Minutes of the meeting of Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Bethany Christian Reformed Church, Fenwick

Officers: Rev.Jim Dekker, Chairman; Rev.Andrew Beunk, Vice-Chairman; John TeBrake, Stated Clerk

1. Opening: Rev. Dekker welcomed all the delegates and guests, and introduced Rev. EJ deWaard who had recently become the pastor of the Bethany CRC. Rev. deWaard led in a time of devotions.

2. Constitution of Classis: Elder George DeRoo of the host church presented the credentials. Credentials were presented for each church except Trinity CRC, whose delegates were seated after a motion to do so was carried. The Chairman welcomed all delegates, including first-time delegates and a number of guests, and declared Classis constituted. Rev. Jerry Dykstra, Executive Director of the CRCNA, and Rev. Bruce Adema, Director of Canadian Ministries, were among the guests.

3. Work of the CIC and the Stated Clerk: the Stated Clerk presented the minutes and work of the CIC, and the correspondence received and action taken in response. The work of the CIC and of the Stated Clerk was approved by Classis.

4. Financial Statements and 2007 Proposed Budget: The treasurer, Ms. Emma Winter, presented financial statements to September 2006, and a proposed budget for 2007 (pages 23 and 24 of the Supplementary Agenda Items). A motion to approve the budget for 2007 was adopted. Ms. Winter also presented the proposed Classical Ministry Shares for 2007 (page 24 of the Supplementary Agenda Items). A motion to approve these Ministry Shares was adopted.

5. Church Counselor Reports: Rev. Jim Dekker reported that the Search Committee of the Rehoboth CRC had recommended a possible candidate, but this was not endorsed by the membership. Delegate Elder Louis DenBak of Rehoboth informed Classis that the committee would be proposing another candidate shortly.

6. Regional Pastor’s Report: Rev. Peter DeBruyne has faithfully filled this position for some ten years. He suggested that each council (a) have a Pastor Relations Committee to meet on a regular basis with the pastor to support and encourage him, and (b) have a documented policy that would establish sufficient time for study for each pastor. Rev. DeBruyne informed Classis that Pastor Walt VanderWerf of the Maranatha CRC is making progress in his recovery from his illness, and urged churches to remember him and his wife Ellen and their family and the Maranatha congregation in prayer.

7. 150th Anniversary of the CRCNA: Rev. Derek Bouma, committee chair, along with Rev. Jim Dekker, Rita Fluit, Nellie Baarda and Cor VanSoelen will be planning the classis-wide celebration of the 150th anniversary of the CRCNA in 2007. Rev. Bouma indicated that a classis-wide celebration worship service is being planned for June 3, 2007. The celebration will be organized with a remembering phase, and rejoicing phase, and a rededication phase.

8. Student Fund Committee/Classis Ministry Leadership Team: The Committee secretary, Rev. Gerald VanSmeerdyk, reported on behalf of the committee. The committee’s recommendation to provide financial support for 2006/07to Mr. Steve Eckersley and Ms. Henrietta Swinkels was adopted. The committee’s recommendation that $5,000 be transferred from the Student Fund of Classis Niagara to the Student Fund of Classis Chatham was also adopted. The discussion informed Classis that the committee’s surplus will ensure that future approved grants can be provided when needed. A question also arose for the committee’s consideration with respect to its policy that students attending schools other than Calvin Seminary receive funding for only one half of their tuition.

The Committee’s chairman, Rev. Derek Bouma, gave a brief overview of the new process approved by Synod for people who are seeking to become ordained ministers in the CRCNA. At the Classis level, the Classis Ministerial Leadership Team (CMLT) will lead in this process. It will replace the Student Fund Committee, which focused primarily on financial aid. The CMLT will encourage churches to nurture future ministers, and follow and encourage students for ordained ministry along their path to ministry

9. Licensure to Exhort, Ken Van Dyk: At the May meeting, Classis had granted Mr. Van Dyk a conditional licensure to exhort, the condition being that his preaching be supervised, and that the sermon evaluators, Revs. Jim Dekker and Greg Fluit report back to Classis by February 2007. The sermon evaluators presented a written report (on file) of this process. Having reviewed three additional sermons from Ken, they recommended that Classis Niagara grant Mr. Ken Van Dyk full licensure to exhort, in accordance with the protocols required by the decision of the May 2006 meeting of Classis. This recommendation was adopted. It will be communicated to SMCC and CTS via the CMLT.

10. RedeemerUniversityCollege: President Dr. Justin Cooper brought greetings and appreciation for support from Redeemer. Enrollment is higher than it has ever been, and there is a range of Christian denominations represented among students. Redeemer is exploring the possibility of offering an accredited Master of Social Work program.

