English I :: Vocabulary Review Test – Lists 7-11
List 7
1. Anecdote – n. A short, usually amusing narrative
2. Abominable – adj. Quite disagreeable or unpleasant
3. Canon – n. A body of principles or standards
4. Sarcasm – n. A mode of satirical wit
5. Aggressive – adj. Strong or emphatic in effect/intent
6. Famished – adj. Intensely hungry
7. Adapt – v. To make fit (often with modification)
8. Encore – n. Demand for repetition or reappearance
9. Agitate – v. To excite or trouble the feelings of
10. Endear – v. To cause to become beloved or admired
List 8
1. Sublime – adj. Lofty, grand or exalted
2. Assail – v. To attack with; assault
3. Pacify – v. To appease, settle or subdue
4. Suppress – v. Prevent action or expression of
5. Adaptable – adj. Able to adjust to new conditions
6. Guile – adj. Deceitful; cunning
7. Superficial – adj. Affecting or being on the surface
8. Beget – v. To produce especially as an effect
9. Crass – adj. Without refinement; gross
10. Tolerate – v. Accept or endure; allow occurrence of
List 9
1. Mimic – v. To copy or imitate closely
2. Antagonize – v. Cause to become hostile
3. Fluent – adj. Able to express oneself effortlessly
4. Clarify – v. To make clear or easy to understand
5. Elusive – adj. Difficult to find, catch, or achieve
6. Tangible – adj. Perceptible by touch; material or substantial
7. Exclude – v. Restrict entrance; leave out
8. Imply – v. To suggest by inference or association
9. Glimmer – n. Faint manifestation; a trace
10. Thwart – v. To prevent from accomplishing a purpose
List 10
1. Wary – adj. Feeling or showing caution
2. Pilfer – v. To steal something of small value
3. Analysis – n. Systematic examination/evaluation
4. Diverge – v. To go or extend in different directions
5. Turmoil – n. State of great disturbance or uncertainty
6. Data – n. Information used for reasoning
7. Studious – adj. Given to diligent study
8. Benign – adj. Showing gentleness or kindness
9. Heinous – adj. Grossly wicked or reprehensible
10. Cursory – adj. Performed with haste
List 11
1. Haughty – adj. Blatantly and disdainfully proud
2. Redundant – adj. No longer needed or useful
3. Era – n. Period of time marked by distinct events
4. Apathy – n. Lack of interest or concern
5. Impact – n. Influence or effect
6. Confess – v. To make known; to admit
7. Empathy – n. Being sensitive to experiences of others
8. Abridge – v. To reduce in scope; diminish
9. Commercial – adj. Relating to an interchange of goods
10. Lucid – adj. Readily understood; clear