Network Seven News program #379 -- 40/7


Promo spot for Network Seven News, Edition number 379 for airing on Saturday10/2/2004.

Host 1 / Hi I’m (host name)
Host 2 / And I’m (host name).
Host 1 / This week on Network Seven ...
Choose 3 out of the following 5 teasers:
Host 1 / Hostage negotiator tells of “days of hope”
Host 2 / US releases the 2004 International Religious Freedom Report.
Host 2 / Hopes for a normal life. We talk to child soldiers in Sri Lanka
Host 1 / Never to give up -- Lilo Ljubisic (Lilo Lu – B – Shech, ) paralympic winner tells her story
Comment / Managing risk -- and reaping rewards
Host 2 / It’s all coming up on this week’s Network Seven News.

Main Script for Network Seven News, Edition number 379 for airing on Saturday10/2/2004.

Host 2 / From the studios of Adventist World Radio, This is Network Seven News.
Host 1 / A program looking into current religious issues around the world. I’m ______(Host 1).
Host 2 / And I’m ______(Host 2).
Bring music up and then down.
Host 1 / In today’s edition of Network Seven.
Choose 5 of the following 6 teasers.
News 1 / A Hostage negotiator tells of “days of hope” in Iraq.
News 2 / The US releases the 2004 International Religious Freedom Report.
News 3 / And churches mourn and prepare to rebuild in Haiti.
Testimony / Getting back to normal life. We talk to child soldiers in Sri Lanka
Feature / Never to give up -- Lilo Ljubisic (Lilo Lu – B – Shech, ) 5 time paralympic winner tells her story
Comment / And Managing risk -- and reaping rewards


Host 2 / All of this and more in just a moment . . .
Host 1 / But first this week’s Christian News Update. Here’s Lynda Baildam.
News Script is read and inserted at this point. (Full script available from website )


Host 2 / And a reminder that our website is continually updated with religious news stories. Visit us at /forward slash/n7n
Host 1 / Still to come today . . . Last week we talked with Lilo Ljubisic (Lilo Lu – B – Shech, ) a blind athlete – today we find out what it is that makes her never give up.
Host 2 / Also: Managing risk -- and reaping rewards
Host 1 / But first: Sri Lanka, Uganda, Burundi - to name just a few countries - all make use of child soldiers in their civil wars. Tamil Tiger rebels, for instance, have fought the Sri Lankan government for more than 20 years. And like many civil wars the rebels have used child soldiers to swell their ranks.
Host 1: / Gina Wilkinson spoke to former child soldiers in Sri Lanka who are trying to resume their education after being released from the rebel Tamil Tiger army.
Play Feature 1:2186:Skri-Lanka Child Soldiers: In: Sfx Classroom... In a sweltering classroom...
Out: ...the jungle to escape.
Host 1 / Gina Wilkinson reporting from eastern Sri Lanka for Interworld Radio. The names of the children in the strory were changed fr their protection.
Host 1 / You’re listening to Network 7 News and if you’d like to write concerning any of the issues arising in today’s programme, Our address is, AWR, 39 Brendon St . . . Or e-mail . Those details again at the end of the programme.

Feature 2 (Usually feature)

Host 2 /

Last week we heard the story of Lilo Ljubisic (Lilo Lu – B – Shech, ), the Para Olympic discus thrower who overcame the obstacle of blindness to excel at school – and to triumph at the Barcelona Olympics. Here she is again.

Play Feature 2: 651:Lilo Ljubisic 2:
IN: September 12, 1992 . . .
OUT: …made a huge impact in my life since I’ve been totally blind.
Host 1 / Lilo Ljubisic (Lilo Lu – B – Shech, ) sharing her life, and her faith from her home in Vancouver, Canada. She has her own website / You’d be welcome to visit. Your listening to Network 7 News



Host 1 / Time now for our look at the weeks secular news and a couple of stories on the inside pages that have caught Victor Hulbert's attention.
Play Commentary 2185: Adrenalin rush:
IN: I’m feeling in need of a little excitement in my life – and I think I’ve found the answer.
OUT: . . . you’ll even find it results in a free space journey far better than any Richard Branson could offer. See you there.
Host 2 --- / none


1 Host 2 / And that brings us to an end of this week’s edition of Network Seven News – a production of Adventist World Radio.
2 Host / If you’d like to write with comments or requests, here’s our address:
3 Host / AWR, 39 Brendon St, London, W1, England, or e-mail us at .
4 Host / And that’s where you write for all information on AWR, issues arising from this programme, or your free Bible Study Guides. AWR, 39 Brendon St, London, W1, England, or e-mail us at .
5 Host / Were also on the web at On behalf of the whole production team, I’m . . . (Me)
6 Host / . . . and I’m . . . (You) Thanks for joining us.
Closing music if suggested

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