Cornell Notes: American Revolution and Georgia
Main Ideas/Questions Information
(be sure to include political, economic
Geographical, historical consequences)
Guerrilla-a fighter who is not in a regular army
Militia-a part time non-professional soldier
Boycott-to not buy as a protest
Monopoly-having an exclusive right to do business
tariff (duties)-a tax on imports
monarch-a king or queen
What was Georgia’s statusRoyal colony with slavery (1750)
after 1752?
How did Georgia’s governmentRoyal governor and legislature
change after 1751-52?(law making house-bicameral)
What other changes occurredPopulation (both free and slave)increased
in Georgia between 1752-1763? Borders change in 1763, southern border
moved to St. Marys River
French and Indian War
(Seven Years War)
Who was fighting who?British v. French
Why were they fighting?Land, natural resources, power, history
Where?North America, India, Europe
Outcome? (see fig.13, p.145)British win North America, need revenue
Why called a world war?Colonial powers fighting around the
How did the Treaty of Paris (1763) Western border Miss River
effect Georgia?
Proclamation of 1763Moved Georgia’s southern
Boundary to the St Mary’s
River. Forbade (prohibited)
Colonists to settle west of
the Appalachian Mts. Some
did anyway. Others got
angry about this restriction.
Laws/Taxes (Acts)
Reason for increased taxes? Pay for cost on French/Indian War
Navigation Acts (1660’s/1763)Had to ship goods in British vessels.
rather than American ships
Tax on sugar and molasses
What was the Sugar Act?imported from West Indies.
Stamp ActWas passed to raise money for the cost of the war. Placed a tax on all newspapers, legal documents, and licenses. Reaction in colonies was violent. Ga only colony to sell stamps.
Repealed after one year.
Patriots/WhigsName for those who openly supported Independence.
Who were loyalists or Tories?People who remained loyal
to Britain.
Townshend ActsPlaced import duties on a range of goods and commodities including lead, paint and glass, tea
Tea Act 1773Monopoly to British company on tea
Intolerable Acts 1774Parliament punished Boston for Tea Party.
- Closed port of Boston
- No town meetings without permission
- British officials tried in England
- Quartering Act
Consequence: Because of this Act first Continental Congress meets in Philadelphia. Georgia sends no representative
Sons of Liberty (Liberty Boys)Sam Adam’s group of Patriots who committed acts of vandalism against British interests.
“No taxation without representation” Slogan that expressed patriot
feelings about the British system
of rule over the colonies.
Summary :
- Describe how did the French and Indian War (Seven Years War) helped cause the American revolution? ( Hint: Think about economics and geography)
- In your opinion which British regulation or tax most violated the idea of free trade? Explain your answer.
- Consider the idea of Americanism. How do you think many
decades of separation from the mother country had affected
attitudes concerning independence from Britain?
- Analyze and describe Georgia’s role in the American Revolution.
5. Explain the contribution or significance of each person or event
to the independence movement:
Elijah Clark: Colonel in Ga. militia who commanded victorious troops at
battle of kettle Creek.
Austin Dabney: Free black who fought at Kettle Creek. Represents idea
that African Americans fought on both sides in this war.
Nancy Hart: Supposedly killed several Tories at her home. Legendary
figure and only women to have a county named for her.
Button Gwinnett-3 signers of Dec of Ind.from Georgia
Lyman Hall
George Walton
Battle of Kettle Creek: Ga. militia victory over British forces. One of the few
battles fought in Ga.
Siege of Savannah: Attempt to retake Savannah from the British after its
capture in 1778. The siege failed with great loss of life and Savannah
remained in British hands for the rest of the war.