LHEC Parent Handbook
9511 Foxcroft Avenue, Clinton, MD 20735
Table of Contents
Our Purpose…...... 3
Childcare Philosophy………...... 3
Childcare Goals & Objectives...... 3
Developmental Screenings………………………………...... 3-4
Curriculum……………….………………………………...... 4
Hours of Operation …………………………………………...... 4
Closings & Dismissal………………….……………………...... 5
Holidays & Leave...... 5
Inclement Weather ...... 5
Tuition Rates…….……….………………………………...... 5
Payment Policy & Fees...... 6
Discipline Policy...... 7
Phone Calls……...... 7
Illness & Immunizations...... 7-8
Child Abuse and Neglect...... 8
Contact Information...... 8
Family Involvement...... 8
Potty Training…...... 9
Breastfeeding Policy...... 9
Food & Nutrition……………………...... 9
Accidents or Injuries…..……………...... 9
Supplies...... 9
Outdoor Play …...... 10
Field Trips ………………..…...... 10
Homework Policy……………………………………………………………10
Parking………………………………………………………...... 10
Volunteers/Staff……………………….……………………...... 11
Here at Loving Hands Enrichment Center, we use a comprehensive curriculum to create a learning experience like no other! Our academic year goes from September through June and we have an exciting summer enrichment program that starts in July and ends in August.
To provide a nurturing environment for children that will promote growth and development in the early stages of life and to enrich families by providing quality childcare.
Children may be enrolled regardless of race, color, religion or national origin. Children are taught to respect each other’s similarities, differences and to recognize the uniqueness of each individual.
Childcare Philosophy
We believe children should be able to explore, learn and discover in their environment. During early childhood, most of these activities are taught through play. Through play children develop social, emotional and ethical skills that are needed to function in society and provide them with basic life skills.
Childcare Goals & Objectives
· Provide a caring and knowledgeable staff that cooperates in partnering with parents in their child’s development.
· Provide a warm, nurturing, learning environment for all children in the center.
· Provide a healthy, safe, supportive, and secure environment for all children in the center.
· Encourage each child’s developmental growth by providing an environment that fosters learning through action, inquiry, creativity, and exploration.
· Promote self-esteem within each child through an environment that encourages independence, decision-making, caring and sharing.
· Help each child develop social skills so they can successfully interact with other children and adults.
Developmental Screening
Maryland State Department of Education has implemented a new state regulation called Developmental screening. This is a brief method completed by the parent to quickly identify a child’s progress through foundational early childhood developmental milestones. A child’s development can be measured by how a child learns, speaks, moves, behaves and relates. Skills such as smiling, waving, and talking are developmental milestones. Results from developmental screenings indicate which children would benefit from a full evaluation and assessment. Children who receive early intervention services generally do better in the long term than those identified later. Upon completion of the screening, we will meet with you to discuss the findings and whether a referral to another agency for further evaluation is necessary. These forms are required documents, along with all other enrollment forms.
The screening tool our program will use is called ASQ and this process will begin immediately. Screenings required are as follows:
2 screenings per year- Birth-36 months 1 screening per year-37 months-K entry
If your child is currently has an IFSP/IEP, we ask that you provide us with a copy for your child’s file. We will work with any special health care providers that may be required.
We start each day with our daily routine which consists of, but is not limited to the following:
· Songs
· Talking about our Feelings
· Who’s Here Today
· Calendar and Weather Info
· Seasons and Classroom Rules
We use the Mother Goose Time Curriculum series, along with other resources to enhance learning and to keep learning lively, interesting and memorable; therefore, we limit screen time (to include computer activities) to no more than two hour per week.
As the nursery students get older they learn to:
· Recognize numbers and letters
· Recognize shapes and sounds
· Develop hand and eye coordination
· Build character
For our preschoolers and kindergartners, some of the things they learn are:
· Writing alphabets and numbers
· Reading using Phonics
· Performing simple math operations
· Developing character
Hours of Operation
Monday- Friday
7:00 a.m. – 6:15 p.m.
Unless your child has a doctor’s appointment, your child should arrive by 9:00 a.m. The center should be notified immediately if the child will be absent that day. If your child does not arrive and the staff has not been contacted by 9am no preparations will be made concerning your child for the day to include meals, activities and projects.
Arriving anytime after 9:00 a.m. is unfair to your child, the other children and to the structure of the program. We will not review projects or activities that were missed if your child arrives late. Please ensure that your child is fed (no outside food is permitted). Our daily routine is a very important part of your child becoming acclimated.
Please be sure to sign your child in and out daily.
Early Closings/Dismissal
Whenever the center closes early, late fees (mentioned above) will apply 5 minutes after closing time.
The children take their naps between the hours of 1:00 – 3:30 p.m. If for any reason you need to pick your child up during these hours please call in advance so that I can have your child ready for pick up and the other children are not disturbed.
The center will be closed on all Federal holidays to include the following: New Year’s Day, President’s Day, Martin Luther King Jr.’s Birthday, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.
Since we are considered a small center the Director will be paid five personal days, five sick days, three professional development days and bereavement days (if needed). Up to three bereavement days can be allotted, however if it is an immediate family member up to five days may be taken. As much notice, as possible will be given before using these days. The Director will also take two weeks of vacation per year paid at the full rate. Parents will be given ample notification of the vacation dates.
Inclement Weather/ Emergency Closing
Any time the Federal Government closes we are closed including, but not limited to inclement weather and national security. If the Federal Government issues a delayed arrival (ex. 2 hr delay) the daycare will do the same. Any additional closing will be at the provider’s discretion.
In the event the center is without heat, water, electricity, etc., we are obligated to follow our childcare license and its rules and regulations regarding these events and will close the center based on such guidelines. The Director will make any and all early closing decisions.
