Please complete in block capitals using a ballpoint pen.

Section 1

Surname / Forename (s) / Title / DOB (dd/mm/yyyy)
Home Address / Age (on 31st Aug 2018)
Postcode / Home Telephone
Parent Address (If different from child)
Mobile (Student) / Mobile (Parent)
Email (Student) / Email (Parent)
Current School

Section 2

Please choose one provisional option from each of the 5 columns (Options are subject to change, including new choices on offer.)

Option 1 / Option 2 / Option 3 / Option 4
Engineering Manufacture / Materials Technology / Engineering Manufacture / Engineering Design
Systems and Control / Geography / Computer Science/ICT / Visual Communication
Business Studies / 3D Art/Textile Design / German

Section 3

Please tell us why you want to join Crewe Engineering and Design UTC

about Crewe E&D UTC?

Section 4

Please tell us how/where you heard about us

Section 5

Signature of Applicant / Date
Parent/Carers Signature / Date
Title and relationship to student / Parent Name ( Please print in block capitals)

Please return the completed form with reference to: Crewe Engineering and Design UTC Admissions

Beth Bramhall

West Street,




Guidance Notes

Crewe Engineering & Design UTC is fully committed to equal opportunities and welcomes admission from everyone irrespective of background, gender, disability or support needs. We are committed to safeguarding our learners, staff and visitors by providing a safe environment and safe working practices. If you need any advice on which pathway is the best option or assistance with the application, please contact us on 01270 218150 or email

1.  If you’re handwriting the application form, please complete in black pen and in block capitals

2.  Please make sure when entering parent information you include the title and relation to student

3.  Please make sure to tell us where you heard about our UTC, eg. Word of mouth, advertising, friends/family

4.  When completing the why you want to join us, please make sure to include your interests, the reason for choosing the UTC and future aspirations

5.  Options – Please choose 1 option from each block and only choose the subject once. For example if you choose Engineering Manufacture in Option 1, you cannot choose it in Option 3

Please keep this page for your reference