Марафон знаний по английскому языку




  1. Can you fill in the titles of these books with numbers? Who wrote the books?

a)“ … Men in a boat”

b)“ The sign of …”

  1. Who wrote a story about the Elephant’s child? What was his great fault?
  2. Where were limericks invented?
  3. Can you arrange the following famous writers in the order in which they lived? Wells, Swift, Maugham, Dickens.


  1. A “Hoosier”is a person from the state of ______.



c)New York

  1. “Subs”, “Po’Boys”, and “Hoagies” are all kinds of______.

a)rock bands

b)basketball teams


  1. The modern slang word “cool” means “really ______”.




  1. A “cheechako” is a newcomer to the state of ______.




  1. Most “Pennsylvania Dutch” people in Pennsylvania actually speak ______.




  1. The Phoenix Suns are a ______team.




This is a quiz about people of real influence. You all have heard of them. Read the hints and come up with the guy.

11. This English born scientist has been called the most influential scientist in history. His study of light and motion and mathematics revolutionized scientific theory.

a. Isaac Newton
b. John Dalton
c. Edward Jenner
d. Frances Bacon

12. This secular philosopher’s teaching influenced life and thought in his country for over 2 thousand years. His basic tenets were morality and concern for one’s fellow man.

a. Buddah
b. Plato
c. Aristotle
d. Confucius

13. Ts’ai Lun is perhaps history’s most influential inventor. Born in China in the 2nd century, little is known of his life, but without his invention little else would have followed. What invention should make Ts’ai Lun a household name?

a. paper
b. dynamite
c. ink
d. alphabet

14. This scientist was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics for his explanation of photoelectric effect.

a. Charles Darwin
b. James Clerk Maxwell
c. Albert Einstein
d. Gregor Mendel

15. This Greek mathematician is known as ‘The Father of Geometry’.

a. Aristotle
b. Plato
c. Mencius
d. Euclid

16. The Greek philosopher Aristotle wrote on many subjects, but is perhaps best known for his theories on ______.

a. education
b. logic
c. ethics
d. economics

17. This military leader rose from junior officer to become dictator of his country in only 6 years. He was responsible for the creation of a civil code of laws whose basic tenets are in use today in many countries.

a. Simon Bolivar
b. Napoleon Bonaparte
c. Alexander the Great
d. Augustus Caesar

18. This German physicist is best known as ‘The Father of Quantum Physics’.

a. Albert Einstein
b. Max Planck
c. Johannes Kepler
d. Nikolas August Otto

19. Who was the first Christian emperor of Rome?

a. Diocletian
b. Constantine the Great
c. Augustus Caesar
d. Justinian I


20. What is the difference between a channel and a canal? Name the most famous ones?

21. Which river flows through a city that has a country inside it?

22. Which two oceans the Panama canal link?

  1. Antarctica covers which of the earth’s poles?

The Treasure of time

Complete the sentences with the right time expression. Choose from: week, year, second, month, day, hour, minute, millisecond. Put the sentences in the right order

24. To realize the value of one____, ask a person who has missed the train.

To realize the value of one___, ask a student who has failed a grade.

25. To realize the value of one___, ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.

26. To realize the value of one___, ask a daily wage laborer who has kids to feed.

27. To realize the value of one___, ask a person who has avoided an accident.

28. To realize the value of one___, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.

29. To realize the value of one___, ask a mother who has given birth to a pre-mature baby.

30. To realize the value of one___, ask the person who has won a silver medal in the Olympics.