Electronic Supplementary Material
soils, sec 2 • global change, environ risk assess, sustainable land use • research article
Release and migration of colloidal phosphorus from a typical agricultural field under long-term phosphorus fertilization in southeastern China
Xinqiang Liang 1 • Yi Jin1 • Yue Zhao1 • Zhibo Wang2 • Rongqiang Yin1 • Guangming Tian1
Received: 19 August 2015 / Accepted: 15 October 2015
© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015
Responsible editor: Chengrong Chen
1 College of Environmental and Resource Sciences, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China
2 Key Laboratory for Water Pollution Control and Environmental Safety, Zhejiang Province, Hangzhou 310058, China
Xinqiang Liang
Fig.S1 Precipitation and daily average temperature intwo rice seasons
Fig.S2 Soil total P content in0-100 cm profile under different fertilizationtreatments after oilseed rape and rice seasons in 2012 and 2013. Different letters beside the columns at the same soil depth denote significant differences underfour treatments (P<0.05)
Table S1 Summary of reported literatures on contents and distribution colloidal P in agricultural fields
Soil type and landuse / Fertilization regimes / Soil phosphorus content / Object / Size distribution and conjugation / Proportion / Separation method / Referencea / Five-year inorganic, 22 kg P hm-2a-1 / 3356 μg P dm-3 / Soil solution / 220-1200 nm / 23% (molybdate reactive P) / Microfiltration/
Ultrafiltration / Shand CA, et al., 2000
a / Five-year inorganic, 22 kg P hm-2a-1 / 3356 μg P dm-3 / Soil solution / 220-1200 nm / 46% (organic P)
b / Organic and inorganic / 16.8 mmol kg-1 (Oxalate-extractable P) / Soil solution / Humic acid-metal-phosphate / 42-57% (<0.45 μm soil suspension) / Membrane filtration/Gel filtration / Hens M and Merckx R, 2001
b / Organic and inorganic / 18.5 mmol kg-1 (Oxalate-extractable P) / Soil solution / Humic acid-metal-phosphate / 20-29% (<0.45 μm soil suspension)
c / No fertilizers / 0.39 mmol kg-1 (Oxalate-extractable P) / Soil solution / Humic acid-metal-phosphate / 0 / Membrane filtration/Gel filtration / Hens M and Merckx R, 2001
d / Organic, 50×103 kg P hm-2a-1 / 92.7 μmol P (<0.45μm soil solution) / Soil solution / 25-450 nm / 40-58% (<0.45 μm soil solution) / Gel filtration/Membrane filtration / Hens M and Merckx R, 2002
d / Inorganic, 50×103 kg P hm-2 / 33.9 μmol P (<0.45μm soil solution) / Soil solution / 25-450 nm / 40-58% (<0.45 μm soil solution)
e / Organic, 50×103-100×103 kg P hm-2a-1 / 23.8 μmol P (<0.45μm soil solution) / Soil solution / 25-450 nm / <8% (<0.45 μm soil solution) / Gel filtration/Membrane filtration / Hens M and Merckx R, 2002
f / Organic and inorganic / 34-145 mg kg-1
(Olsen P) / Runoff / 1-1000nm / 13-22% (<1μm suspension liquid) / Ultrafiltration / Turner BL, et al., 2004
f / Inorganic / 11-101 mg kg-1
(Olsen P) / Runoff / 1-1000nm / 11-39% (<1μm suspension liquid)
f / Inorganic / 4-8 mg kg-1
(Olsen P) / Runoff / 1-1000nm / 37-56% (<1μm suspension liquid)
g / - / 734 mg P kg-1 / Column leachate / 240-2000 nm / 75% (soil column leachate) / Filtration / de Jonge L. W., et al., 2004
h / Mineral and organic fertilizers / 47-140 mg P kg-1 / Soil-water extracts / 10-1200 nm / 28% (0-30 cm, TP in water )
>94% (>30 cm, TP in water) / Filtration/
Ultracentrifugation / Ilg K, et al., 2005
i / Inorganic / 696-1320μmol P kg-1 (0-30 cm) / Soil column leachate / 10-1200 nm / 1.4-19% / Filtration/
ultracentrifugation / Siemens J, et al., 2008
j / Organic / 933 mg kg-1 / Column leachate / 10-1000 nm / 25-64% (leachate total P) / Filtration/
ultracentrifugation / Zang L, et al., 2011
k / Five-year organic, 210 kg P ha-1 / 1726 mg P kg-1 (0-10 cm)
1150 mg P kg-1 (10-20 cm)
553 mg P kg-1 (20-30 cm)
430 mg P kg-1 (30-40 cm)
290 mg P kg-1 (40-50 cm)
228 mg P kg-1 (50-60 cm) / Soil solution / 10-1000 nm / 78%
(0-10 cm, <1μm soil suspension)
(20-30 cm, <1μm soil suspension)
(50-60 cm, <1μm soil suspension) / Filtration/
ultracentrifugation / Zang L, et al., 2013
a: Peaty podzol under improved grass in northern Scotland;b: Sandy podzol for livestock farming in Belgium;c: Sandy podzol as forestland in Belgium;d: Sandy podzol as permanent grassland or arable field in Belgium; e: Sandy podzol as forestland in Belgium; f: Calcareous arable soil in semi-arid area of northwest USA; g: Sandy agricultural soil in Denmark; h: Sandy cropland soils in Northern Germany; i: Loamy sand cropland soil in Northern Germany; j: Paddy soil in Taihu basin of China; k: Paddy soil in Taihu basin of China
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