November 12Announcements
#1) Women’s Christmas Gathering Night - November 30
(Ticketed event) You won’t want to miss this evening to put you in the proper spirit for Christmas! We will be gathering at 7pm for dessert, live music and a special speaker! Tickets will be required and will be $5.00.Unofficially we are calling the event “Sequins or Sweaters” to encourage festive attire.If Christmas sweaters aren’t for you and a little bling stresses you out….come anyways!Bring snow hats or mittens to benefit Compassion Childcare.Tickets will be available in the office after November 5 and in the foyer on the two Sundays prior (November 12 and November19). Mark your calendars now!
#2)Operation Christmas Child
Deadline to return your filled boxes is this Wednesday, November 15!
There are three ways to participate:
1. Pack a shoebox. Boxes andinstructions will be provided at the displayby the frontdoor. Please no toothpaste or candy this year.
2. Unable to shop? Sponsor a shoebox by putting a $9.00 (per box shipping cost) check payable to Samaritans Purse in the container provided on the display table.
3. Pray. When the boxes are delivered, Samaritans Purse coordinates with local congregations and pastors to provide Bible lessons along with the shoebox gifts. Graduates of these classes receive Bibles in their own language.
Contact Lucie Oygard if you have any questions.
#3) Soup & Pie Supper & Meeting
Our Soup & Pie supper is Sunday, November 19, at 6pm in the Fellowship Hall. Everyone is welcome to come to this delicious event. We request that all families bring both soup and pie. Tableware and beverages will be provided. This is an annual event held the Sunday before Thanksgiving. Join us for good conversation and great food.
There will be an annual business meeting Sunday, November 19, following the soup and pie supper. The meeting will begin at approximately 7pm in the Fellowship Hall. We will be presenting the 2018 budget for approval and voting on Tim Rustand as our new treasurer. We look forward to your participation in the meeting and highly recommend that all members attend.
Allergy Notice
Due to severe peanut allergies in our congregation, we can absolutely have NO peanut products in our building. This applies to any day of the week and for any activity you may be attending in our building.
We have attendees with fragrance allergies. We have designated the first six rows of the left section of our sanctuary (as you look at the stage) for them. If you wear fragrances, we would appreciate you avoiding that area.
First Free 411
Christmas Program Rehearsal Schedule for 11/19.
K-5 Children’s Program Rehearsal: 6:30-7:30pm in the Sanctuary. ONLY children who are performing in the K-5 musical should be in the sanctuary, please. Other people in the sanctuary will be too distracting for the children, especially since it is their first practice on the stage. Thank you for your cooperation!
College Care Packages!Please let the office know asap the name of the student and their address either by email, or by noting it on your connection card that you place in the offering. Also, please consider making a donation to help offset the cost of the packages. Checks can be made out to church, simply note that it is for the care packages.