11. Nominations Committee: On behalf of the committee, Rev. Greg Fluit made the following nominations: (a) for the Brock University Chaplaincy Committee, Rev. Harold Winter for a second term; (b) for the Classis Ministries Committee, Rev. Kevin Stieva, for a first term; and (c) for the ClassisMinisterial Leadership Team, Rev. Duane VanderLaan, for a first term. Classis approved these appointments.

12. Credentials Committee Report: Rev. Derek Bouma reported that all the credentials were in order. Grace CRC had reported a “no” to the question about church discipline being faithfully exercised, as their honest feelings had indicated. Rehoboth had indicated on its credential that there had been occasions when ministers scheduled for pulpit supply had cancelled without providing alternates. Ministers were reminded to contact the vacant church and that they need to arrange for replacements if they cannot fill their obligations.

13. Reports from Other Ministries: Classis received for information reports from Christian Stewardship Services (Mr. James VanderLaan); and from Family Outreach (Mr. Rick Jongejan).

14. Adhoc Christian Education Financial Support Committee Report: The committee’s reporter, Mr. Tony Kamphuis, referred delegates to the report on pages 4-8 of the Agenda. The discussion included questions, observations, and dialogue. A motion to recommit the report back to the committee was supported. The chairman explained that this would result in the report being tabled, and the motion was adopted. The chairman asked the Classical Interim Committee to meet with the adhoc committee to develop next steps for the committee and the report.

15. Sustaining Pastoral Excellence (SPE) Program: Rev. Jim Dekker provided an overview of this program, which is funded by the Lily Endowment Inc., and which aims to strengthen and sustain pastors in ministry through mentoring, peer learning, and continuing education. He encouraged churches to pray for and support pastors participating in the SPE Program.

16. Chaplains’ Reports: Rev. George VanArragon (Chaplain at Shalom Manor; page 12 of the Agenda) offered many reasons for thankfulness in his work. Dr. André Basson (Chaplain at BrockUniversity; page 11 of the Agenda) attempts to connect students to their faith that they seem to leave behind when they attend university.

17. Denominational Nominations: (Page 1 of the Agenda) – there were no names presented as possible nominees for the Back to God Hour. There were no objections to submitting the names of Mr. Peter Schuurman and Ms. Nancy Booy for reelection as delegate and alternate respectively for Region 4 to the Board of Calvin College.

18. Classis Ministries Committee: This committee is currently without a chairperson, and Mr. Frank Engelage, Classis Ministries Coordinator, reported on the committee’s behalf. The committee had intended to revisit the vision and mission for Classis, but will now be hosting a “conversation” in January to do this. The Youth Leadership Support Team continues to function with Ms. Julia Van Oord as chair. The Thorold Church Plant Team is anticipating a second interview with a candidate for a church planter. Mr. Engelage asked churches to particularly pray for the process of hiring a planter. In his role as Classis Coach with the Classis Renewal Ministry Team for the denomination, he also informed Classis that a new denominational resources binder would be available at

19. Christian Reformed World Missions: Mr. Al Karsten of the Burlington office of CRWM distributed and briefly reviewed its current Strategy Statements. He also introduced Ms. Jocelyn Langendoen of the Bethany CRC as a new member-at-large of the CRWM Board.

20. Board of Trustees of the CRCNA: Rev. Andrew Beunk reported on this Board’s meeting held in September. He expressed an appreciation for the binational nature of the denomination, and for the sense of shared ministry between the US and Canadian churches. (Highlights from this meeting have been forwarded to churches).

21. Denominational Leadership Reports: Rev. Bruce Adema, Director of Canadian Ministries, provided an overview of developments in ministries to Aboriginals, the Committee for Contact with the Government, and ServiceLink. He also emphasized his recently distributed recommendation that Classes in Canada should consider becoming legally incorporated.

Rev. Jerry Dykstra, Executive Director of the CRCNA, led Classis through his presentation about the mission and vision of the Christian Reformed Church in creating and sustaining healthy congregations and working to transform lives and communities through the power of the Spirit. He also gave an opportunity for delegates and visitors to make observations and to ask questions.

22. Closing: Rev. Andrew Beunk offered a closing prayer and the Chairman declared the meeting of Classis adjourned.

23. Next Meetings:

Date: February 21, 2007

Agenda Deadline: January 2, 2007

Location: Providence CRC

Chairman: Rev. Harold Winter

Vice-chairman: Rev. Jim Dekker

Credentials: Providence (to chair) and Bethel

Overture Advisory: Bethany (to chair) and Fruitland

Following meetings: May 16 (Rehoboth), and October 17, 2007

Classis Niagara CRC – October 18, 2006 – Page 1of3