Tuition Rates
To enroll your child a $50 registration fee and a $100 deposit (both fees are non-refundable) is due to secure your child’s enrollment.
$200 per week- Under 2yrs of age
$180 per week- Toddler/Preschool rate
You must enroll your child yearly in our Before/After Care Program. The yearly registration fee is $30.
$120 per week- Before/After Care (school closings not included, unless noted in contract)
$65 per week- Before or After Care (school closings not included, unless noted in contract)
Payment Policy and Fees
Payments are paid in advance and are due every Friday morning at the time of drop off as noted in your contract. If for any reason your child is not here on a Friday payment is still due that morning. If for any reason payment is received after that a $20 late fee will be assessed and $10 for every day late thereafter. Payments will be accepted by check, money order, square cash or online in the exact amount. Any overages will be credited to the child’s account. All online payments are due by noon on Thursday to ensure timely receipt of payment (in the event your payment is received after this time you are responsible for the late fee). Please make checks or money orders payable to Loving Hands Enrichment Center, LLC. There will be a $30.00 charge for returned checks; no personal checks will be accepted thereafter.
Should an unexpected emergency occur, making it impossible for you to pick up your child, please call in advance with the name of your alternate. Alternates must show a valid driver’s license.
Late Fees
The center closes at 6:15 p.m. and all children should be picked up at that time. There is a late fee of $5.00 beginning 6:16pm and $2.00 thereafter for every minute up to the time the child leaves the daycare (fee is per child). For instance, at 6:17pm the late fee acquired would be $7. Please be prepared to pay when you arrive to receive your child.
Any unpaid fees are subject to immediate suspension or termination of care, and shall result in immediate collection proceedings at the full expense of the parent/guardian.
Loving Hands Enrichment Center reserves the right to suspend or terminate care of any contract without notice, should it be deemed necessary for the overall safety and well-being of my family and children in care. No refunds or credits are given. However, in most instances we will attempt to provide a two week notice provided.
Registration Fees
There is an annual registration fee of $40 and $30 for after care (non-refundable). This fee will secure your child’s enrollment for each upcoming school year. There will also be a monthly book fee (subject to change) of $10 during the school year.
Court Fees
Any fees associated with collection of monies due to the Loving Hands Enrichment Center, LLC (including but not limited to) postage expenses, attorney consultations, court cost, processing fees and lost wages will be paid by the parent/legal guardian of this contract. Late fees will accrue from the date payment was due until the collection is awarded.
Discipline Policy
Each child is a special and unique person, deserving of respect, nurturing and guidance. We will remain positive and supportive of the children, while they are learning to assume responsibility for their actions. Guidance will be consistent, based on individual needs, and directing the children toward an acceptable expression of their feelings. The guidance techniques that will be used include redirecting, offering choices, the apple behavior chart and a thinking chair. We will encourage them to use words when expressing emotions. If the usual guidance techniques are unsuccessful, we will schedule a meeting with the parents to discuss the situation and help set goals for the child’s behavior.
Phone Calls
No phone calls should be made to my cell phone (301-659-5581) unless we are on a childcare outing. It is not an effective way of communication nor is it easily accessible.
We do understand that we are in the age of technology however, please don't use text as a form of communication.If text is ever used it will only be to inform you all during an emergency.
If you need to reach us concerning your child please contact us during business hours 7am-6pm.If there is a conversation that needs to be discussed in length please set up a conference call with me so that we can have a set time to address your concerns however, feel free to contact us during nap time between 1-3pm daily.
Please feel free to call the center anytime and leave a message and we will be sure to address your needs in a timely manner.
Illness & Immunizations
Parents should keep children home or they will be sent home for the following reasons;
Ø Temperature elevations of 100 or above;
Ø Chicken pox;
Ø When a child has diarrhea, the child will be sent home immediately if the waste comes out of the undergarments. If the child has a loose stool, after the second loose stool they will be sent home.
Ø Eye infections;
Ø Strep infections;
Ø Contagious cough;
Ø Persistent lethargy;
Ø Rashes or blisters of face and/or trunk;
Ø Ringworm;
Ø Ear infections;
Ø Nasal discharge or any bodily orifice;
Ø Lice;
Ø Apparent swelling in any area of the body whether accompanied by a fever or not;
Ø Excessive vomiting (spontaneous and/or within one-half hour of feeding;
Ø or any other illness deemed contagious.
When children are out sick, they must remain symptom free for 24 hours and a signed doctor’s note will be required stating that the child may return if the child is absent for two (2) or more days. If you are called to pick your child up early due to an illness, you will be expected to arrive within an hour from the time of notification. During this time we have already carefully observed the situation and determined your child has to leave for his/her welfare and that of the other children.
Fees: A $20.00 late fee will be imposed for every hour late and is due at the time of pickup.
The center shall not administer prescription or non-prescription medication to a child without written authorization from the parent/guardian.
On the day that your child receives immunizations, they are not permitted to come to the center.
Child Abuse and Neglect
All cases or suspected cases of child abuse and/or neglect will be reported to the Child Protective Services Division of the Department of Human Services and/or the police department immediately.
Contact Information
Current addresses, telephone numbers for both home and work, and medical records must be kept up-to-date in case of emergencies.
Family Involvement
We welcome your questions or concerns about your child’s development and well being. We do ask that they be expressed in a respectful manner towards our staff. Please refrain from profanity or inappropriate behavior. Any violation of the aforementioned behavior may result in termination of your contract.
Parents are encouraged to submit articles and information on community events that they would like to share with the other families. Also, let us know if you would like to join us on field trips.
Parent/Teacher conferences are held twice during the school year (September-June) to discuss your child’s growth and development progress. The focus of these conferences will be: