Wiley Middle School PTA Minutes

October 8, 2012

The meeting was called to order by Melissa Yatesat 12 p.m. The meeting was held in Room #104 at Wiley.

In attendance

Robin Anderson, Tim Brooker, Deborah Casstevens, Joycelyn Dillon, Sheldon Edward Geis, Julie Kirk, Reedy Mensh, Lyzbeth Roman, Kate Ruley, Kathryn Spanos, Mark Stanek, Clare Jordan, Corinne Ward, Melissa Yates, Mr. Gaillard, Mrs. Walters, Mrs. Harvey, Mrs. Harris, Ms. Turner

Officers’ Reports – President Melissa Yates

Melissa welcomed those in attendance and thanked everyone for their support. Melissa shared that we needed to vote on the Wiley PTA budget that was presented at the September 10, 2012 meeting. The budget was unanimously approved. Melissa is creating our meeting agendas based on the chronological order of PTA events. If anyone would like to make sure that they are on the agenda for a particular PTA meeting, they can contact Melissa.

Officers’ Reports – Secretary Deborah Casstevens

Deborah asked everyone to please sign their attendance on the sheet that was being passed around. Deborah asked if there were any changes needed for the September 10, 2012 Wiley PTA minutes. No one suggested any. The motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes. The minutes were approved unanimously.

Officers’ Reports – Treasurer Tim Brooker

Tim provided the treasurer’s report. The total ending balance for our PTA accounts is $6,621.09. Tim has opened a PTA account at Piedmont Federal. He will eventually close the BB&T account. There were no questions on the treasurer’s report.

Committee Reports

Fundraising – Corrine Ward updated us on the current fundraiser. She noted that we especially need volunteers to help when collecting and counting order forms and money from students – October 17, 18 and 19. Corrine asked if you are able to help for an hour or two to please try to do this. Currently, volunteers are working 2 mornings a week organizing penguin incentives for students.

Hospitality – Kate Ruley shared that wonderful Wednesdays are tentatively set for the last Wednesday in each month (except for December). So, the October event will be October 31.

Rising 6th Grade Open House – This committee will be hosting an informational coffee for the parents of rising 6th grade students on Thursday, October 25 at 9am. Reedy Mensh encouraged board members to attend if we are able even for just a little bit. The coffee is tentatively set for Reedy’s home.

Reflections – Information on the Reflections competition has been sent home in Wednesday packets. The deadline for submissions is November 1.

PBIS/PAWS – Robin Anderson and Ms. Turner updated our Board on the PBIS/PAWS program for Wiley. This program is designed to incent good behavior by students by allowing the students to earn tickets from staff for good behavior and then allowing the students to redeem the tickets for prizes. There will be a school dance on October 26th for students who have earned a required number of PAWS tickets. The dance will last approximately 55 minutes. Robin will probably be contacting some of us to see if we could help to provide refreshments for the dance. There will be a PAWS store and we will be seeking donations through businesses and individuals. Ms. Turner did specify that we do not want to offer food prizes. There was to be a PBIS meeting on Tuesday, October 9 to work out more details of the store. This committee will be working with a business called $5 Below to have a fundraiser – where the store will give Wiley 10% of purchases if the individual purchasing the items states that they are from Wiley. If there are contacts we have in the community with possible prizes, we should contact Robin or Ms. Turner.

PTA Title I Night – Mrs. Harris updated the board on plans for Wiley Parent Night. This night has been set for October 25th. It will include training on the Common Core and Essential Standards. The Parent Night will begin at 6:30pm. We decided to hold our Wiley PTA meeting that night from 6:15 to 6:30pm in the Media Center at Wiley. Mrs. McLaughlin will be providing information to 6th grade parents (“A Time to Tell”) in the Media Center from 5:30 to 6:15pm. We plan to have a Wiley Wear table at the Parent Night. It was suggested in our meeting that the school “ring the bell” during the Parent training to ensure that we stay on track from a time perspective.

SIT – Mark Stanek reported that the primary business of SIT at their last meeting had been the PBIS/PAWS program (see notes above).

Faculty Representative – Mrs. Harvey thanked everyone for support from parents for our school. She shared information from Mrs. Estes about the Bullying Program that is scheduled for Saturday, October 13 at LJVM from 9am to 1pm. Wiley needs several families to attend if possible – currently only one Wiley family is signed up. Please let Mrs. Estes know if you are interested in signing up for this very important event – she has registration forms. Mrs. Harvey requested a list of PTA memberships.

Wiley Wear – This committee will be evaluating our stock and determining based on this what needs to be ordered. There are hooded sweatshirts on order. A Wiley Wear table will be set up for Parent Night on October 25.

Athletics – Heather Bowen could not be at our meeting but she did send notice that if anyone would like to be a part of the Wiley 5k subcommittee to please contact her. Kurt Carlan has agreed to help be a part of this subcommittee.

Principal’s Remarks – Mr. Gaillard shared that the school year is continuing on very well. An awesome STEAM night was held. The 6th grade field trip to Camp Hanes was a great success. Beautification day was very successful. Claire Jordan has done a terrific job with the website. The parent volunteer sheet has been very successful. Thank you to all for your dedication and hard work. October is anti-bullying month. Students and staff are being encouraged to wear orange on Wednesday, October 10 to support anti-bullying. We have a new teacher at Wiley – Erica Patterson – she is teaching 7th and 8th grade science. Mrs. Tanya Bridges has announced she will be retiring in December of this year. Mr. Gaillard is working hard to keep us all updated with Alert Now and Twittering. He is also planning to do a weekly blog to help keep parents informed of what is happening at Wiley. Mr. Gaillard shared that on Tuesday, October 9, he had been asked to attend the Buildings and Grounds committee of the School Board to discuss the possibility of an historical marker for Wiley. He wants to ensure that an historical status would not limit our school in any way with how we might configure our building for best use by students and staff. Wiley currently has 502 students.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:07pm.

Minutes Compiled By: Deborah Casstevens, PTA Secretary