Chapter 5 The American Revolution (pgs 97-125)

Section 5.1 Preliminary Hostilities

Define/explain significance:
Second Continental Congress
Bunker Hill / Analyze and make connections:
What was the most significant accomplishment of the Second Continental Congress? Explain why.
Explain what the Battle of Bunker Hill and its outcomes meant to both the British and the colonists.

Section 5.2 The Question of Independence

Define/explain significance:
Common Sense
Declaration of Independence
Loyalists/Tories / Analyze and make connections:
What was Thomas Paine’s most compelling argument? Explain why.
Explain how each of the following influenced the Declaration of Independence:
John Locke
Jean Jacques Rousseau

Section 5.3 Towards Victory

Define/explain significance:
Valley Forge
Peace of Paris, 1783
Map: Siege of Yorktown
/ Analyze and make connections:
What were the strengths and weaknesses of the Patriots?
Explain why Saratoga was a battle of critical importance to the Patriots?
What was the French motivation for supporting the Patriots?
How were the Patriots able to force a surrender by the British at Yorktown?
Explain 4 reasons the British lost the war

Section 5.4 The United States Under the Articles of Confederation

Define/explain significance:
Articles of Confederation
“Critical Period”
State constitutions
Republican Motherhood / Analyze and make connections:
Why was the AOC adopted? How was it set up?
What social reforms were included in these new state constitutions? How were they similar?
What evidence is there to support that the Revolution changed people’s attitude towards women?

Section 5.5 American Nationalism

Define/explain significance:
Land Ordinance 1785
Northwest Ordinance 1787
/ Analyze and make connections:
How did the land ordinances contribute to
National unity
Abolition of slavery

Ch 5 Homework Sheet

Monday, October 2 – Ch 5 Study Guide check

Read pages 97-112 in your textbook and answer the following points for mastery.

-Explain the events that led the Continental Congress to support a break from England.

-Analyze the intent and content of the Declaration of Independence.

-Compare and contrast the force capabilities of the British and Americans in the Revolutionary War.

-What might have caused some people to become Loyalists?

-Explain why the American negotiators were able to gain such favorable terms in Paris.

-Describe the characteristics of the national and state governments that were created during the Revolutionary War.

Tuesday, October 3

Read pages 112-117 in your textbook and answer the following points for mastery.

-Explain why the American negotiators were able to gain such favorable terms in Paris.

-Describe the characteristics of the national and state governments that were created during the Revolutionary War.

-Explain how the revolution led to certain social and political reforms.

Wednesday, October 4

Read pages 117-121 in your textbook and answer the following points for mastery.

-Summarize the major short-term consequences of the Revolutionary War for the United States.

-Describe the key features of the Articles of Confederation national government, the several state governments, and the land ordinances of the 1780s. Suggest how they each reflect the democratic republicanism of the Revolutionary generation.

-List the significant consequences of the American Revolution for blacks and women, and for the national spirit.

Thursday, October 5

-Quick Quiz on Chapter 5

To what extent did the American Revolution fundamentally change American society?

Tuesday, October 16

-Test on chapters 4,5, and 6