Western Local Advisory Committee
First Meeting of the Advisory Committee held on 24th February 2010
Present: Margaret Harte (Chair), Kathleen Adams, Maureen Andrew,
John Cunningham, Caroline Kelly, David McKee, Noel McKenna, Elly Omondi Odhiambo
In Attendance: Maureen Gormley, Sorcha Forbes
1. Introductions
1.1 The Members of the Local Advisory Committee introduced themselves to each other giving brief details of their background and interests.
1.2 It was agreed that members of the Local Advisory Committee would provide a brief pen portrait of themselves. It was noted that the pen portraits would also be used to provide information to the Press and Public. Members were provided with a proforma to be completed and returned to the local office. Area Manager also agreed to send the proforma to members by email.
AP Maureen to send proforma by e-mail
2. Role of the LAC
The Chair advised that the role of the LAC is to:
· Inform the PCC about experiences, concerns and priorities in local
· Work with the local office in fulfilling the PCC’s community engagement objectives
· Engage with the work of the local PCC
· Be aware of local priorities and bring to the LAC meeting
A lot of discussion took place about the role of the LAC and about the decision making process with regard to taking issues forward.
The Area Manager explained that a paper to clarify the process is currently in draft and that the final version will be shared with members.
AP Maureen to share final paper on role of the LAC with members
3. PCC Information pack
The Area Manager explained that the Information pack will not be available for members until after the final ‘mop up’ induction days on 26th February 2010.
4. Working with other agencies – Trust/LCG/PHA
The Chair explained that it has been agreed by the PCC Board that she will attend the Western Trust Board meetings as a representative of the PCC and will have a seat at the table.
A PCC representative will also attend the LCG meetings and the LCG Chair is keen that they will have a seat at the table. The representative is still to be agreed by the PCC Board. To date the Area Manager has attended these meetings as a member of the public.
The Chair explained to members that she is currently the only PCC Board member from the West.
5. Local office
Staff – The Area Manager advised members about staffing in the Western Office of the PCC indicating that there are currently four staff members: Area Manager; Patient & Client Support Officer; PPI Officer; Secretary.
Accommodation – members were advised that it is hoped that the local office will move to new premises in Omagh town centre in the near future
Work of local office – the Chair/Area Manager briefed members on the work of the PCC to date and future planned work including: Priorities for Action; PCC membership scheme; Palliative Care and End of Life consultation; complaints/advocacy service; raising the profile of the PCC. The PPI officer gave a brief outline of her role and work to date.
6. Community networking
The Chair asked members to think about how they could become actively involved in community networking to support the work of the PCC and to inform the LAC agenda.
7. Areas of work – suggestions and agreeing priorities
The Chair asked each member of the LAC to put forward 3 areas of interest. The following were noted:
Noel McKenna:
Lack skilled expertise
Unmet need
Social care – older people
John Cunningham:
Multiple patient ID numbers within and across different hospitals leads to confusion and duplication
Car parking at Erne – sign posted from front of hospital but not the back where most people park
New hospital at Erne – put in system for Outpatients similar to that at Altnagelvin
Kate Adams:
Unmet need – how much is being reported?
Mental Health
David McKee:
Would like to see a policy for all hospitals in the Western Trust working as one – there is inequality regarding rights and accessibility
Cancer patients – promised outreach chemotherapy facility in Omagh
Older people – accessibility to GP/services
Bill of Rights
Maureen Andrew:
Finances – where are the budget cuts going to hit?
Cancer patients – chemotherapy outreach in Omagh – not funded?
Carers’ entitlements
Community/domiciliary care – effects of budget cuts
Caroline Kelly:
Finances – where is money going and impact of cuts
Elly Omondi Odhiambo:
Residential care homes – independent advocacy for residents – lay person to visit along with RQIA?
Cultural awareness – eg newcomers visiting doctor being asked for their Christian name
Phone interpreting – not all GPs use language line – many patients don’t know about it and struggle to communicate their needs
Social care – children – improving the experience for ethnic families
It was agreed that the Chair and Area Manager would look at all the issues brought forward, check for commonality and agree priorities.
8. Venues/times of future meetings
It was agreed that the next meeting would also be held in the PCC local office in 2 months’ time. Venues for meetings after that will be discussed again at the next meeting.
Next meeting: Wednesday 21st April 2010 @ 2.00 pm
9. Any other business
Mr McKee said he had wished to raise the issue of the change in mortuary services in Omagh. However there was insufficient time to discuss the issue. The Area Manager agreed to follow up and try to find out why the coroner had issued a directive that the mortuary facility in Omagh should no longer be used for the storage and identification of deceased people under the control of the Coroner.
AP Area Manager to follow up issue re mortuary services