DATE: Tuesday, February 3, 2015

PLACE: McCain Foods

TIME: 3:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Attended: Kimberly McGrath, Heather Popp, Nicole Williams, Cori Studinski, Margo Bronk, Stacey Sowiak, and Lynn Scotch.


1.  Call to order at 3:10 p.m.

2.  Approved January 6th, 2015 board meeting minutes.

3.  President’s Report

  Bi-Laws review

§  Nicole pointed out she was recruited on an even year and not an odd, which the Bi-Laws state. It was agreed that it will work out in the long run and no changes will be made. No additional changes were suggested. Majority agreed no changes will be made to the Bi-Laws for 2015.

  2014 SHAPE

§  Kim updated that the 2104 SHAPE was entered and submitted, however we are not eligible for any award levels.

  2015 SHAPE

§  Kim and Margo will work on creating the 2015 initiative. They have the State Council already covered. Stacey questioned the initiatives for 2015 and if anything is planned. Kim has already entered the Early Bird renewal for the membership renewal.

  New Member Discount

§  Blenker Companies reached out to Nicole in January asking about new membership discounts. Kim suggested a price break for the first quarter only to new members. Margo questioned if it would be for members who dropped off and came back or for solely new members. It was agreed that based on honesty a new membership discount will be given to new members with a cost of $60 compare to the normal $80.

§  Margo will be using this as an initiative for SHAPE.

4.  Immediate Past President

  Stacey updated the board that Cori and her are on the planning committee for the WI Leadership Conference. Cori is in charge of programming and Stacey will be working on flyers. Cori asked for any suggestions for programming and Nicole suggested John from Kwik Trip speaking on company culture. Nicole will send Cori John’s contact information.

5.  President Elect

  No updates.

6.  Communications Chair Report

  Unable to attend.

7.  Treasurer’s Report

·  Unable to attend.

·  2014 Annual Report

§  Kim handed out a spreadsheet of the 2014 annual report and checkbook balance.

·  Form 990N

§  Kim will contact Jennifer about filling out the 990N form before its deadline.

8.  Professional Development/Programming

  Cori updated there have been a few hiccups with the new SHRM program. Cori was able to get the February program approved via email; however she is not sure if it will be on the certificate before she leaves for vacation. She will keep Heather posted and if she does not get the approval we will resend the certificate to those that attend next week’s meeting.

9.  Membership Chair Report

·  Nicole updated that Nora reached out to her regarding five more membership applications for Ministry. Nicole told Nora that adding five more membership would bump Ministry to tier three. Nicole suggested honoring the early bird price, however Ministry would still need to pay for being bumped up to tier three. Stacey suggested going over the difference in the tiers with Ministry if they have questions, however to still charge the appropriate tier price.

·  Nicole also updated that we are currently at 139 members with applications and 17 new members. Last year we had a total of 289 members, however that included all of Ministry, the students from MSTC, and now NCWD only has one member. Nicole has yet to reach out to 28 individuals that she has not received applications from. She does however think that half of the individuals may have submitted their application; however we have not checked the mailbox in a while. Nicole updated that she does not feel the difference in total members has anything to do with the increased prices.

·  Heather updated that MSTC reached out to hear and they are planning on having a large number of students attend the April luncheon. It sounds like there could be close to 50 MSTC attendees. Heather reminded the board we will charge the membership fees to students.

10.  Secretary Report

·  Heather updated that she has still not heard back from the Sky Club on a new menu for 2015. Heather reminded everyone this is the third year we’ve held luncheons with the Sky Club and it might be time for a change. It was agreed that we will continue to use Sky Club for 2015, however to support other businesses in the area we will look into a new location later in the year.

·  Heather also updated that there has been some email issues not have the most updated membership list. Nicole will be sending the updated list to Heather ASAP.

·  Cori reminded to get a $50 gift card for the speaker to Applebee’s.

11.  Legal & Legislative Chair

·  Lynn updated on several topics such as FSLA regarding misclassification for exempt employees for overtime pay; NLRB using email for personal use; and Obama on contribution to 401K plans. Lynn will email all updates to Amanda again to share with the entire membership.

12.  Other Business


13.  Adjourn at 4:10 p.m.

Next SPAHRA Board meeting is anticipated to be held March 3, 2015.

Heather Popp
