

Culminating Activity & Assessment Tools

Student Handouts

Assignment Handout … page 2

R.A.F.T. – Chart 1 … page 3

Project Checklist – Chart 2 … page 4

Assessment Progress – Chart 3 … page 5

Assignment Rubric – Chart 4 … page 6

Teacher Notes … page 7


Electrochemistry is prevalent in many areas of society. Investigating its application in several industries gives us an opportunity to critically think about the impact that this area of chemistry has on technology, society and the environment.

In addition to the group presentation, you are responsible for a personal reflection (2-3 pages) about how your daily life is influenced by Electrochemistry and the impact that you have on society and the environment. As well, in this reflection, you will discuss your personal experience working in a group setting, noting strengths and weaknesses. You are to provide an honest and accurate assessment of your experience and contributions towards assisting your group’s completion of the assignment.

Review the Rubric (Chart 4) to become aware of the criteria you will be evaluated on for this summative.


For this Culminating Activity you will be in groups of 3-4. Groups will read the R.A.F.T. (Chart 1), select an industry that uses electrochemistry, determine their role, choose a target audience and decide what format to present their project. Your group must ensure the Role you select matches the intended Audience.


To ensure a balance of workload, each person in the group is responsible for taking on a role:

·  Checklist MANAGER – reminds group about dates and makes sure that everything is ready on the due dates *** Use Project Checklist (Chart 2) to track your progress

·  Personal Reflection MANAGER – makes sure that everyone has completed their personal reflection

·  Questions MANAGER – makes sure that all essential questions are answered during the presentation

·  Production MANAGER – leads brainstorming of ideas, keeps group productive and on task

·  Presentation MANAGER – makes sure that each person is equally involved in the presentation and that the group practices their presentation


You will present your findings in a science fair/gallery walk format where several groups of 4-6 people (your classmates) will visit your station for 10 minutes. Your presentation can be in any format you choose but you must ensure that your presentation answers the following questions:

1.  Name and describe the industry briefly. Explain the importance of this industry in our society.

2.  Explain how electrochemistry works in this industry.

3.  If possible write out the redox reactions and/or equations behind the industrial process.

4.  What are the health and safety implications of the techniques used in this industry, i.e. waste generated, corrosion prevention techniques, toxic substances released to the environment?

5.  Indicate the potential social, environmental and economic impacts of this process or industry.

6.  Discuss the controversial issues or problems surrounding this electrochemical application and indicate possible solutions.

The Assessment Progress (Chart 3) shows you what specific criteria you will be assessed on, and the lessons that will help you practice those criteria.


R.A.F.T. Presentation Options
Role / Advertiser / Advertising agency
Science Centre exhibitor
Sales Rep
Personal Trainer
Audience / Health professionals
General public
Science Students
Your Boss
Format / Demonstration
Video – skit
Mini Lecture
Topic / ·  Automobile engines using fuel cell battery instead of internal combustion engine
·  Space shuttles using fuel cell batteries
·  Corrosion of iron and prevention techniques
·  Water treatment and the chlor-alkali process (manufacturing of chlorine)
·  Refining Ores from their metals
·  Electroplating
·  Electro deposition in CD manufacturing
·  Electrolytic Cleaning
·  Electrolysis of Toxic Waste
·  Lithium batteries in Pacemakers
·  Automobile Lead-Acid batteries
·  Ni-Cad rechargeable batteries
·  Viability of using fuels sources from electrochemistry rather than fossil fuels such as petroleum charcoal, gas
·  Food and Drug Industry - Antioxidant supplement
·  Chemicals used in food industry to preserve foods
·  Breathalyzer Test

CHART 2 Use this checklist to stay on track. The teacher will want to see your progress

Task / Due Date / YES / NO
Topic has been decided ______/ Lesson 7
Role has been decided ______/ Lesson 7
Audience has been decided ______/ Lesson 7
Presentation Format has been decided ______/ Lesson 7
Each person has a role in the project
q  Checklist MANAGER: ______
q  Personal Reflection MANAGER: ______
q  Questions MANAGER: ______
q  Production MANAGER: ______
q  Presentation MANAGER: ______/ Lesson 7
Each group member has researched and contributed to the project
* Please provide proof to teacher / Lesson 11
First Outline of presentation is ready to show teacher / Lesson 12
Final Outline of presentation is complete / Lesson 18
Essential Questions are answered in presentation / Lesson 18
Presentation is planned, practised and includes all group members / Lesson 18
Personal Reflection is completed / Class after presentation

CHART 3 The first column shows you what criteria you will be evaluated on. The rest of the

columns show you the days you can practice those criteria through formative assessments

