School : The Ohio State UniversityChapter : ETA

Delegate : Mitchell Albert Wheeler DurkopNumber of Actives Present : 9

Officer Slate :Total Number of Actives :36

President: Pete Rauchenstein

2163 Indianola Ave. #DNumber of Candidates Present : 0

Columbus, OH 43201

(614) 294-0260Total Number of Candidates :0

Vice President: S. Tucker RanftHistorian: Henry Lee

Secretary: Jeff SlackCo-Editors: Brian Clark & Jared Wolfgang

Treasurer: Michael NappierMember At Large: Douglas Clark

When are Chapter Elections? December

Sponsor’s name and address :Dr. Jon R. Woods

1866 N. College Rd.

Columbus, OH 43210

Number of Alumni, Life, or Honoraries Present : 1 - Derrick “House” Mills

Please list the following :


Sale of Original OSUMB Merchandise (T-shirts, shorts, etc)

  • Sale of Outback Bowl Merchandise
  • Sale of OSUMB Inaugural parade merchandise
  • Hot Dog and refreshment sale at summer marching band rehearsals

Sale of OSUMB practice clothes

Sale of OSUMB Flags

Sale of OSUMB Varsity Band Jackets

Sale of Script Ohio Books

OSUMB Annual Band Dance


Bowling with TBS

  • Movie night at old bandroom night before block
  • Paintball with the sisters and district with picnic afterward

Stadium “Sleepover”

School of Music Spring Picnic

Dime-A-Dog Night

  • Columbus Blue Jackets OSU student organization night


Stadium Band Room Cleanup

OSUMB Band Dance

OSUMB Senior Night

Ushering School of Music Concerts

  • Move from old to new athletic band facility
  • Purchased concert folders for OSU concert bands


  • Selected to host the eastern state block


Helped with School of Music Blood Drive

Ohio Wheelchair Games

  • Central Ohio AIDSWalk


  • Joint chapter dinners following degrees
  • Potlucks hosted by members
  • Paintball with picnic afterward

Prospective member Social / Talent Show

Stadium “Sleepover”

OSUMB Band Dance

  • Hosted eastern state block meeting

Is there anyone or anything you want the Committee on Credentials & Resolutions to recognize? (Include Chapter Anniversaries)

This year, our life member Derrick “House” Mills was named the national chapter field rep for Kappa Kappa Psi. The brothers of the Eta chapter would like to formally recognize him and wish him well in the job we know he will excel in.

In one paragraph (not to exceed one (1) minute when read) discuss/address one significant event or occurrence which has had an impact on your chapter. (ex. a fundraiser, crisis, revamped Candidate Program) Please take one of the activities listed on the previous page unique to your Chapter and explain in some detail what your Chapter’s involvement is. (This should also be read)

Greetings NCD! This past year has been one of continuing with tradition and revolutionary change for everyone involved with our organization in Columbus. We had a successful fall as we were able to go visit the brothers of Gamma Pi on their home turf during the football season, and welcomed the brothers of Epsilon Xi and Nu into the ‘shoe. We began another streak of bowl appearances with a trip to Tampa over new years where we met up with the brothers of zeta chi from South Carolina. Much to the dismay of Nu, however, OSU proceeded to fire their secret weapon before the band had even landed back in Columbus. In retaliation, Michigan has subsequently decided to fire the secret weapon of the big ten at basketball. Last month, Eta aided the OSU Athletic band program in the move from a band room it has occupied for the past fifty years into the new Steinbrenner Band Center. In order to compensate our alumni, trainers, and directors, the KKPsi and TBSigma rooms took a major square footage reduction in the move, but we aren’t bitter. In closing we would like to congratulate life member Derrick “House” Mills on his appointment to national Chapter Field Representative, and thank the Steinbrenner family for their 19 million dollar donation to OSU; the four million for the band room and the fifteen million for Mr. Henson. Don’t worry Nu, we’ll take good care of your quarterback when he is the starting third baseman down here on the farm in Columbus.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mitchell A. W. Durkop

Delegate’s signature ______Date ______