Service / TelephoneDoctors / Central Dales Practice, Aysgarth Surgery
Out of hours number / 01969 663222
Dentists / Leyburn Dental Practice, Leyburn (not NHS)
Alpha Dental Studio, Leyburn (NHS) / 01969 622132
01969 623999
Veterinary Surgeons / Bainbridge Vets, Bainbridge
Yoredale Vets, Leyburn / 01969 650263
01969 623107/ 623024
Police / Police Station at Leyburn, but for all telephone enquiries contract North Yorkshire Police. / Non-emergencies
Dial 101
Refuse Collection / Every Thursday (mid morning) in West Burton. One week recycling waste, next week general waste. Richmondshire District Council will collect large household items by arrangement. Skips at Moor Road, Leyburn for garden and other rubbish. Look for the NYCC Tip sign. (closed on Wednesdays) / 01748 850222
Buses / West Burton’s representative on the Transport Action Group is Edna Rossiter / 01969 663510
Play Group for Toddlers / Held in West Burton Village Hall. Contact Beth Daley.
Mondays 9.30 am to 11.30 am / 01969 663031
Chiropody Clinic / Patients can be referred by the doctor to the clinic held at Aysgarth Surgery. Other chiropodists are available through Yellow Pages. / 01969 663222
Butcher and Frozen Foods / Hartle’s the Butcher, West Burton – closed every Monday and Wednesday afternoon. / 01969 663302
Village Shop / Open every day (half day on Sunday and Wednesday) / 01969 663857
Fish and Chip Van / Calls in the Village on Wednesday evenings about 7.45 to 8.15 p.m.
Coal / James Peacock, Bainbridge
CPL Distribution, Leyburn / 01969 650212
01969 622234
Oil / Kettlewell Fuels. For other suppliers please see Yellow Pages. / 01765 640682
Chimney Sweep / Mr Skip Boxall, Leyburn / 01969 622032
Window Cleaner / Mr Martin Tradewell, Coverdale / 01969 640474
Car Repairs / Mr Keith Percival, Aysgarth
Aysgarth Garage / 01969 663305
01969 663900
Laundry and Dry Cleaning / West Burton shop or the Laundrette and Dry Cleaning Service, Grove Square, Leyburn.
The White Bedding Company, Trading Estate, Leyburn / 01969 622685
01969 623699
Church Ministers / Church of England: Rev Lynn Purvis-Lee, St Andrews Church, Aysgarth
Methodist: Rev Janet Park, West Burton Chapel
Roman Catholic: Father Patrick O’Neill, St Peter & St Paul Church, Leyburn / 01969 663235
01969 667268
01969 623141
Clubs and Societies
Bridge / Held at 7.00 pm at Middleham Key Centre every Wednesday
Contact Mrs Sue Hird or Mrs Susan Mackellar / 01748 832340
01748 822261
Music / Aysgarth Singers, Tuesday evenings. Contact Stan Roocroft
Wensleydale Orchestra, held in West Burton Village Hall. .Contact Fiona Johnson / 01969 667342
01969 663325
Art Group / Every Wednesday morning in West Burton Village Hall. Contact Michael Wheeler or Michael Pledge / 01969 663629
01969 663481
Wensleydale Society / Meetings are held in West Burton Village Hall usually on the 1st Friday evening of each month. Contact Geoff Robson / 01969 625112
Fishing / Householders with Registered Rights can fish in parts of Walden Beck. Please see plan at Butcher’s Shop.
Quoits / Every Monday evening during the summer on the Village Green, West Burton. Contact James Fawcett / 01969 663266
Bowls / West Burton Village Hall on Monday nights. Contact Mary Dent. / 01969 663300
Badminton / West Burton Village Hall on Tuesday nights during the winter. Contact Christine Pratt / 01969 663792
Yoga / West Burton Village Hall on Wednesday evenings. Contact Sue Lightfoot / 01969 663993
Fitness Class / West Burton Village Hall on Mondays at 6.00 pm. Contact Marie Everitt / 01969 663065
West Burton Village Lunches / 1st Thursday of each month in the Village Hall. Contact Miss Jane Ritchie / 01969 663385
Women’s Institute / Contact Val Gladman of the Thoralby WI or the local Federation office in Ripon / 01969 663742
01765 606339
Upper Wensleydale Ladies Lunch Club / 3rd Wednesday in the month, usually with a speaker. Contact Shelagh Magrath / 01969 663958
Wednesday Club
Lunches / 2nd Wednesday in the month... Contact Jean Cockburn / 01969 663201
Leyburn & District Probus / 1st and 3rd Tuesday each month. Contact Keith Manning / 01677 450962
Leyburn Ladies Probus / 10.30 am. 1st Thursday of the month. Contact Viv Worswick / 01969 624173
Leyburn Guides and Brownies / Scout Hall, Leyburn. Contact the North East Regional Office / 01904 676076
Friends of the Dales Countryside Museum / Events and speakers at the Dales Countryside Museum, Hawes. Contact the Chairperson, Mrs Sue Foster. / 01969 667424
For other notices and advertisements see Upper Wensleydale Newsletter, Leyburn Life and Notice Boards. The Darlington & Stockton Times is our local weekly newspaper. Information can also be found on the Parish Website:
Compiled by Burton-cum-Walden Parish Council
Updated April 2015