Minutes of the Inner Club Council

ICC Meeting

Date: Monday, February 11, 2008

Time: 3:00 – 4:00 p.m.

Place: Los Medanos College – 409

2700 East Leland Road

Pittsburg, CA 94565-5107

Chair: Enock Teefe

1.  Call to Order: Meeting called to order at 3:00 p.m.

2.  Roll Call: Present Late Absent

Anita Wagner Felero Smith

Luciana Cardenas Eduardo Cardona

Aurelio Cardona Harvey Corales*

Stephen Hamrick* Chloe Lam

Melissa Hernandez Tim Nichols Jr.

Jonathan Hoffman Menique Slaughter*

Demetria Lawrence

LaQuin Miller

Jesse Parks

Gary Ray*

Francisco Rojas

Jamila Stewart

Enock Teefe*

Quorum: Those present constitute a quorum.

* Club Representatives with 2 votes.

3.  Agenda Approval:

Adopt Agenda for Monday, February 11, 2008 and minutes from Monday, February 4, 2007:

Call for a motion to approve the minutes for Monday, February 11, 2008.

Motion: Enock Teefe

Second: Stephen Hamrick

Vote: 12 – 0 – 0

Call for a motion to approve the agenda for Monday, February 4, 2007.

Motion: Enock Teefe

Second: Jamila Stewart

Vote: 12 – 0 – 0

Vote passed by majority.

NOTE: Demetria Lawrence will email the minute notes going forward.

4.  Club Reports/Requests/Announcements: ICC

B2B: Aurelio Cardona

·  Aurelio Cardona announced that La Raza Unida will need funding from ICC to help aide an upcoming trip to San Jose to attend the Latino Leadership Network.

·  The request is for $700.00 to help cover the 3K cost.

o  There will be a $225.00 out-of-pocket hotel fee.

·  La Raza Unida advisors will assist with funding requests.

·  This will be a 2 day event.

·  Deadline is March 1, 2008.

·  Transportation provided courtesy of the Los Medanos College van.

·  Although it is open to everyone, 10 students from La Raza so far have been slated to attend.

·  Part of the qualifications will be to submit a one page essay on why they want to attend the LLNA trip.

·  Demetria Lawrence inquired about overall total student participation.

o  Demetria said since they will have to advertise, other students will have to be included and interest will be generated.

o  Demetria Lawrence suggested 10 La Raza students as well as 10 additional LMC students.

·  Jamila Stewart asked what ICC was funding exactly.

·  Aurelio Cardona responded stating last year a $700.00 request was made and granted by ICC. Aurelio inquired about the guidelines; understanding that the processes are subject to change.

·  Enock Teefe and Stephen Hamrick reviewed the guidelines and Enock informed Aurelio that there was an argument for the La Raza Unida students to request sole monetary coverage.

·  Enock Teefe asked when the next La Raza Unida’s meeting would take place. Aurelio said it will be this coming Thursday, February 14, 2008.

·  Enock Teefe requested that Aurelio Cardona come back to the next ICC meeting with a formal request, meeting notes to review and fundraising information.

ASG: Anita Wagner

·  ASG will host an UC Berkeley informational event w/Christina Tinsley.

·  Christina Tinsley would like to attend the next ICC meeting to be held on Monday, February 25, 2008 to be introduced to the club reps.

·  Will have an information table and would like the clubs to include a flyer or brochure.

·  Demetria Lawrence said that extra copies can be made in the SLO.

Against All Odds: Jamila Stewart

·  AAO will be performing at LMC’s Basketball game against Napa Valley College/ College of Marin on Wednesday, February 20, 2008 at 7 p.m.

5.  Club Day Preparation: ICC

·  Date will be February 20, 2008 from 10 – 3 p.m.

·  Clubs gave account of what they will sell on Club Day.

o  AGS will have grilled cheese sandwiches, chips and soda.

o  CLEMA will have stickers and decals.

o  Honors will be selling Limpia and rice.

o  La Raza Unida will be selling Nachos.

·  Demetria Lawrence requested that all clubs requiring electricity place their tables around the SLO and bring extension cords.

·  Jamila Stewart had concerns that if “Black History” was going to be the theme that it should not be up to the African American students to facilitate the theme.

o  Jamila suggested that the TV monitors could have Black History film footage.

·  Demetria Lawrence suggested that books and or posters be displayed.

Call for a motion to approve Black History for Club Day on Wednesday, February 20, 2008.

Motion: Enock Teefe

Second: Aurelio Cardona

Vote: 11 – 0 – 0

·  Aurelio Cardona suggested displaying Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I have a Dream” speech.

·  Stephen Hamrick suggested canceling the DJ for entertainment.

·  Jamila Stewart questioned if instead a PowerPoint with events could be done, looped and played on TV monitors.

·  Demetria Lawrence said she can work with Vince to create the PowerPoint and inject a video to play on the monitors.

Call for a motion to cancel the DJ for Club Day on Wednesday, February 20, 2008.

Motion: Stephen Hamrick

Second: Enock Teefe

Vote: 10 – 1 – 0

NOTE: Aurelio Cardona voted against.

·  Question posed, “what does club stand for?”

o  Theme can be based on what a specific club stands for.

o  Once defined choose a role model from Black History.

·  Check with Demetria Lawrence to confirm the selections before putting them on display.

·  Demetria Lawrence will get the balloons.

·  Gus does the set-up.

o  There was nothing that the process would consist of auditioning the band.

o  There will be 13 tables and 2 chairs.

6.  ICC Guidelines Review: ICC

·  Demetria Lawrence suggested a separate committee go over sections of the guidelines and bring back for review by board. Goal is to have them completed by Spring break 2008.

Call for a motion to elect an ICC Task Force.

Motion: Stephen Hamrick

Second: Jamila Stewart

Vote: 11 – 0 – 0

Volunteers will be: Jamila Stewart, Stephen Hamrick, Anita Wagner and Enock Teefe.

7.  Community Outreach Discussion: ICC - 8. Goals for the spring/semester cont’d.

·  Is Community Outreach the goal for spring semester?

·  Demetria Lawrence said in May and June the High schools will be out and tables can be set up on the second level.

·  Demetria Lawrence suggested that on 2 dates the High school students could come and clubs may want to have a display table to inform students or

o  They can go to the schools.

o  Enock Teefe suggested if so, choose 1 school at a time.

·  Demetria Lawrence said figure out:

o  What type of outreach will be done?

o  For which schools.

o  Will it be as individual clubs or;

o  A collective body.

·  Jonathan Hoffman suggested that reps could go to the high schools on their club day.

o  Demetria Lawrence suggested that this could be accomplished one of two ways;

§  1 hour could be spent on one campus and 1 hour on another.

§  Clubs would need clearance.

§  Focus should be on Antioch and Pittsburg High.

·  Enock Teefe said that there could be demos.

·  Enock Teefe wanted High schools to be selected. Melissa Hernandez said that Antioch High School has a “Wacky Wednesday” theme that might be considered.

·  A few of the schools named were: Antioch, Pittsburg Prospect, Liberty and Riverside.

·  Jamila Stewart suggested having a club day at the Brentwood campus.

·  Jamila Stewart suggested there be a possible drawing for students that come to the display tables.

·  Melissa Hernandez suggested attending High school club days.

·  More schools were suggested; Mount Diablo and Deer Valley.

·  Jamila Stewart suggested raising money on Club day for High schools to do what they would like to do; i.e. support their extra-curricular activities.

9.  Announcements: ICC

§  Tabled until next scheduled meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 3:58 p.m.