1st Marking Period presentation topics: DAYS SUBJECT TO CHANGE

Research the topics listed below and choose your top three in order of preference. For each of your choices, write a brief “proposal” explaining why you and your partner would like to be assigned that particular topic. Include any special skills or interests you have that would make you well suited for that presentation.

Keep in mind that even for non-traditional presentations (art gallery, musical performance, documentary film, etc.), you may want to include a brief presentation (including 2 analytical quotes) conveying the most important information for the class’s note-taking purposes. Consult the rubric to make sure you have met all the requirements.

~Day 12~

Bill Nye the Science Guy (Thomas Edison) Live science show with host and Edison highlighting his inventions as well as his style of productivity.

Create a Virtual Centennial Exposition with short presentation

Traditional Presentation on The Centennial Exposition

Recreate the Columbian Exposition

Create a Short Film Book Report on The Devil in the White City

Author Interview with Erik Larson, author of The Devil in the White City (Assume role of Larson. Capture suspense of book and deliver short presentation on Columbian Exposition).

~Day 13~

Mr. Pezza Live Interview- JD Rockefeller and vertical integration (Provide Mr. Pezza with questions and be prepared for spontaneous questions from Mr. Pezza)

Mr. Pezza Live Interview- Andrew Carnegie and horizontal integration (Provide Mr. Pezza with questions and be prepared for spontaneous questions from Mr. Pezza)

Mr. Pezza Live show introduction on Rockefeller and Carnegie (Tonight’s guests will discuss their business practices and we will evaluate if they are moral).

Documentary on Self Reliance in America (Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, The American Frontier)

~Day 14~

Traditional Presentation on the Haymarket Riot

Traditional Presentation on Emma Goldman, Henry Clay Frick, and the Homestead Strike

Traditional Presentation Eugene V. Debs and The Pullman Strike.

Traditional Presentation on Big Bill Haywood and the IWW


Alfred Stieglitz and George Bellows Art Show gallery walk (In backroom with presentation)

Traditional Presentation on Alfred Stieglitz and George Bellows

Traditional Presentation on Jacob Riis

Traditional Presentation of Lewis Hine

Day 16

Construct a Louis Sullivan architectural model with short presentation.

Construct a replica of the Brooklyn Bridge with detailed explanation of its modern marvels.

Traditional Presentation on Brooklyn Bridge (Use American Visions video)

Repainting of and presentation on Joseph Stella’s “The Bridge”

~Day 17~

Documentary on the Breakers (Newport, Rhode Island) including definition and examples of “conspicuous consumption.” (Use American Visions video.)

Debate between Charles Darwin and William Graham Sumner (Darwin articulating how his theory is to be applied, Sumner on his interpretation. Also need a brief video introduction on the theories and instructions for Mr. Pezza who will moderate the debate.)

~Day 18~

Mr. Pezza Live show interview with William Jennings Bryan (He delivered one of the most famous American speeches ever:“The Cross of Gold.”)

Traditional Presentation on Election of 1896


(All Part of Ragtime Script)

John Philip Sousa Band Leader (Organize a group of 4 or more students and play “Stars and Stripes Forever” with short presentation)

Sousa traditional presentation with a wide variety of his recorded songs

Documentary on The Titanic (include clips from James Cameron and Yerkeesrecommended film)

Gibson Girls (Come dressed in fashion and present on social impact.)

The Great Houdini (Come in character and do magic tricks with short presentation.)

Presentation on the Great Houdini in character with videos of his tricks

Repainting and analysis of Thomas Eakins’spainting, TheGross Clinic

Thomas Eakins’s Art Museum gallery walkwith focus onThe Gross Clinic (Set up in back room and run tours)


Documentary on the Triangle Factory Fire

~Day 21~

Mr. Pezza Live Interview- Florence Kelly

Mr. Pezza Live Interview- Mother Jones (Provide Mr. Pezza with questions and be prepared for spontaneous questions from Mr. Pezza)


Mr. Pezza Live Interview- Louis Brandeis (Provide Mr. Pezza with questions and be prepared for spontaneous questions from Mr. Pezza)

Mr. Pezza Live Interview- Jane Addams (Provide Mr. Pezza with questions and be prepared for spontaneous questions from Mr. Pezza)

Mr. Pezza Live Interview- Robert LaFollette (Provide Mr. Pezza with questions and be prepared for spontaneous questions from Mr. Pezza)

Mr. Pezza Live Interview- Nellie Bly (Provide Mr. Pezza with questions and be prepared for spontaneous questions from Mr. Pezza)

~Day 23~

Movie Review Field of Dreams - Includes CLEAR course connections about baseball, what critics say, your critique, and clips from the movie (include references to the book Shoeless Joe).

First person role play with short presentation- Ty Cobb (Dress is essential)

~Day 24~

Book review of Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle

First person interview with Upton Sinclair about The Jungle

~Day 25~

Traditional Presentation- Teddy Roosevelt and Progressive Reforms

Debate- First person role play Teddy Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, Woodrow Wilson and the election of 1912 with short presentation (perfect for a group of 3)

~Day 26~

(All part of Race Relations Day)

Movie review Birth of a Nation - Includes course connections, what other critics say, your critique, and clips from the movie.

Documentary- Lynching

Traditional Presentation-Lynching

Presentation-Billie Holiday and “Strange Fruit” (anti-lynching song)

~Day 27~

Gallery walk on The Armory Show (scandalous art exhibit)

Traditional presentation on The Armory Show

~Day 28~

Documentary- Teddy Roosevelt and the Panama Canal

Traditional Presentation- Teddy Roosevelt and the Panama Canal

~Day 32~

Mr. Pezza Live Interview- George Creel and propaganda posters (Provide Mr. Pezza with questions and be prepared for spontaneous questions from Mr. Pezza)

~Day 33~

Documentary on flu epidemic of 1919

~Day 35~

Author Interview with John Dos Passos (Assume role of Dos Passos. Capture his attitude toward war and government focusing directly on “The Body of an American.” )