AAHA Board Meeting

March 1, 2010

Present: Sean Fitzgerald, Tom Heenan, Mike Flanagan, Tom Reese, Susan Bush, Mike Larabell, Lisa Groff, Tim Goggins, Pam West, Ruth Marquart.

Absent: Doug Duehring

President: Sean Fitzgerald

AAHA fees will probably need to be increased for 2010-2011 season. Exact amount will not be able to be confirmed until AFIC increase in ice time is confirmed. Also due to lack of sponsorship donations as in the past years.

Vice President: Tom Heenan

AAHA has been approached by a volunteer to run a goalie clinic one night a week for AAHA goalies. One hour on Wednesdays has been requested.

We are unable to make decision on this as it will require further investigation and ice time has not been confirmed.

Dodge Ball Tournament will take place in the fall. Details are still be finalized.

Member Services: Mike Flanagan


1. All credit hours have been updated through 03/01/10. This will go out on the March 2 AAHA Hotwire.

2. I have prepared a report of just those families owing credits. Pending AAHA Board approval, I will prepare invoices and send them this week.

Items for discussion:

  • Is this the approach we want to take?
  • Should the balances be added to their AAHA accounts?
  • Does Lisa need to handle the payments?

3. Peewee C State Tournament has 39 volunteer slots filled. There are 57 slots remaining. A notice will go out with the March 2 AAHA Hotwire. The Peewee C team knows that they are responsible for filling all open slots for the entire tournament. I'm not inclined to show any "mercy" on credit hours unless all of these slots are filled.

Item for discussion:

  • Since it is a WAHA State Tournament, are there regulations against having hosting team family members working as off-ice officials during any of the games?

4. Monsters On Ice Tournament is looking very good for volunteers.

5. We need to provide some information relatively soon about the Dodgeball Tournament. Families that were credited with hours for this season need to be made aware of how they should contribute their time and donations.

Item for discussion:

  • I'd like to work up a statement, indicating that people were given credit for Frigid Frolic participation and that if they don't perform the duties they had signed up for, that they will be billed at $40 per credit. I'd like to have them sign that ASAP.

Treasurer: Susan Bush

Script transition is in process and almost completed.

AAHA budget is very tight

Travel Director: Tim Goggings

Travel Policy and Coaches Selction process has beeen revisied and submitted to the board for final approval. Final approval will be discussed at April board meeting

Secretary: Debbie Goodchild


Ballots cast on February 22, 23, 24, and 25

98 members cast ballots out of a possible 434 members, a 23% turnout


Diedre Flanagan – 49 – Accepted

Sharon Brosnan - 46


Debra Cramer – 84 - Accepted


Steve Littrell – 91 - Accepted


Tim Goggins - 53 - Accepted

Write In (1 each) – Chris Henwood, Randy Groff, Scott Horman, Jim Perz, Patrick Hartel,


Jim Patten - 48- Accepted

Jeremy Olson - 44

Write In (1 each) – Tom Reese, Ricci Luken


Write In (2 each) – Jim Perz

(1 each) – Bill Gargholtz, Patrick Hartel, Tom Reese, Jill Waldhardt,

Hank Sweeney, Boyd Dietzen


Write In (2 each) – Jim Perz, Ricci Luken

(1 each) – Ron DeValk, Ricci Luken, Tom Reese, Scott Krueger


Carrie Riley, Rebecca Barfknecht, Dave O’Brien, Brian Beckman, Pat Haag, Deb Goodchild

Since election Becky Unterriker has committed to the Tournament Director Position