Physical Education and Sport Premium Grant Expenditure and Impact 2015-16

Annual report for Local Governing Advisory Board – March 2016

Rolling Record

PE Funding Overview:


Number of Pupils and Sport Premium Grant Received:
Total number of pupils on roll (Sept 2014) / 116
Total amount to be received: / £8565


Number of Pupils and Sport Premium Grant Received:
Total number of pupils on roll (Sept 2015) / 115
Total amount to be received: / £8565


Number of Pupils and Sport Premium Grant Received:
Total number of pupils on roll (Sept 2015) / 111
Total amount to be received: / £8565

Statement of Intent 14/16:

“To improve the quality, breadth and depth of PE and sport provision, including increasing participation in PE and sport so that all pupils develop healthy lifestyles and reach the performance level they are capable of.
  1. To engage pupils and teachers in developing an enjoyable, high quality broad and balanced curriculum.

  1. To provide a well organised appropriate and enjoyable programme of competitions and festivals for all students of all abilities, including those with SEND, at local and county level and linking to sport national bodies.

  1. To provide valuable opportunities to develop leadership programme across all Key Stages.

  1. To ensure that all pupils of all abilities can transfer from their school activities to sustained community based sport.

  1. To ensure all pupils who are gifted and talented in PE and sport are identified and appropriately signposted to a suitable talent development programme.

  1. To ensure that more pupils take part more often in school and locally co-ordinated physical activity.

  1. To ensure that all pupils and families are educated about the health related benefits of engaging regularly in sustained physical activity and dietary choices.

  1. To ensure that all stakeholders involved in the delivery of PE and sport share the vision and ambitions of this plan and work together to meet its aims.

  1. To maintain an effective PE and sport programme over the next three years making best value decision on how to deploy funding.

Sport Premium Key Pupil Groups: 2014-16

Key Pupil Group: / Rationale for Selection:
Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) / To ensure and promote a healthy lifestyle through education and delivery of extended sports provision.
Gifted and Talented (G+T) / To offer access to high quality PE out of the school timetable to extend their knowledge and skills.
Physical Development (PD) / To ensure that every child has the access to high quality sports with a sports specialist to develop co-ordination and skills in a range of sports.
Lifestyle Awareness (LA) / To promote improved lifestyle choices through awareness and participation in extended sporting provision.

Summary of PE

Our PE Development Plan identifies 6 key objectives on which we will spend the additional funding:

  • To improve access to a wider range of sports; to widen experience, stimulate interest and develop new skills

  • To increase opportunities for more pupils to attend after-school clubs

  • To extend the provision of swimming; its assessment and any potential award scheme

  • To improve awareness of sports and PE events and issues; sharing and raising the profile of pupil achievements

  • To widen and increase participation in local and county competition

  • Professional Development of staff in identified areas of need

2016/17 Spending Plan and Initial Impact Outcomes:

To Date: Started Sept 201617/ Review … 2017/18
PE Funding Income Received: £8925
Project: / Cost: / Objective:
Plymouth Argyle / £3000
Launceston College / £600
Plymouth Raiders / £390
Yoga / £540
Ibounce / £502.50
To be allocated
Total Current Spend
Identified Priorities for Remaining Annual Funding / Possibly be spent on alternative sports/ replace old equipment.
Depending on the children’s responses, another half term of basketball may be what the children/ sports council request.

Sport Impact:

Sport/Provision / Success Criteria / Provider / Date / Provision / Amount / Impact and Evidence
Football. PE specialist to provide structured/high quality lessons and provide training for teachers to enable them to feel more confident to teach football. / Increase skills and techniques
CPD for staff
Increase children to participate in high quality PE sessions weekly.
Increase the variety of PE at Lewannick. / Plymouth Argyle / All year
Sep-July 2016/17 / 6 week blocks across the year. / £3000 / Foundation to Yr.6 have lessons to enhance their football skills and techniques.
Skills within the curriculum are delivered by trained coaches. High quality specific sessions implemented by specialist coaches.
Role model of ex professional football players.
95% of children in KS1 and KS2 stated that they enjoyed PE lessons with Argyle.
90% of children in KS1 and KS2 believe that they have ‘got better’ at football. They believe that their skills have developed and they are able to play at a better standard.
Children are encouraged to try new after school clubs.
51% of children participated in after school club during the Autumn Term.
61% of children participated in after school club during the Spring Term.
5 out of 6 teachers were not confident with teaching football but working alongside Plymouth Argyle they now feel more confident in being able to teach at a higher standard.
Launceston College / Compete in regular competitive sports.
Compete in a wide range of sports.
Increase participation to give a wider range of children a competitive opportunity. / Launceston College / 16/17 / Local leagues / £600 / Target children who participate in sporting clubs at Lewannick and give them the opportunity to play against other local primary schools.
63% of children in Year 5 and 6 have played in a range of competitive sports against other schools.
35% of children in Year 3 and 4 have played in a range of competitive sports.
Developed better links with other local primary schools to be able to compete in a range of matches.
Opportunities for gifted and talented children to develop their skills at workshops offered by high quality specialist staff.
Yoga / To increase the variety of PE within Lewannick / Caroline / Spring Term 1
January to February / 6 week block. 30 mins for KS1
40 mins for KS2. / £540 / Staff are up skilled. Children learn new skills and techniques.
Opportunity to try and alternative sport.
Plymouth Raiders / To increase the variety of PE within Lewannick and give all children the opportunity to play a different sport.
Teachers learn from specialists and children receive high quality PE. / Plymouth Raiders / Spring Term 2
February to March / 6 week block.
3 hours for KS1
3 hours for KS2 / £390 / The funding has been used to hire a specialist to ensure all children get high quality PE. The children get the chance to develop new skills and play in game situations.
High quality assured coach comes into Lewannick for half a term and is able to enrich and enhance the experience of basketball for young people and give the teachers opportunities to learn and feel more confident in teaching basketball.
30% of the school participate in basketball after school club. It gives the children the opportunity to develop their skills further.
Ibounce / To participate in an alternative sport.
To participate in trampolining and dodgeball activities. / Ibounce Bodmin / February 2017 / 9am-12pm / 1 hour-KS1
1 hour- KS2 / To stimulate health and well-being and enjoyment of exercise.
Opportunity to try and alternative sport.
100% of children enjoyed the trip to Ibounce.
Equipment / Equipment needed to enable sports activities. / March 2017 / As required / Required equipment / To ensure high quality PE can take place.