerning development of new types of functional models.

Standing meeting time of 4 to 5 PM Eastern (1 PM Pacific), weekly, was established.

Invitations will be extended to Jeffrey Brandt and Ed Hammond to attend our next meeting to discuss their key concerns and use cases as important project stakeholders. If there is additional time, we will begin review of the PHR subgroup resource paper (item #2 above).

Meeting ended at 6:50 Eastern Time.

WebEx connection information for next meeting (Monday, October 15, 4 PM Eastern)


Meeting information


Topic: HL7 Mobile/PHR Workgroup

Date: Monday, October 15, 2012

Time: 1:00 pm, Pacific Daylight Time (San Francisco, GMT-07:00)

Meeting Number: 572 699 386

Meeting Password: mobile123


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