Importance of Being Earnest – Oscar Wilde

Goal – to recognize careful word choice and utilize it in updated witty social criticism


John “Jack” Worthing -

Algernon Moncrieff -

Rev. Chasuble–

Merrriman –

Lane –

Lady Bracknell–

Gwendolen Fairfax–

Cecily Cardew–

Miss Prism –

narrator –

Several helpful terms:




Working definitions of literary terms for The Importance of Being Earnest and examples from the play:

  • irony
  • situational irony
  • dramatic irony
  • double entendre
  • innuendo
  • pun
  • wit
  • euphemism
  • oxymoron





Importance of Being Earnest memes

Speaking & Listening Standards Self-Assessment

Since failure isn’t an option, participation isn’t either.

1.)Goal – to recognize careful word choice and utilize it in updated witty social criticism. My best example of meeting this goal is… because…

2.)When I offered my skit/memes for a whole-class revision, some of the best advice I received was…

3.)Some advice I offered during the whole-class revisions was…

4.)Several changes I made to my writing because of these revisions sessions are:

Meme Project

Goal – to recognize careful word choice and utilize it in updated, witty social criticism

1.)Using a PowerPoint or Google Drive (Slides) presentationfind images then insert text as needed over them OR use meme generator then paste your memes into a PowerPoint or Google Drive (Slides) presentation. Share your memes to y the rough draft deadline.

2.)Give feedback to others and take notes on the feedback offered to you

3.)Using the same methods as #1, create/add your revised memes in the same presentation (You should have at least 11 slides in your final presentation. A title slide, five final drafts, and five rough drafts. Rough drafts cannot be submitted as finals. Share your meme project presentationto by the final draft deadline.

Rubric (Do all four for a four)

SL Speaking/Listening /
  1. Gives advice during peer editing session
  2. Presents all five memes during peer editing session
  3. Presents all five memes during “presentation Friday”
  4. Presents articulately, with appropriate volume, and an air of confidence (faces audience)

W Writing /
  1. Word choice and sentence fluency [voice and tone]
  2. Conventions
  3. Delivery: message on JPEG/GIF is optimally placed
  4. JPEG/GIF supports message, improves communication

R Reading /
  1. Rough & final memes are shared before deadline
  2. Critiques a worthy target (a topic with enduring audience)
  3. School-appropriate content; encourages readers to laugh at selves versus react with rage
  4. You have fully synthesized Oscar Wilde.

Revised 9 October 2017