Summative Assessment / PRACTISE DATES / Formative Assessments
Knowledge and Understanding
-Names, describes and explains the industry
-Identifies how electrochemistry works in the industry & industry importance / ALL CLASSES / -Class discussions
-Cooperative Problem Solving: Redox Reactions
-Whole Class Interactive Learning
Thinking and Inquiry
-Gathers relevant information from appropriate resources
-Writes out the redox reactions and /or equations behind the industrial process (if possible)
-Analyses the health and safety implications / Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Lesson 6
Lesson 13 / -Cooperative Presentations
-Cooperative Problem Solving
-Cooperative Problem Solving
-Whole Class Interactive Learning:
-Identifies the potential social, environmental economic impacts of this process or industry
-Discusses controversial issues / problems
-Describes possible alternatives or solutions to improve the industry’s impact
-Personal Reflection / Lesson 7
Lesson 15
Lesson 16 / -Class Discussion
-Lab Measuring Cell Potential & Faraday’s Law
-Quiz, Whole Class Interactive Learning
-Language used is appropriate for selected audience
-Appropriate use of scientific conventions, vocabulary, and terminology in oral, visual, and/or written forms
-Expression and organization of ideas and information in oral, visual, and/or written forms / Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 7 / -Cooperative Presentations
-Cooperative Presentations
-Differentiated Presentations


Knowledge/Understanding / 10-9.5-9-8.5-8 / 7.5-7 / 6.5-6 / 5.5-5
Overall Expectations: F1, F3
Specific Expectations: F3.5, F3.6 / -Names, describes and explains the industry
-Identifies how electrochemistry works in the industry & industry importance / Exemplary / Considerable / Some / Little / /10
Thinking/Inquiry / 10-9.5-9-8.5-8 / 7.5-7 / 6.5-6 / 5.5-5
Overall Expectations: F1, F2
Specific Expectations F1.2, F2.3 / -Gathers relevant information from appropriate resources
-Writes out the redox reactions and /or equations behind the industrial process (if possible)
-Analyses the health and safety implications / Exemplary / Considerable / Some / Little / /10
Application / 10-9.5-9-8.5-8 / 7.5-7 / 6.5-6 / 5.5-5
Overall Expectations: F1
Specific Expectations: F1.1, F1.2 / -Identifies the potential social, environmental economic impacts of this process or industry
-Discusses controversial issues / problems
-Describes possible alternatives or solutions to improve the industry’s impact
-Personal Reflection / Exemplary / Considerable / Some / Little / /10
Communication / R.A.F.T. Presentations / 10-9.5-9-8.5-8 / 7.5-7 / 6.5-6 / 5.5-5
Overall Expectations: F2
Specific Expectations: F2.1 / -Language used is appropriate for selected audience
-Appropriate use of scientific conventions, vocabulary, and terminology in oral, visual, and/or written forms
-Expression and organization of ideas and information in oral, visual, and/or written form / Exemplary / Considerable / Some / Little / /10


Teacher Notes

Teacher should take the time out, minimum 15 min., to explain each component of Culminating Activity and the Assessment Tools. The Culminating Assignment addresses expectations 1.1, 1.2, 3.5, and 3.6 of the Electrochemistry strand.

A brief introduction of the Culminating Activity should be discussed the very first day of the unit along with the unit outline and requirements.

A detailed introduction of this Culminating Activity should happen during Lesson 7. During this lesson, students are presenting what they have learned so far in the learning style that best suits them - written, lyrical drama, hands-on, visual etc. The formation of these learning style groups is an excellent way to introduce this group project to the class. It allows students to become aware of others in the class who share the same learning style as them, giving them a wider selection of partners to choose from, other than friends.

As well, in Lesson 7, students represent their personal opinion about controversial issues surrounding the use of electrochemistry in society along a Value Line. After this activity, they are engaged in a brief class discussion. That activity also allows students to form groups based on topic interest.

The Assessment Progress, Chart 4, shows students the criteria they will be assessed on, and the lessons that allow them to practice those criteria.

Students are given a Checklist to help them stay on track. It also provides a great way to scaffold the project. The teachers should also use the same checklist for each group and follow up with their progress (Chart 4)


Group Member’s Names: 1.
Task / Due Date / YES / NO
Topic has been decided ______/ Lesson 7
Role has been decided ______/ Lesson 7
Audience has been decided ______/ Lesson 7
Presentation Format has been decided ______/ Lesson 7
Each person has a role in the project
q  Checklist MANAGER: ______
q  Personal Reflection MANAGER: ______
q  Questions MANAGER: ______
q  Production MANAGER: ______
q  Presentation MANAGER: ______/ Lesson 7
Each group member has researched and contributed to the project
* Please provide proof to teacher / Lesson 11
First Outline of presentation is ready to show teacher / Lesson 12
Final Outline of presentation is complete / Lesson 18
Essential Questions are answered in presentation / Lesson 18
Presentation is planned, practised and includes all group members / Lesson 18