Spring 2010


  1. To become familiar with the terms and principles used to describe the subjects studied.
  2. To be able to formulate and solve problems related to the subjects studied.

These goals will be achieved by the integration of class lectures, discussions, homework and exams and applying your knowledge in the lab.

Instructor: Dr. Syed Taher

Office: 044 Jabara Hall

Phone: 978-3997


Assigned Office Hours: 11:30 am – 12:30 pm, MWThF; 4:00 – 5:00 pm MT

Other times by appointment

Text Book: Physics, Volume 1 by Cutnell-Johnson, 8th Ed. It is an introduction to the basic principles of physics and how they are useful in describing the phenomena of our physical world.

Course: The course consists of Mechanics, Heat, Thermodynamics and Waves.

Exams: Tests will be given in every other Tuesday’s class on a biweekly basis. The schedule of tests and materials to be covered is as follows:

Jan. 19 – Feb. 2 (5 classes) Chapters 1-2 Test 1 — Feb. 2

Feb 2 – Feb 16 (5 classes) Chapters 3-4 Test 2 — Feb. 16

Feb. 16 – Mar. 2 (5 classes) Chapters 5-6 Test 3 — Mar. 2

Mar 2 – Mar. 16 (3 classes) Chapters 7-8 Test 4 — Mar. 16

Mar. 16 – Mar. 30 (5 classes) Chapters 9-10 Test 5 — Mar. 30

Mar. 30 – April 13 (5 classes) Chapters 11-13 Test 6 — April 13

April 13 – April 27 (5 classes) Chapters 14, 15, 17 Test 7 — April 27

Homework: Will be posted at or before 9 am each Monday and is due by 9 am next Tuesday of that week. Homework is web-based and can be found on the course website. Each homework assignment has the same weight.

Class tests will mostly consist of problems similar to the homework and the worked out examples in the text. Each carries the same weight. There is no make-up for missed homework or the exams. At the end of the semester, scores of completed homework, labs, and exams taken will be weighted to determine the final grade according to the following policy.

The distribution of points is as follows: Tests 400 (~ 40%)

Final 100 (~ 20%)

Homework 300 (~ 30%)

Laboratory 200 (~ 20%)

Total 1000

The following grading policy will be followed closely for this class:

The following grading policy will be followed closely for this class:

A 900 and above (90% and above)

A– 850 – 899 (85% – 89.9%)

B+ 800 – 849 (80% – 84.9%)

B 750 – 799 (75% – 79.9%)

B– 700–749 (70% – 74.9%)

C+ 655 – 699 (65% –69.9%)

C 600 – 649 (60% – 64.9%)

C– 550 – 559 (55% – 59.9%)

D+ 500 – 549 (50% – 54.9%)

D 450 – 499 (45% – 49.9%)

D– 400 – 449 (40% – 44.9%)

F < 400

Note: college of Education students in teacher preparation programes should go to website below for additional needed information.