Official proceedings of the City Council of the City of Marseilles of the meeting of October 4, 2017.

The City Council of the City of Marseilles met in the City Chamber of City Hall at the hour of 6:00 P.M. on October 4, 2017.

Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Roll call showed the following present: Commissioner Hollenbeck, Davis, and Buckingham. Absent: Mayor Trager and Commissioner Lewey.

Moved by Commissioner Davis seconded by Commissioner Buckingham that the minutes from the Council meeting of September 20, 2017 be approved as displayed and placed on file. Ayes: Commissioner Davis, Buckingham, and Mayor Pro Tem Hollenbeck. Nays: None

Moved by Commissioner Buckingham seconded by Commissioner Davis that the accounts payable for the last half of September in the amount of $89,521.53 be approved and a warrant be drawn on the City Treasury for the said amount. Ayes: Commissioner Davis, Buckingham, and Mayor Pro Tem Hollenbeck. Nays: None

Moved by Commissioner Davis seconded by Commissioner Buckingham that the payroll for the last half of September in the amount of $60,071.13 be approved and a warrant be drawn on the City Treasury for said amount. Ayes: Commissioner Davis, Buckingham, and Mayor Pro Tem Hollenbeck. Nays: None

Moved by Commissioner Davis seconded by Commissioner Buckingham that the demolition of 340 Wallace Street for $11,600.00, 212 Water Street for $11,600.00 and 214 Water Street for $18,500.00 be awarded to Quaka Construction and the demolition of 542 Illinois Street for $9,480.00 be awarded to Pohar & Sons. Ayes: Commissioner Davis, Buckingham, and Mayor Pro Tem Hollenbeck. Nays: None

Moved by Commissioner Buckingham seconded by Commissioner Davis that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to enter into an agreement for application services for Illinois Transportation Enhancements Program (ITEP) grant be approved. Ayes: Commissioner Davis, Buckingham, and Mayor Pro Tem Hollenbeck. Nays: None

Mayor Pro Tem Hollenbeck reminded the City will no longer be using CodeRed program we are switching over to Nixle public safety alert. The city is certified as a storm ready community all police officers took the appropriate classes to get certified. City Engineer Mike Etscheid stated there are some conflicts with the Young Street culvert project. There is a gas issue with Nicor the project maybe pushed back to 2018.

Nate Schafer the VP of the Recreation Board stated the MRB party went well. They severed over 300 plates, the event cost under $3,000. Michelle Rieuf Klock said the special event permit for Freedom Fest 2018 was turned in and denied. She asked what steps to take next. Chief Hovious said he didn’t deny the event he offered to meet with the Freedom Fest board to offer suggestions. A special event permit was never submitted to the city.

Moved by Commissioner Davis seconded by Commissioner Buckingham that the City Council adjourns. Ayes: Commissioners Davis Buckingham, and Mayor Pro Tem Hollenbeck. Nays: None


______Lesley Hart______