Helping SA’s Hope for Warmth

Many children have to go through this winter with blankets that’s torn and has holes in it they have to share 1 blanket with their siblings, some has no blanket at all and has to rely on a plastic bag or box to cover themselves, for these families it’s a difficulty just to have bread to eat, not to mention to be able to take a few rand and buy a blanket, we have situations where children gets in to fights with their brothers or sisters over a jersey, the elderly suffers just as much we have elderly staying in garages, shacks back rooms with raw cement floors, holes in the walls, broken windows, this is elderly that the state feels do not qualify for a pension grant, they also cannot find employment due to their age and illnesses.

In a lot of elderly care centres the number of death rises in the winter time as the cold makes it difficult to fight against viruses and already illnesses, the one thing we seldom hear about is the number of deaths of elderly during winter time, who has been forgotten by their children, who lives on their own in this cold back rooms and garages, who mostly suffers because they do not have warm clothing and bedding most have illnesses such as arthritis, which is already very painful and gets worse with the cold, they will roll up in balls and just try and keep warm ending up not to be able to get up and find something to eat, most not having a proper meal to start with resulting in them getting weaker and weaker.

Winter is a beautiful season but a dreadful one for all destitute families, children and elderly, it’s the longest 3 months of your life if you have no warm clothes, no warm bedding, live in a room with raw cement floors, holes in your roof and still on top of this you have to fight off the hunger that overcomes you, where can they find the strength that they need to overcome all of this?

We need to be the change, we can give them the strength we can lift them up by providing blankets, warm clothing and warm food, please help us to make this difference in the lives of the ones who suffers so much already. The children, families and elderly that we assist is located across South Africa.
It Cost us +/- R1800 per month per family for their food parcel this includes healthy balanced meals.

It Cost us R 800- R1200 for a family of 3 for blankets and at least 2 jerseys and pants for each

The fundraising will be done by asking for a R 100 donation towards our hope for warmth project you can do a bank transfer to help us save on cost so we can help many more in return you will receive a tax (Section 18A) invoice to claim back from tax and a Helping Sa Warmth Hope ribbon that we hope you will wear with pride knowing what a difference you have made.

If you are doing a donation through the bank please reply to this email with your details and postal address to ensure you receive your invoice and Hope ribbon.

Examples of what your R 100 donation WILL do:

Feed a child / elderly for 3 days /
1 pair of warm shoes and socks
1 Winter pants / 1 Jersey
1 Jacket
Warm bedding/ Blankets
1 Child will be able to take the bus to school for a week and no need to walk over 6 km

To view our NPO and Section 18A certificate please visit our website, while you are visiting please enjoy our photos and videos.

(To receive copies of our certificates / proof of registration, accounting letters etc. you can also email admin (@) / admin (@) or reply to this email requesting documents)

Hope you can find it your heart to assist with these projects.
ACC NR; 4080925296

We would like the feeding project for these destitute to go on for a long time, so that it can really make an impact on the ones we assist, thus we do have debit facilities now, if you would like to assist these projects more than once we would really appreciate it, you can request a debit order form by email.

Yours Faithfully
Leonie Botha
Helping SA
081 703 6774
Fax: 086 509 9871
Alternative email: leonie (@) / leonie (@)
Web: (www)
PBO: 930043138

"Generosity consists not the sum given, but the manner in which it is bestowed"