Golda Sharpe (borrowed from P. Muller and HSHS Summer 2008)

8th Grade-Pre Algebra

2nd Period

June 12, 2009

50 minutes

  1. Objectives
  2. TSW identify daily “Orders of Operations” with examples (DOK 1)
  3. TSW simplify and evaluate expressions. (DOK 2)
  4. TSW use order of operations to arrange numbers to achieve a desired result. (DOK-1)
  5. Materials

  1. Premade strips with steps on how to make a PB&J sandwich
  2. Markers (overhead and dry erase)
  3. Transparencies
  4. Gloves
  5. Peanut Butter/Jelly
  6. Bread
  7. Gloves
  8. Plastic knife

  1. Set (4mins)
  2. Last night I was going to bake some cookies to bring to class today. I took out the recipe and got all the ingredients and everything, but something happened and I didn't end up with cookies! Have any of you ever made cookies before? Maybe you can help me figure out what went wrong...Here's my recipe and here are all the ingredients it told me to have. I followed every single instruction: I got the cookie mix. I put the cookie sheet in the oven. I then preheated the oven. Then I added the eggs and the sugar. Then I took the pan out of the oven.... What did I do wrong? Why didn't I make cookies? I went out of order. But I followed the directions, just not in the order that was required to make cookies. I did it in my own order. Can I do that? Order is important in a lot of things not only baking or cooking but in math…. I will then proceed to explain the importance of “Order” in both real life and math problems.
  3. Procedure
  4. Teacherwill randomly pull instructions on how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (2 mins)
  5. Student will performinstructions on actual PB&J sandwich. (Teacher will call out directions) (5 mins)
  6. TTW discuss the importance of order in real life situations and ask the students to come up with examples. (5-7 mins)
  7. Student will put PB&J instructions in correct order and construct sandwich according to new instructions. ( 5 mins)
  8. TTW present math problems to students and ask them to solve using the order of operations. (7 mins)
  9. TSW play the dice game, where they must use the numbers rolled to reach a certain number using any operation they choose. (15 mins)
  10. Students will come up with their own acronym to remember order of operations. (3 mins)
  11. Closure (4 mins)
  12. Why my cooking was such a disaster last night? How can we relate that to math? Why is PEMDAS important?
  13. We actually use a type of “order of operations” in daily life. Restate previous examples the students used.
  14. During the next period we will review for your test.
  15. Assessment/Evaluation
  16. Objective: TSW identify daily “Orders of Operations” with examples)

Assessment (Informal): TTW listen to students’ (M) examples of things (types of food or daily activities) that require a certain order (C).

  1. Objective: TSW simplify and evaluate expressions.

Assessment (Informal): TTW assign and check math problems (M) to check student’s comprehension of PEMDAS (C).

  1. Objective: TSW use order of operations to arrange numbers to achieve a desired result.

Assessment (Informal): TTW explain dice game (M) and observe for comprehension (C).